Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ned Lamont's "No Salary" For His Second Term. But He Made $54 Million Dollars in 2021?

Democrat Governor Ned Lamont is once again not taking a salary for being the ruling by decree Governor of Connecticut for his second term.  Connecticut Taxpayers paying one of the highest amounts of state and local taxes in the country can all rest easy tonight knowing their Governor has once again declined his salary for 2023-2026.  Lamont was scheduled to earn $226,711 next year but once again has declined it.  Lamont made $54,000,000 in income for 2021 according to his feeble and disguised representation of his income taxes.  One has to wonder how Lamont made so much money since Connecticut Taxpayers were not allowed to view his tax return, but were told most of his income was made through investments. 

Connecticut Taxpayers do not know how much Lamont paid in federal and state income taxes on this $54 million dollars in income for 2021 if any taxes were paid at all, since he has SEC documented ties to offshore tax havens.  A question that has to be asked by Connecticut Taxpayers since neither the Connecticut State run media nor the Legislature will ask, is through what investments is Ned Lamont earning this money, and where are these investments located?

Was this investment income made through the basically now worthless stock of Sema-4?  Was the investment income made through the multi-million dollar state loans given to Sema-4 that were forgiven by the state?  Was the investment income made through the loans and/or sweetheart deals made by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development to Lamont family hedge fund companies?  Was the investment income made through cryptocurrency companies such as Digital Currency group and its affiliates that were subsidized by the state?  Was the investment income made through the all new "non profit" ADVANCECT?  Was it made through the selling of citizen data via Boston Consulting Group, Mt. Sinai Genomics and/or McKinsey? Was the investment income made through the Lamont-based shell companies that were formed in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens? 

As usual it is business as usual for Democrat Governor Ned Lamont's various investments and companies that are just too plain hard and economically complex to be questioned or digested in any manner  by Connecticut's State run media.  Yet, we have seen a constant condemnation of all of Republican President Trump's companies and investments even though he has been audited yearly since 2009 with no issues found from these audits resulting in additional tax assessments.  So much for transparency in the Democrat Ned Lamont profit making Administration.  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont ever be audited?  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont come clean on his investments?   It is also comical to note that Connecticut still has $125 to $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  It is also comical to note that there is no plan whatsoever to pay down this debt.  I guess that $226,711 in salary saved by Lamont will go a long way in paying down $125 to $150 billion dollars in debt and unfunded liabilities.
Democrat Governor Ned Lamont may now enjoy four more years of unchecked and non-audited investment profits and income beginning on Sunday, January 1, 2023.  Democrat Governor Ned Lamont can use Connecticut Taxpayers for four more years as his personal piggy bank for complex, secretive financial companies, and byzantine schemes throughout the world for his personal financial gain with no oversight whatsoever.  Connecticut taxpayers of all political persuasions should take note of that, as they struggle to survive and live in the corrupted, inept, incompetent economic wasteland known as the "Constitution State" Connecticut. Some do realize that is truly is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Democrat Party's Horrific $1.7 Trillion Dollar Economic Failure

Hey! What's another $1.7 Trillion dollars when it is not your money especially if you are an elected United States Senator and or Representative?  And it really helps, when that money can buy you political favors and you can pay back the political hacks that helped to put you in office in the first place!  You as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative really only have an obligation to those who really help you.  You as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative really have no obligations to the peons of the middle class who go to work every day following the laws of society and pay their taxes in your district and or state.  Nor, do do you really care about the crisis you and your incompetent and incoherent President and his administration helped to create such as runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  That is not your concern as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative since your full time job seems to be fund raising and constantly running for re-election daily.  Or if you are Democrat/Communist Connecticut United States Senator Richard Blumenthal, you are having a daily press conference in front of your state run media screaming about some gibberish that offends you and pledging yet another investigation to resolve it.  However, Democrat/Communist Connecticut United States Senator Richard Blumenthal offers no opinions or solutions to runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  That has no meaning or concerns to our multi-million dollar Senator.  

The new $1.7 Trillion dollar spending bill is 4,155 pages in length.  It seems that few if any of our elected United States Senators and Representatives have time to read this bill because sadly the United States Government having a $31 Trillion dollar national debt, is running out of cash.  It is fascinating to see what has been shoved into this bill behind closed doors and truly out of the hands of hard working American Taxpayers.  For example, we should consider the Ukraine as being America's 51st state at this time since we are financing the bulk of their war with Russia and the operations of their government.  There is $524 million dollars for the National Institutes of Health to fund a subdivision focused on “minority health and health disparities research" (whatever that means).  There is $410 million dollars to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman for tighter border security.  There is $65 million dollars “for necessary expenses associated with the restoration of Pacific salmon populations" (as quoted from the bill). There is $3.6 million dollars for a hiking trail named after Michelle Obama.  There is $200 million dollars that will be spent on "gender equity".  There is much more wasteful spending, pork spending, political nepotism spending, serial incompetent support, and outright economically damaging spending in this bill that it is sickening to read.  Americans Taxpayers will be responsible for this horrific bill for the rest of their lifetimes to finance it.  But again if you are an elected United States Senator and or Representative, you love a bill like this as it represents your pay offs to be in power over American Taxpayers.

It is too bad that proper consideration and the ability to read, debate and amend this bill will not be happening any time soon.   Republican United States Senator Mitch McConnell along with 17 Republican Senators obviously have joined the Democrat Party with their vote in favor of this bill.  This is a classic backroom deal. If an elected United States Senator and or Representative wants to oppose this bill they are immediately considered anti-American and or radical. I guess this is the way we now must run our government.  We must run it as a radical, third-world status, banana republic type atmosphere stealing from American Taxpayers on a minute by minute basis.  No other explanation is possible.

For American Taxpayers this $1.7 Trillion Dollar spending bill is supposedly an early Christmas present.  Many of your elected United States Senators and Representatives can't wait to dump this on you and run home and celebrate the holidays on your dime.  For the American Taxpayer,  your Christmas and New Year will continue to consist of runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  You as an American Taxpayer have pretty much reached your economic breaking point and this spending bill should be able to break you.  But this Christmas and New Year you are also thinking about American history.  You are thinking about what happened in 1776 as brave colonists declared their independence against "Taxation without Representation".  And will 2023 be like 1776?  Will the American Taxpayer 247 years later declare their independence against "Taxation without Representation"?  It is coming, just wait and see.  

Merry Christmas America.  I pray for our survival as a country against this tyranny called government.


Friday, December 16, 2022

Swick Speak's 2022 Christmas List For America

It is the Christmas season.  And it is time for the Swick Speak Christmas list.  A list of gifts that I hope America gets this year.  It is a tough list, as the majority of Americans dislike the direction that America has taken since a failing, feeble and incoherent Democrat President Joe Biden and his incompetent administration took over in 2021.  And Joe Biden will rank as one of the bottom five worse Presidents that our country has ever had once he is mercifully gone from office.

Here we go:

1. Americans want a closed and secure border around their country.  They do not want a free flow of illegal immigrants coming into their country, contrary to what the Democrat Party wants to see.  They do not want drug cartels, murderers, human traffickers, and terrorists coming into our country by the millions.  They want a closed border with legal limited immigration.

2. Americans want the energy independence that they had under President Trump.  They want all of the Keystone pipelines to be opened and flowing providing energy to our country at reasonable prices.  They do not want American dollars to be flowing to OPEC countries and the regime of Venezuela to support these countries and increasing our bloated balance of trade deficits.  They do not want to have the Strategic Petroleum Reserve drained to buy votes for the Democrat Party but to be used in a real emergency.  They want a realistic time frame to see if and when green energy becomes economically viable and functional for the country.  They want stable electric prices.  They want lower heating oil prices and a dependable supply of heating oil to heat their homes.  They want American energy sources to be used and supplied to our country.

3. Americans want an end to the Democrat induced runaway inflation of the past two years.  They want an end to the endless supply chain crisis that makes our store shelves look like 1970's Russia.  They want an end to the endless spending of Taxpayer dollars by all levels of government to pay people not to work and not to be productive in our economy.  They want price stability and to be able choose and buy American products in their stores.  They want solutions to the nation's debt crisis that our elected officials have created by their reckless spending on failed programs and the continual propping up of political hacks and serial incompetents at all levels of government.

4. Americans want an end to unchecked crime, theft and murders in our country.  They want a functioning set of laws that are adhered to and enforced for everyone.  They do not want laws that no longer prosecute thieves for only stealing $1,000 or less in products from stores.  They want private property rights to be restored and laws that allow for private property rights to be enforced.  They do not want their cars to be stolen in broad daylight when pumping gas.  They want a legal system that prosecutes criminals and not make victims of crime be treated as the criminal.  Americans want an end to the current deluded bleeding heart liberalism of making these transgressions be accepted as normal and right.  

5. Americans want a public education system that once again teaches our youth real subject matter that will provide the skills essential to them to earn a living in the future.  They reject the complete brainwashing that is currently going on in the classroom with a failed, woke, and incomprehensible curriculum of gender identity, sex changes at an early age, incoherent life styles and a rejection of parental guidance and love in their lives.  Parents are responsible for their children, and not a public education system full of deceptions, distortions, and lies.  They want educators to teach not campaign nor indoctrinate.

6. Americans want an end to the corruption of Federal, State and Local governments.  Americans want an end to being slaves to government at all levels by the waste and misuse of Taxpayer's hard earned monies.  They no longer want to pay for Taxpayer funded programs that secretly channel money to political allies, political donors, and family friends.  They want honesty, transparency, and truth to be restored to a government that they are paying for.  They want the United States Constitution to be adhered to and followed not rewritten to the liking of the politically-connected few.

 I know America is asking a great deal this Christmas.  But isn't what is being asked for is what America once was and stood for?  How did America turn into this shell of itself that millions of Americans died for in wars since 1776?  And why must the majority of Americans accept this debris, filth and muck being force fed to them on a daily basis by a total biased and state run media?  Enough is enough.  It is time for real Americans to take back our country this Christmas season from this invasion of wrongs that are being sold as rights that are damaging our country's foundations of liberty and freedom.  Americans have had enough of this failed political experiment.  Americans see that it is truly 1776 all over again as the fight for personal freedoms and real democracy begins anew in 2023.

Friday, December 09, 2022

How Much Taxpayer's Money Was Wasted During The Covid-19 Crisis?

 I really wonder how much of Connecticut Taxpayers' money was wasted during the Covid-19 crisis?  According to the website a mere $11 trillion dollars has been spent in various programs, loans, grants, direct aid and other programs to apparently save the country from this man-made virus.  I will point out immediately that America's National Debt is now well over $31 trillion dollars with no plan whatsoever forthcoming  to address it and or pay it down on the future.  Our National Debt at this time is at its highest level ever in nation's history and plays a role in the recessionary/inflationary economic nightmare of an energy crisis, runaway inflation, an open border crisis, an illegal drug crisis and unchecked crime that we live in from day to day.  Depending on how it is both reported and analyzed, Connecticut's short and long term debt along with its unfunded liabilities is between $100 and $150 billion dollars, and that is only the part that is not hidden from view. 

It is difficult to understand what America received for that $11 trillion dollars of Taxpayer's monies spent.  It is more difficult to understand how much Connecticut got and where it was spent in the state.  These facts and figures are difficult to find and understand from an economics viewpoint.  We do know that if states continue to declare "states of emergency" due to the Covid-19 crisis, they continue to receive financial support for certain programs as of today even though there is no more pandemic.  Connecticut initially received over $1.3 billion dollars in federal Taxpayer monies in 2020 for various relief programs.  Connecticut received funding from the CARES Act, and a host of other catchy named programs to offset the incredible economic damage that was forced upon the state during the pandemic by Connecticut's Ned Lamont's Democrat led state government/Kingdom.  Lamont's continual emergency powers granted to him by a non operational state legislature allowed for a steady stream of funding to go into the state while the state's economic productivity, viability and work force sat idle.  But where did all that money go?

Connecticut lost many businesses during the pandemic.  They shut down never to open again as many businesses that were deemed "non essential" by Ned Lamont (and/or his highly paid consulting group lackeys) were closed.  What was "essential" was the continuous operations of Ned Lamont's family hedge fund and several of their holdings especially Sema4.  One company that should have been investigated and still to this day needs to be investigated is Sema4.  This company received a 2% "sweetheart" state loan and funding. Recapping again what happened, $45,150,000 is what Sema4 has been able to obtain with little to no oversight in Covid-19 and Genomics testing from the State of Connecticut.  Further, there are loans and unknown billings and payments that in many cases continue not to be reconciled nor disclosed as of today. To date, Connecticut State-run media has never reported there was a Third Amendment to a state support agreement signed on April 14, 2021, between the State, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development and Mount Sinai Genomics/Sema4 amending the original support agreement made between these parties back in 2018.  In the 2018 original agreement, Mount Sinai Genomics guaranteed payment of $9.5 million of the $15,000,000 state-funded loan to Sema4.  However, this Third Amendment releases Mount Sinai Genomics from the loan and its guarantee, leaving faltering Sema4 to pay its own debts, and if that does not work, the loan then becomes a casualty to taxpayers.   Sema4 shut down operations in the state and is on the verge of bankruptcy with its nearly worthless stock.  We still do not know how much in profits did Lamont and family gain off this deal and their dealings with the state.  We know that Connecticut taxpayers will foot the bill for this deal in the future.  My good friend Tony De Angelo on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio show on 94.9 WJJF New London, CT has been talking about these payments for over two years now and I have written about them on several occasions. Mr. De Angelo this past week stated there needs to be a complete audit of where this money went and where did all the pandemic funding go to.  I agree.  However, we do know one Democrat slightly fallen from grace is former State Representative Michael DiMassa who pleaded guilty to stealing $1.2 million dollars of Covid-19 relief funds from the Democrat-led city of West Haven.  How many more cases are still out there waiting to be uncovered in terms of theft of Covid-19 relief funds?  I guess Taxpayers do not really need to know.

I personally hate to see government at any level rip off Taxpayers.  However it seems to be happening on a daily basis.  To see the absolute destruction of state economies such as Connecticut due to their draconian and incoherent decrees in the name of saving lives due to Covid-19 is sickening.  We can look back since March, 2020 and see a ridiculous and frightening abuse of governmental power that profited some well connected elitists in our economy while bankrupting many hard working Americans.  Those who were most vulnerable to Covid-19 were discarded and made to die a lonely death in isolation from their loved ones, treated as some sort of social leper.  And we really need to know how much Taxpayer's monies were wasted in this man-made, abuse of governmental power, profit-mad crisis called the pandemic?  Our questions still do not get answered by "our" government as we continue our journey daily back to 1776. 

Saturday, December 03, 2022

The Democrat Party Crime Crisis

 Bad is good.  Good is bad.  Make America worse not better.  Make America hurt.  Contrary to glowing Democrat Party propaganda America, especially in Democrat-led states, has a crime crisis of horrific proportions.  Cities such as Chicago, Portland, Oregon, New York City, Philadelphia, and Ned Lamont's Hartford, Connecticut to name a few, are epicenters of unchecked crime and murders.  Enormous amounts of economic and taxpayer's resources are spent daily in these same Democrat cities for barely functioning and understaffed police departments who must daily battle a war against career criminals who laugh at a failed judicial system and District Attorneys who shut their eyes against the malefactors and their victims.  Why has this happened, and why is it continuing are valid questions that get ignored when asked.  

One element that our society and economy has is based on is private property rights.  Private property rights are the basis for many legal systems as well as capitalism.  We, as members of our society have a legal right to ownership of our property.  For example when we buy a home or condo, we obtain a legal ownership of the property that can not be taken away from us.  The same can be applied when owning a car or truck, we own the car or truck.  The home, condo, car or truck is not owned collectively by everyone in society.  I cannot claim ownership of your vehicle nor can you claim ownership to my vehicle.  If we once again see crime as a rape of private property rights (as it truly is) in our society, and if our legal system could start to once again enforce the legality of private property rights, then crime and criminals would decrease in our country.  As it stands today with bonds not being required for criminals who are caught, an epidemic of juvenile delinquency especially with stolen vehicles and repeat offenders constantly being returned to the street, crime will never subside.  Why is our private property rights being violated in this manner by criminals with the full blessings of the Democrat Party?  What gives a criminal the right to my personal property?  What gives a criminal the right to loot, pillage and steal from privately owned businesses?  I am waiting for an answer from any elected Democrat official to rationally explain to me and many others how this "cures" crime and theft in our society?  Because it does not, and is beyond idiotic to make claim to the contrary.

Murder continues to go unchecked in our society.  Due to the horrific open border policy of the incoherent Democrat Biden Administration, America has become much less safe.  We now have drug cartels and gangs running free in many parts of our country poisoning our youth and others with their illegal drugs.  They cause violent crimes and murders on a daily basis with turf wars for the illegals drugs they brazenly sell.  Why has the Democrat Party allowed this to happen?  Why do these illegal drug cartels exist in our country especially when our legal system is supposed to protect our health and well being?  Again, why can't our legal system enforce laws any more especially at the border and especially in Democrat led cities?  Are Democrat elected officials being paid off by these same cartels?  One has to wonder why the Democrat Party wants to put our entire country at risk by their hatred of laws and our legal system that should be protecting us?  What does it prove?  Who really benefits?  An elite out of control Democrat Party? Certainly, not you or I.

Americans want their private property rights returned to them.  Americans want to be able to get out of their vehicles and not have them stolen at gunpoint.  Americans want to be able to walk down a city street and not be mugged or murdered in cold blood in broad daylight.  Americans want a functional legal system to enforce the current laws that have been written.  They no longer want their cities burned, their stores robbed, and their children murdered.  The seeds of discontent continue to be sown by deplorable Democrat Party policies that defy logic.  America should not be a testing ground of an incomprehensible socialist experiment force fed to us by these demigods.  We need to take back our country from the grips of an insane logic propelled upon us by a failed and corrupted Democrat Party.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Democrat Party Cryptocurrency Crisis

 To me it is fascinating to me see how much money was spent in this past 2022 Midterm election by political parties, special interest groups and a host of committees.  In my opinion all of this money can be viewed as both productive and non productive.  It is economically productive in the view of the printing companies who print signs, campaign literature and the like.  It is especially productive for media outlets and political consultants who sell advertising and "advise" candidates on what they should or should not do, regardless of the disastrous results in many cases.   It is non productive in my opinion because it seems that the candidates with the greatest amounts of cash and or personal wealth are now the perpetually elected officials that Taxpayers are stuck with each election.  A great example of this was the battle of the millionaires for Connecticut's Governor; Democrat millionaire Ned Lamont and Republican millionaire Bob Stefanowski with the incumbent millionaire winning.  Each candidate poured millions of their own cash into their campaigns to buy the office.  It is also non productive because it seems that people who are the remaining working middle class of America have little if any representation in any level of government due to the amount of cash that is being used to buy political offices since many offices are held by individuals with incredible wealth.  These same office holders have little if any concept of what it is like for the working middle class to raise a family, not have their children brainwashed in public schools, work hard for a living with few if any raises, and struggle to survive because of the incoherent economic and social policies these same paid-for millionaire elected officials dictate to them.

Even more troubling has been the recent disclosures of former cryptocurrency giant FTX and its founder Samuel Bankman-Fried who gave a mere $70.1 million dollars to mainly Democrat Party causes in the 2022 Midterm races.  FTX was the third largest campaign contributor in this election.  ( FTX recently filed for bankruptcy losing an estimated $30 billion dollars plus of investors cryptocurrency.  For those who do not understand cryptocurrency (which are many) one must use a fiat currency such as the United States Dollar or Euro to buy this concept or digital currency that only has value by the non- governmental authority issuing it.  You may wonder as I do, why you would take a legitimate currency you use every day and give it to a centralized authority (that many have no idea who or what it is) to get this digital currency that has no assurances that it will be operational from day to day and has limited use in buying items and or services in our everyday economy.  My question is them how did Bankman-Fried lose all this digital currency?  Did some computer somewhere blow up and eliminate it?  How did he gain all of his wealth to spend on this past election cycle? It seems all this is happening out of thin air.  And since I am an economist who still does not buy into the concept of cryptocurrency, why are some governmental and state pension funds invested in it?  What happens to this money?  Do the same working middle class Taxpayers now get to bail out Bankman-Fried and his Democrat friends? 

Connecticut Democrat Governor Ned Lamont seems to be invested heavily in cryptocurrency.  The State of Connecticut was very generous with Connecticut taxpayers monies by giving $5 million dollars to Digital Currency Group to fictionally "move" 300 jobs to Stamford, CT.  The Digital Currency Group now has many issues to deal with due to the implosion of FTX.  In my opinion, they will be bankrupt very soon.  The Lamont family Hedge Fund (Oak HC/FT) was an early investor in Digital Currency Group but Lamont maintains they divested of the investment before this sweetheart deal took place, even after trade-source verified multi-million dollar investments were uncovered by said fund immediately after the election!  And why is Connecticut's state run pension invested in cryptocurrency in the first place?  Is this not an enormous risk now with the meltdowns of the cryptocurrency markets?  How many other elected Democrat officials are invested in FTX?  How many government run pension funds are invested in the cryptocurrency markets?  Once again Tony De Angelo in his weekly segment on the Lee Elci show on WJJF 94.9 was the first to disclose these most recent stunning Lamont connections to cryptocurrency.  

Regardless, since the crypto-fueled Democrat Party is now broke, it could have fundraising bake sales at the empty retail storefronts they helped to put out of business during their Covid-19 crisis?  Or maybe it could sell Dutch Tulip Bulbs at incredible prices like they did in the 1600's?  Or better yet maybe it could create something out of nothing, which is nothing and trade the nothing on a daily basis?  Or even better it can double down on pensioners and taxpayers stakes in cryptocurrency while it is collapsing?  One can argue they was a great deal of money wasted in this last election that could have been spent solving many of the issues the political system has created for our economy.  For example, how about helping people who are being bankrupted by excessive Affordable Care Act medical bills?  Or maybe helping the thousands of family run businesses bankrupted by incoherent and draconian decrees of the never ending Covid-19 crisis?  

Maybe the election of 2024 should be one of no more money spent for campaigns for any elected office.  Each candidate would need to publish at their own expense their stances on all issues that impact their district and or state.  That might help the serial fraud that seems to take place each election. The greater fraud in my opinion is what our political system has evolved into.  Buying of political power each election cycle.  It has reached a point of no return.  Sort of like the point of no return for cryptocurrency.  Oh well, no big thing.  Just make taxpayers pay for the financially elites ineptitude, incompetency, excesses and power.  Like in Connecticut, and so many other Democrat enclaves in our country.  The seeds of economic discontent are sown and are growing quickly for the taxpayers who must shoulder the economic burden of this political corruption.  And yet again the truths of 1776 resonate louder than ever in our country at this time. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Good Bye To The Lost State Of Connecticut

 A majority of voters spoke this past Tuesday, November 8, 2022.  They told Connecticut that they are embracing and endorsing four more years of a future of an energy crisis especially for heating oil and diesel, food shortages, an illegal drug crisis, a public education crisis, runaway inflation,  mandatory vaccines for children, vaccine passports, personal data collection, massive uncontrollable crime and theft, higher taxes and tolls, and two different set of laws with one not applicable to the Democrat Party (especially Ned Lamont's family hedge fund) and another set that must be followed by the common working men and women of the state.  By the majority of voters' actions this past Tuesday it will be safe to say that Connecticut will be in the same state of emergency, economic despair and social crisis two and four years from now with a Governor and his never ending Covid-19 emergency powers, along with some of the highest tax rates in the country, poorest business rankings in the country and highest per person capita debt in the country.  It looks rather bleak for the state.

Connecticut's problems did not go away this past Tuesday.  Even though a majority of voters have embraced these same problems on Election Day, buyers remorse will set in.  Ned Lamont, whose Republican Candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski omissively said was not corrupt, nor a "bad guy" (10/27/22 WFSB TV 3 "CT22: A conversation with the Republican candidate for Governor") is in my opinion corrupt and a "bad guy" by his many actions and lack of transparency in his Administration for the past four years.  From his dealings with Sema-4 and his suspicious non profit shell games, no answers to any questions came forth during the campaign which was a major failure to the citizens of Connecticut.  I am confident that these backroom dealings will be going into overdrive in the next few months with zero questioning by Connecticut's obedient state run media. Connecticut Taxpayers will be financing the Lamont's excesses with their tax monies.  You get what you vote for.

Coming out of this election is also the absolute helplessness of the Connecticut Republican Party in my opinion.  With the exception of a few principled Conservatives the party seems hopelessly split into different camps.  One side hates all things of former President Trump with a strong RINO influence almost like the old Rockefeller Republicans and the other side has working men and women who have strong libertarian and conservative principles. Looking at the two failed campaigns of Tom Foley and now two more losses by Bob Stefanowski maybe the next Republican Party candidate for Governor rather than being a multi-millionaire could be a homegrown candidate who is much more in tune with the party, the state and its people.  Maybe it could be a priority for the Republicans that in a state that has over 3.3 million people in it to field candidates in every elected office, every two years.  No more unopposed races.  Maybe they need to look at the efficiencies of the Florida Republican Party and their roadmap to success rather than the u-turns, cowardice, roadblocks and potholes they seem to embrace each campaign and election.  In my opinion there are many hard working members of the Connecticut Republican Party who never get heard year in and year out.  Maybe the party bosses could give them their say and promote their ideas for a change in the coming months.  If what you have been doing has not worked for 30 plus years now why not try something new?  If not, we can certainly look forward to more failures.

So what is next?  I know for me I am contemplating ending my chapter in all things Connecticut politics.   The Connecticut political system and its' state government to me is a deceptive, incoherent, labyrinth of false promises, lies, a "members only" club, and shameless ego gratification that does little to help the Taxpayers who must fund it and must never question it.  I have always been conservative and make no excuses for it.  I believe in personal freedoms and free markets. High taxes, rampant crime, horrific cities, omnipotent one party rule, poor government and suppression of personal freedoms led me to leave.  There are contrary to what the Connecticut Democrat Party wants you to believe, better, and less taxed states to live in throughout our great country.

Thus starting on Saturday November 26 "Swick Speak" will be revamped and will look at more than just Connecticut.  I will continue to write about governmental/political corruption since I despise it and also about how our political system influences our economy to the point that it hurts our economy and capitalism.  The blog will be on a more national level however I will still visit Connecticut's corruption which in my opinion will never end.  

The battle for freedom, transparency in government at all levels,  and the end of corruption in government seems never to end.  I personally will never give up the fight for what is right and just for all Americans.  Connecticut's elected officials, media and state government are examples of what is wrong with our political system and Taxpayer funded governments in 2022.  Never yield for it is truly 1776 all over again.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Sorry You Are Not Better Off Than You Were Two Years Ago

 Are you better off than you were in November 2020?  Two years ago, America had an election that changed the course of both Connecticut and our country in an unrecognizable direction in 2022.  Voters across our country will be voting on Tuesday November 8th to change the direction of Connecticut and our country back to a more normal direction.  We can not go on the way we are being governed by the Democrat Party today.  The time has come for a change in leadership at all levels of government.

Are you better off than you were in November 2020?  Two years ago, America had energy independence, a stable food supply, no inflation, a rational immigration policy and much less crime and theft than we have today.  Today we have a new energy crisis, food shortages, a open border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a public education crisis, runaway inflation and massive uncontrollable crime and theft.  Voters will take into consideration all the different crises they must face on a daily basis.  How will they afford to heat their homes this winter?  Will there be rolling blackouts? Will there be enough food in stores so they can feed their families?  For those who have babies, will they be able to find baby formula to feed them?  For those who have children in public schools, will they get any education on anything other than sex changes, white supremacy ideology, reverse racism, and bizarre sex acts?  Will they be a victim of crime no matter what time of the day?  Will their children become victims of the illegal drug crisis?  Will they be able to go to a gas station and be able to buy gas without being a victim of crime?  Will their homes and condos be broken into by young career criminals who roam our streets?  Will they become victims of violent criminal acts by illegal immigrants who are allowed freely into our country?  All of these questions go unanswered by the ruling Democrat Party.  In the incoherent gibberish they are force feeding voters, there is nothing wrong at all in our economy and society today.  And more importantly it is not their fault.  It is the fault of President Trump and the Republican Party.

The Democrat Party of Connecticut and America in 2022 may be characterized as a corrupted, demeaning, destructive, economically incoherent, illogical, and a horrific cancer in our state and our country.  We have a President who can barely function mentally and physically.  He takes great pride in condemning Americans who disagree with his policies.  We have a Governor who placed his family's hedge funds profits first while hiding behind the Covid-19 crisis that just never ends.  We have a United States Senator who embraces the Communist Party of America, needing to be in front of the camera at all times yelling about anything and everything while offering zero solutions during his never ending political diatribes.  Throughout our country, pejorative, scornful and stale Democrat Governors, State Legislators, United States Representatives and Senators all demand full compliance and submission to their failed archaic, leftist, and socialistic policies and programs.  Their time comes mercifully to an end on Tuesday November 8th.

The Republican Party of Connecticut and America offer a logical alternative to the absurd and nonsensical policies of the Democrat Party.  The differences between Bob Stefanowski and Ned Lamont are clear.  The differences between Leora Levy and Richard Blumenthal are clear.  The differences between George Logan and Jahana Hayes are clear.  The differences between Mike Francis and Joe Courtney are clear.  The differences are night and day.  

Are you better off than you were in November 2020?   Sorry, you are not better off than you were in November 2020?  You are much worse off under the dictatorial and totalitarian rule of the Democrat Party in 2022.  It is time for a change.  It is time for normalcy again for Connecticut and our country.  It is time for the Republicans to be the real leaders in our state and country we so desperately want and need.  Not the circus that we currently have disguised as government.  A government that are forced to support with our tax dollars.   It is time for a change.  And it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Connecticut Democrat Party Wants You To Freeze This Winter

 I wonder why the Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to heat your home with heating oil this winter?  The Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to heat your home with natural gas, propane and or electricity either. Nor does the Connecticut Democrat Party want businesses to use diesel fuel to drive the trucks that can bring deliveries of essential goods to stores so that you can purchase them in order to survive.  The Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to drive your gas powered vehicle since it is such a horrific polluting object that allows you the freedom to go from Point "A" to Point "B" to buy those same essential goods needed to survive.  

You can see clearly that the President Biden/Democrat Party induced energy crisis that has been endorsed by the Connecticut Democrat Party, wants you to immediately stop using those evil and horrible natural fossil fuels and "go green".  Going green means somehow you are going to buy instantaneously an electric car, be able to recharge the battery for that car without using a fossil fuel based electric charge while living in your apartment, condo and or home that is now heated, cooled, powered by solar energy and or a wind turbine power that you have had installed.   Why is that so hard for Connecticut Voters to comply with?  Why is it so hard for Connecticut Voters to come up with the cash to go completely green and suffice the ruling political elite's demand to stop entirely using fossil fuels?  After all in Connecticut, the Democrat Party, a damaging one party ruler, that controls all aspects of state government, continues to be successful in the race to a social and economic Armageddon that has enslaved the state's population for well over 32 years now.  An annihilation of the working middle class through excessive taxes, mind numbing public education brainwashing, unchecked crime and theft along with an astronomical state debt that will eventually cost Connecticut Taxpayers well over $65,000 in new and higher taxes per person at some point in the future. 

The current Democrat Connecticut Governor, Democrat State Legislature and Democrat Congressional Delegation seem to live in a care free, fantasy world of lies, free money for failed governmental programs, political power, political nepotism, cloaked self-deals, laws that have no application to them and financial rewards and gains that they deem legal in their quest for total power over Connecticut.  And why are they allowed this?  How does it benefit the long forgotten working middle class of Connecticut?  It simply does not in any way shape or form.  They are the liars, thieves and fraudsters of the state. That is reality of their abuses of power.

The green energy debacle along with all the other economic and social incoherent gibberish that they keep trying force feed down the throats of Connecticut Voters is over.  They need to be held accountable on Election Day.  And they will be held accountable.  The Democrat Party's crisis after crisis shows the complete crudeness and rudeness of an extreme leftist political ideology gone mad with a lust for power to change our state and country to a third world status while benefiting themselves and their cronies.  Their heating oil crisis is yet another example of their failed leadership.  Voters are not forgetting nor are forgiving of their empty rhetoric and promises.  The Democrat Party is losing badly.  

And it is 1776 all over again. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Why Would Anyone Vote Democrat On Election Day? Why?

 I truly wonder why anyone would vote Democrat on Election Day especially in Connecticut?  I can see people who are owned by the Connecticut Democrat Party being forced to vote Democrat.  These groups include state labor unions, state/local teachers unions, businesses that are politically connected to the Democrats and some liberals who are incoherent as to the rape of Connecticut and our country economically and socially by Democrats.  I believe the majority of Connecticut Taxpayers and United States citizens abhor the current state of affairs economically, socially and world wide that has been created by both the Connecticut Democrat Party and National Democrat Party who are led by an incomprehensible, muddled and disconnected President Biden and his handlers.  I also believe that the majority of Connecticut Taxpayers and United States citizens who are voters will be voting based on the severe economic crisis we are living in that has been created by the Democrats.  I also believe that a tsunami of votes against the Democrat Party in Connecticut and across the country has started and will be visible on Election Day November 8, 2022, as a red Republican tidal wave will encompass the country.  In other words the voters will speak stating "They have had enough of the Democrat Party".  

Naysayers exist in the state run media are trying to twist crime, murders, theft of vehicles, unchecked illegal immigration, runaway inflation, an energy crisis, outrageous home heating oil costs, unbearable diesel fuel costs, food left rotting due to its high costs, fake climate change, an illegal drug crisis, a suicide crisis especially among our youth, a public school system only concerned with gender change/political indoctrination, inhumane abortion laws, a war in the Ukraine, a never ending Covid-19 crisis, a barbaric, deadly and forced vaccine mandate for children, Ned Lamont's lies on Sema-4 profits for his family's run hedge fund, and Ned Lamont's lies on suspicious state non profits to name a few issues. The Democrat Party is also constantly blaming all  of these problems somewhere else other than themselves especially on former President Trump.  The lies that have been forced fed to us for two years now have become a chore to listen to on a daily basis. I believe the majority of Connecticut Taxpayers and United States citizens have tuned this Democrat propaganda machine out and are beyond their breaking point in more ways than one.   The majority of Voters see Election Day as a way to dispose of a political party whose hatreds, insecurities, lies, shaming, insults, malicious and harmful actions have brought Connecticut and a free America on the verge of ruin.  The Democrat Party is incapable of leadership or following the rule of law.  Voters have had enough.

It is time for a change in Connecticut and in America in how our government is run and managed.  We as the Taxpayers of our country are forced to support poorly run, economically incoherent and corrupted local, state and federal governments due to the broadside of taxes that are paid out on a daily basis.  Why?  Why must Connecticut Taxpayers and United States citizens be treated in such a horrific manner?  United States citizens did not vote for an elimination of their personal and economic freedoms contrary to what the Democrat Party thinks.  We still have a Constitution and Bill of Rights that are legally binding in America in 2022.

Why would anyone vote Democrat on this Election Day?  Why?  I still believe in the greatness of our country.  I also believe that Voters will reject in full force the lies, deceptions, corruption and evil that the Democrat Party represents in 2022.  The game is over for the Democrat Party.  They have lost badly with their game plan of fraud, misrepresentations and scams.  The great silent majority of real Americans have had enough.  The Red Wave is here.  And it is 1776 all over again.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Failed Candidacy of Ned Lamont For Governor Of Connecticut

 We know Connecticut's Governors race is heating up as the "hit pieces" by Connecticut's state run media are in full force with their condemnations of Republican candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski.  Bob Stefanowski is again running against current Governor Ned Lamont and his well- equipped state run media machine.  The media wants to know where Stefanowski gets his income from while Connecticut Taxpayers remain in the dark on how much money did Ned Lamont's family's hedge fund earn from Sema-4? Bob Stefanowski is running again with Connecticut in the worse economic conditions it has seen since the recession of 1990 (which apparently it still has yet to recover from).  Bob Stefanowski is running again with Connecticut as a bottom feeder as far as its economy is concerned in our country.  Connecticut ranks in the bottom five in many economic areas and is one of the highest taxed states in the country.  

Connecticut also has a debt crisis which is being ignored in this campaign as the amount borrowed money from bonds, all other liabilities, unfunded pension liabilities and unfunded retiree health benefits amount to over $100 billion dollars.  If one was to include all the areas of the state budget that has been moved off budget along with other unreported debt, I estimate Connecticut's total debt to be around $125 to $150 billion dollars.  Connecticut's debt to gross domestic product (for Connecticut) ratio is an astounding 22%.  One can assume to be correct in their assumption that it seems like Connecticut is bankrupt.  If the state were to liquidate all of its assets it would not be able to pay off all of its debt.  We are led to believe somehow that Connecticut is a well-run and fiscally managed state when instead it is just the opposite as it teeters on bankruptcy due to years Connecticut Democrat Party rule.   Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party want voters to believe that Connecticut is an efficient and economically well run state, even though there are literally taxes on anything and everything in the state.   Why has Connecticut become a fiscal mess?  Could it be Governor Ned Lamont?

Many questions about his administration remain unanswered.  Why hasn't Ned Lamont come clean and answer how much money did his family's hedge fund earn from Sema-4?  Why hasn't Ned Lamont come clean and answer how much money did his family's hedge fund earn from the forgiven loan the state gave to Sema-4?  Why did the Governor create secret charitable funds to funnel money into and have no oversight to by Connecticut Taxpayers?  Why are laws not enforced to curtail the non-stop crime wave that Connecticut taxpayers must endure on a daily basis?

In my opinion, and that of many others Republican candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski represents a breath of fresh air from the daily viewing of Lamont's incoherent praises of a shattering Connecticut economy, infrastructure and a never ending crime wave that is costing citizens millions of dollars in losses and higher insurance rates.  Connecticut Voters will be voting with their wallets and pocketbooks in November.  Runaway inflation, runaway home heating costs, corruption in state government and constant crime, theft and murders are the responsibility of Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party.  He is a Governor who has been able to manipulate Taxpayers monies to his family's hedge fund benefit and profit.  He is a  Governor who rules with an iron hand that made up rules and laws during the Covid-19 crisis on the fly with zero respect for the state constitution and or the rule of actual laws in the state.  He is a Governor who makes sure he wants his Democrat Party to be the beneficiaries of any state perk that can be sucked out of the Connecticut Taxpayer.  He is a  Governor who really wants Connecticut Taxpayers to know that they are working for him, his family's hedge fund and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Connecticut voters  are seeing first hand the failed candidacy of a Governor who has horrifically failed the people who he supposedly represents.    Voters have had enough.  

And it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Witless Candidacy of Richard Blumenthal For United States Senate

 We know Connecticut's United States Senate race is heating up as the hit pieces by Connecticut's state run media are in full force with their condemnations of Conservative Republican candidate Leora Levy. Levy, who also happens to be a Cuban-American and is Jewish, is running against incumbent Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal.  Levy has been called many harsh things in the media which is natural in Connecticut since Connecticut's state run media despises all things Conservative and or Republican.  Levy, who escaped with her family from Communist Cuba in 1960 has been active in helping United States veterans first as a Director of Soldier Strong which provides exo-skelton suits for paralyzed veterans, enabling them to stand up and to walk.   She also supports ECAD, an organization that trains and provides service dogs for United States veterans. Little known to the general public was her working in 2009 on a project to furnish the first two MTBI (Mild traumatic brain injury) clinics for wounded soldiers in Afghanistan at Bagram Air Force Base, and also in a remote Afghan location.  She also has strong family values.  These are all traits that seem to offend Connecticut's state rune media and especially Connecticut's Democrat Party.  

Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal is well know for his lying of his role in the Vietnam War as he somehow forgot that he did not serve.  For those have forgot Blumenthal received five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and ended up getting a prized position in the Washington, D.C. Marine Reserves that enabled him to work on "Toys For Tots" drives in our country among other things, while his same aged generation brothers were dying in Vietnam.  This issue was brought up during his first Senate race and amazingly enough Blumenthal remembered that he "mis-spoke" about it.  There seems to be a wide contrast between the two candidates as far as the military is concerned. 

Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal also seems to be an expert on everything and anything.  He is willing to call a press conference at any time which represents another photo opportunity for Connecticut voters to see how great he is at solving every issue that has happened since he was first elected Senator in 2010.  I again would like to remind the Senator that the Keystone Pipeline made America energy independent and lowered prices of energy for the country and did not make it dependent on either Communist Russia and or the OPEC regime. These same two entities that Blumenthal is now bellowing about in his media statements with regards to the cut backs in their oil production.   Blumenthal embraced Biden's decision to shut the Pipeline down and now is apparently enjoying watching the same Connecticut Taxpayers he represents suffer economically due to runaway inflation.  How high can heating oil go this winter for Connecticut residents who use it $7 to $10 a gallon? Inflation and obscene heating oil prices do not concern a man worth in excess of $100 million dollars.  

But let's not forget his horrific terms as Connecticut's State Attorney General for over 20 long years, during which time it was often said that the most dangerous place in the state was between Blumenthal and the camera.  I again like to remind voters of several points of the Senator's former Attorney General's history that cost Connecticut taxpayers millions of dollars. 

From the Competitive Enterprise Institute report: ('s%20Worst%20State%20Attorneys%20General_0.pdf)

"Blumenthal also used the power of his office to bully small
businesses. An egregious example is his abusive treatment of computer
store owner Gina Malapanis, which led to an $18-million judgment
against the State of Connecticut. In 2003, he sued Malapanis’s store,
Computers Plus Center, for $1.75 million for allegedly selling machines to
the state government that had missing parts. In a press release, Blumenthal
accused Malapanis of fraud. Malapanis was arrested in her home and
charged with seven first-degree larceny charges. The charges against
Malapanis were dismissed in 2008. She then countersued the state for
abuse of power and for violating her constitutional rights. As Fergus
Cullen of the Yankee Institute for Public Policy noted, the jury, “recoiling
at the overly aggressive action that ruined her business, awarded her
a whopping $18 million in January. In a handwritten note on court
documents, the jury foreman said the state had engaged in a ‘pattern of
conduct’ that harmed Ms. Malapanis’s reputation, and cited the state’s
press releases impugning her integrity, some of which came from Mr.

In my opinion and many others Conservative/Republican Senate Candidate Levy represents a breath of fresh air from the daily viewing of Blumenthal's insecurities and loss of focus especially when it comes to economics that are on view24 hours a day as seen by his diatribes on everything,  Connecticut Voters will be voting with their wallets and pocketbooks in November.  Runaway inflation, eliminating America's energy independence by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, an embracing of Communism, an embracing of Communist countries taking over free countries, an embracing of a completely inept and incompetent Biden-Harris-Fauci nightmare in Washington is Blumenthal's failed record.  Connecticut voters are witnessing the true Blumenthal in action this campaign.  They are seeing first hand the witless candidacy of a pompous and condescending elitist fool who has horrifically failed the people who he supposedly represents.  The witless candidacy is on full display as he approaches the biggest defeat of his stale political career.  Voters have had enough.  

And it is 1776 all over again.





Saturday, October 01, 2022

Connecticut's Corrupt Democrat Party Elephants In The Living Room

Connecticut's corrupted Democrat Party has many elephants in the living room.  The expression "elephant in the living room" may not be known to everyone.  It basically means that there is an obvious problem that is known and seen by all but it is not talked about.  Corruption in my opinion reigns supreme in Connecticut's state government that is run by the Democrat Party.  The same party that has been in control of state government for well over 30 plus years.  And Connecticut is really not getting any better any time soon with the Connecticut Democrat Party led by Ned Lamont in power.

I am fascinated by the elephants in the living room that the Lamont Administration keeps avoiding with a dormant and complacent (if not complicit), state run media.  How about a real answer to the Sema-4 debacle?   How much money and or profits did the Lamont's hedge fund earn from Sema-4 testing and during the time of the public offering of Sema-4?  Why was such a 2% interest "sweetheart loan" deal made in total silence between Sema-4 and the State of Connecticut?  Where is your personal information going to when it was taken by Sema-4 in the name of Covid-19 testing? Will this personal data be sold to the highest bidder in a bankruptcy proceeding if Sema4 continues to falter? Why is Sema-4 an investment in the Connecticut Employee Retirement Plan?

Advance CT is another example of an elephant in the living room.  I have written about them in the past and my good friend Tony De Angelo has talked about in depth on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci show on 94.9 WJJF, New London, CT.  CERC (Connecticut Economic Resource Center) was around for 25 years and somehow was renamed and spawned a second sham Advance CT organization due to the covert actions of Ned Lamont.  It is a complex organization that has been funded partially by Connecticut Taxpayers with the state paying $2.356 million dollars for items such as marketing, a pass through grant, sponsorship and out of state travel according to Opencheckbookct.  We do not  know their budget, nor what they pay their employees.  Advance CT is apparently considered a non profit that supposedly brings all sorts of new jobs and companies to Connecticut since it such a robust and dynamic economy according to their website   In reality, according to their 2021 Annual Report they have done very little in the actual creation of new jobs, and or having companies wanting to move to Connecticut.  Through Tony's digging we do know that the clandestine Covid-19 Reopen CT "advise and consent" style group did run (or runs?) in Advance CT under the oversight of Lamont family business associate Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, and the mega-controversial multi-national consulting firm, McKinsey. So we have charitable organizations, exempt from public disclosure, employing the McKinsey consulting company in the functions of government, and citizens have no idea what is taking place.  And Connecticut Taxpayers help support this ostensibly racketeering "non profit"?  For what reason?  Why is there continuing media and political silence for these acts, that are highly illicit at best?

It is obvious to many that Connecticut's corrupt Democrat Party has many elephants in the living room.  Elected officials have turned a deaf ear to them and the result is corruption, theft and deception to Connecticut Taxpayers.  Why must Connecticut Taxpayers monies go to non-profits with no strings attached nor any accountability in the spending of their funds?  Why does Connecticut's state run media avoid at all costs investigative reporting of Ned Lamont's dealings while condemning daily what the income of Gubernatorial challenger Bob Stefanowski may be?  Doesn't Ned Lamont have more wealth than Stefanowski at this point, at least some of which is taking place in offshore tax havens?  But these points are never raised, as it is obvious to see the incredible bias the media has against all things Republican.  It is a debacle that really needs to be addressed once and for all as Connecticut Taxpayers should not be the personal slaves to Connecticut's corrupt Democrat Party and Ned Lamont's many elephants in the living room.  Honesty would be refreshing for a change but we know that can never happen in Connecticut. 

Political corruption is accepted, embraced and glorified by all involved in Connecticut.  Connecticut which used to be known as the "Constitution State" should be renamed the "Pachyderm State", or perhaps the second "Jungle Habitat".  Remember that when you vote in November.  And remember more importantly that it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Democrat Pay Dirt Is Alive And Well In Connecticut

 Can you make money through non public information on companies and industries as an elected official besides your salary and benefits paid for by Taxpayers?  It seems you can, if you are Connecticut Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal and Connecticut Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney.  Recently several interesting stock trades were made by these elected officials.  This first came to light by my good friend Tony De Angelo on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio show on 94.9 WJJF New London, CT this past week.  He exposed that Connecticut Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney traded in Peoples United Bank right before their horrific merger with M&T Bank.  This was confirmed on the website as a trade of between $15,000 to $50,000 dollars worth of its stock in April.  One must be wondering what Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney knew about the upcoming merger?  Is this an unethical action and was he trading on insider information not known to the taxpaying public?  Especially when Joe is always quoted as saying, "I never trade in equities."  

But wait! Joe tries to mitigate the effects of this ostensible malfeasance by claiming that it was his investment adviser (and not he) that traded in equities. Joe further claims that "once he discovered the error, he immediately corrected it". Such a statement is both false and misleading as there is no prohibition whatsoever from advisers speaking with clients, nor is there any excuse why a standing order of "do not by direct equities" given to one's adviser could not be universally followed. All of this is either duplicitous or indicative of Joe's ineptitude, (and I will leave it to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions).

Let us move on.

Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal whose estimated net worth is over $82,000,000. does a great deal of trading according to the same website.  For example Blumenthal has sold a great deal of stock in a company called Radius Global Infrastructure over the past two months.  This company according to its website "is one of the largest international aggregators of rental streams underlying wireless and other communication related sites through the acquisition of real property interests and contractual rights." ( Ironically Blumenthal has raised over $500,000 in campaign donations from the Telecom industry according to  Why was he selling so much of this stock?   Is this an unethical action and was he trading on insider information not known to the taxpaying public? 

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is invested in a company called REOF XX LLC.  She has been buying a great deal of this stock over the past year according to her filings.  Her husband is a partner in the company.  This same company received a Paycheck Protection Payment (PPP)  loan of between $1 to $2 million dollars during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Her net worth is listed at over $114,000,000.  I think Taxpayers might be wondering why someone who is worth over $114,000,000 needs a Taxpayer funded loan for their company?  Why are they buying up so much of this stock in a company they own?  Was that loan an unethical action by Pelosi?  Or can it be viewed as business as usual, the pay to play function of our corrupted government in 2022?

There are many more examples of these ties of stock buying and selling by our elected officials that in my opinion are a gross violation of ethics and show the true economic hypocrisy of elected officials especially when dealing with the Democrat Party.  Some banking customers of the now failing merger M&T Bank with People's United still do not have access to their money in this bank.  It has been a financial nightmare for them.  We have received the usual pandering and lip service from the Connecticut Blumenthal/Lamont/Tong trilogy of demanding answers as to what happened.  But we know this is all acting and pantomime  since M&T Bank offered a $25 million dollar investment in Connecticut's communities through its "Amplify Fund" racial equity giving program.  Thus no answers will be forthcoming any time soon.  Bank customers are on their own.  
The concept of ethics in government seems to be a lost cause especially with the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party.  Inside trading, campaign donations, one hand washing the other and pay to play are now acceptable tools of our ruling political elite.  Trust me this will not be lost on voters on election day especially the working middle class who are abused daily by a failed government that was in theory elected to represent them not the financial interests of the elected politician.  And it is 1776 all over again.


Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Democrat's Open Border Illegal Immigration Crisis Or Liberal Hypocrisy

 Yet another Democrat crisis hits home.  No, it is not the Democrat's illegal drug crisis.  No, it is not the Democrat's education crisis.  No, it is not the Democrat's energy crisis.  No, it is not the Democrat's runaway inflation crisis.  Nor is it the Democrat's supply chain crisis.  This time the Democrat's open border illegal immigration crisis has hit home to the beautiful liberal island of Martha's Vineyard where 50 (count em' 50!) illegal immigrants were sent to by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  It has been interesting to view and see the reaction by the Democrats that has included immediate condemnation of the Governor for what he did.  Illegal immigrants were also brought to where "Secure Border" Vice President Harris lives in Washington, D.C.  The illegal immigrants in many ways are considered cargo and political tools of the Democrat Party.  We are seeing liberal hypocrisy in action.

I am wondering what Governor DeSantis did that was different than what President Biden did?  First  President Biden proclaimed our country's borders wide open when he took office.  This has created a massive crisis for our country since we now have over 2 million illegal immigrants this year alone to deal with.  President Biden has shipped some of these illegal immigrants through various ways to other parts of the country secretly over the past year.   Arizona, Florida and Texas have taken the brunt end of the crisis and Governors in these states have reached a breaking point.  The unchecked illegal immigration has also brought a new illegal drug crisis since drugs are flowing into our country freely again along with horrific human trafficking issues.  Obviously this does not concern the Democrat Party in their destruction of our country. Democrats want sanctuary cities to show how concerned they are for this type of people.  But when sanctuary cities get these illegal immigrants, the Democrats who run these cities are outraged and demand government help since they are overwhelmed by them.   So what about the states that are really overwhelmed?  Since Republicans run them they don't need any help?  Liberal sanctuary cities seem to be hypocrites in this problem that their Democrat Party created.

In Connecticut, I don't see Governor Lamont taking in any illegal immigrants to his home.  I don't see United States Senators Blumenthal or Murphy taking in any illegal immigrants to their homes.  I don't see United States Representatives Courtney, DeLauro, Hayes, Himes or Larsen taking in any illegal immigrants to their homes.  I don't see State Senator Duff taking in any illegal immigrants to his home.  I don't see Sanctuary City Mayors Bronin, Gamin or Elicker taking in any illegal immigrants to their homes. Why not?  Liberal Connecticut Democrats are hypocrites in this problem that their Democrat Party created.

The other major issue illegal immigrants face is what happens to them? Are they now the new cheap slave labor that the Democrat Party is yearning for to bring the economy back?  Are they being sold into slavery by human traffickers?  Are they being sold into the new illegal drug trade that is overtaking the country?  What is their path for legal citizenship as many of our great grandparents and grandparents went through?  Is it a grand plan for mail order "motor voter"? Is citizenship an option, and why or why not?  Can the United States government keep track and know the whereabouts off all of the illegal immigrants that they allowed into the country since President Biden open our borders?  Where can American Taxpayers find this report if it exists? Why aren't Sanctuary Cities willing and able to take in all of these illegal immigrants?  What were these illegal immigrants told in the first place to make them come here?  That they would be given free food, money, medical care, clothes, housing, transportation, and automatic citizenship?  Who is paying for illegal immigration?  Isn't it the American Taxpayer?   Why is this happening, and what benefit does our country get from this humanitarian crisis of its own making?

What is the solution to yet another incompetent Democrat Party created crisis that is helping to destroy our country?  Could it possibly be a closed United States border and a well researched legal immigration process to become an United States citizen?  And that this program takes in only a limited amount of people each year?  Can any United States Representative and or Senator come up with this legislation and override the horrific and inhumane program that President Biden created?  

In my opinion and many others the Democrat Party has reached a new low with this crisis showing their inability to lead our state and country.  It shows also the true hypocrisy and serial incompetence of the Democrat Party and liberals in general.  These illegal immigrants are the new slaves and pawns of the Democrat Party.  This entire issue was avoidable.  I still don't understand why the Democrat Party hates our country and hides under the guise of being caring and humanitarian.  Because they are not either.  They are all about power.  Power that needs to be given back to the working men and women of our country who have been condemned, faulted and insulted one too many times, by the Democrat Party.  

And it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Connecticut's Public Education Crisis Needs A Solution

 There are many problems with Connecticut's public education.  An education that is provided by local governments from Kindergarten through 12th grade for all children.  At one time Connecticut had a strong public education system.  It stressed a coherent pattern of subjects that guided a student in his or her learning journey, building from one grade to the next with the skills and tools essential to learn many different subjects, many different skills and many different learning tools.  The student would gain a strong education that would prepare them when they graduated High School.  At one time, our public schools graduated students who had a strong balance of knowledge in many different subject areas such as the Arts, English, a Foreign Language including Latin, History, Physical/Health Education, Math, Music, Science, and Social Science.  Students were taught how to analyze, logically think, and the function of decision making and its consequences.  There was a respect between students and teachers along with a great deal of parental involvement and responsibility found in the schools.  Some students went to college, some students went on to learn a trade, some students did fail, but for the most part those who wanted to learn did and excelled in their lives be it with a college degree or a working trade.  Students went on to marry and raise families and the cycle of life moved forward.  Connecticut and America were able to move forward from generation to generation.

What happened?  In 2022 we are facing a complete implosion of our public education system.  It is failing at all grades and at all levels. It has evolved into an indoctrination of an incoherent mess of illogical liberal thought that features gender change, critical race theory, white supremacy, a rewritten history to fulfill a socialistic agenda, biological boys competing against girls in sports, an obsession about sexual orientation, and a total lack of respect and regard for the parents of school aged children.   Teachers are chosen based on their religion, political belief, and race rather than their abilities to actually teach.  This has been admitted through the recent exposure of the prejudice in hiring practices in Greenwich, CT.  Students during the Covid-19 crisis missed almost two years of school with online learning and the mandatory mask mandate they had when attending schools in person.  The lack of learning along with both the physical and psychological damage done to our children because of these draconian measures will be felt for decades.   Inner city schools are a horrific mess with many students failing in the classroom only to be passed on to the next grade while many inner city students have stopped going to schools all together.  And inner city school administrators apparently are at a loss to do anything about this.  Thus our public school systems are failing our students, our parents, the Connecticut Taxpayers who have to pay taxes to support this education debacle and our society as a whole by graduating ill equipped and ill prepared students.  

What are the solutions, if any?  The line seems to have been drawn in the sand with regards to Connecticut's public education system.   The Connecticut Democrat Party led by Ned Lamont want to continue indoctrination into a incoherent mess of illogical liberal thought that features gender change, critical race theory, white supremacy, a rewritten history to fulfill a socialistic agenda, biological boys competing against girls in sports, an obsession about sexual orientation, and a total lack of respect and regard for the parents of school aged children.   The union that represents public education teachers seem also to back this agenda as they have not spoken out against it.  The Connecticut Republican Party with Gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski has offered an alternative with their courageous "Parental Bill of Rights" (  This platform is a start towards a solution in bringing back a more coherent and functional public education system by once again empowering parents over the raising of their children from more school choices such as magnet, charter and technical schools to decision about health and care for their children.  To me it is a breath of fresh air as common sense can start to be brought back for parents, students and the public education system.  Again this is a start, and I recommend all to read it.  The condemnation of this platform by Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party was expected.  But remember that Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party has nurtured this education debacle and embrace its failures.  Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party wish to control our children and make them enmesh and entrap these failed liberal ideas that are damaging our state and country.  Why have so many parents pulled their children out of public schools over the past two years?

As someone who has taught college level students for 40 years now I have seen a general decline in students as to both their learning skills and an ability to learn.  I have many students who are successful in class but sadly I have many who are not.  What is public education trying to teach?  To me it is no longer a strong balance of knowledge in many different subject areas, but an incoherent rhetoric that does nothing to prepare our children for their future.  Connecticut and our country in general will be hard pressed in the future if public education continues on this failed politically correct curriculum.  We will fast become a nation that is bankrupt as far as careers, technical skills, and family values.  Our economy will not be functioning.  Are these the children we want as our future leaders?  I do not think so.

Parents must raise their children.  Government should not be raising our children.  Public schools should not be brainwashing our children.  Children must be able to have a coherent environment in order to learn and to be able to think.  This are not theories these are facts.  Those who teach and are experts in their field should be hired even if they are Catholic or conservative.  Once again we have yet another example of failed Connecticut Democrat Party policies.  The system is broken and needs to be repaired immediately.  Children are not pawns of our political system.

And guess who has to clean up their debris and rubble?  We know it will not be Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party.  And it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Ned Lamont And The Connecticut Democrat Party Lies For The Election

 Lies are not truth no matter what Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party try to spin them as.  Listening to the Ned Lamont campaign and its boasts, one wonders what state and country it is talking about.  Since there are few brave investigative journalists in the state, the lies need to be addressed.

Here are some lies for the election:  The state economy is bouncing back, new jobs are being created, new businesses are forming!  Bouncing back from what?  There are 36,500 less jobs today than there were when Ned and his company became Governor four years ago.  Also, Connecticut has only regained 80% of the jobs it has lost since the 2008 Great Recession.  Thus in 14 years since the 2008 Great Recession, the state continues to struggle and continues to be a bottom five state in the country, as far as its economy and job creation is concerned.  It is the same thing for the state Gross Domestic Product that has dropped while the rest of the country's has gone up.  While we are at it, Ned Lamont stated, and then apparently took back the lie that he did not raise taxes. The amount of new taxes that were enacted in his administration were astronomical given the economic conditions the state has been in.  One tax in particular will help to raise the cost of living dramatically in the state has been the truck mileage tax, which now assesses trucks driving through the state even more since all vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds will be required to pay a vehicle miles traveled tax for every mile driven in the state. The tax ranges from 2.5 cents per mile for trucks weighing 26,000-28,000 pounds to 17.5 cents per mile for vehicles weighing more than 80,000 lbs.  That fact seems to be overlooked in Lamont's lies on new taxes.  Who gets to pay this new tax?  Of course all Connecticut residents who use a service in the state involving a truck and users of products delivered by a truck.  Higher retail prices are in store for consumers thanks to this Ned Lamont new tax.  Again Connecticut has one of the highest tax rates in the country.  Connecticut's tax system ranks 47th overall on according to the 2022 State Business Tax Climate Index. ( This is the record that Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party have lied to you about during this election.

The Sema4 question still has not gotten answered.  What was the role of the Lamont's family hedge fund with Sema 4? How was there no conflict of interest seen between the Governor and this company?  Is there any accountability for it and or questioning by any state oversight agency as to the money spent?  Again we still do not have answers from two years ago as to the companies that have had investments made in them by Oak HC/FT Partners relating to the Covid-19 crisis include "Thermo Fisher Scientific", "Sema 4", " Core Infomatics", "Ocrulus", "Urjanet", "1life Healthcare", "Galileo Health", "Castlight Health", "Paladina Health", and "VillageMD" to name some.   They seem to all have ties to Connecticut also in the form of contracts to do business with the State of Connecticut, its non profits, or surrounding states via no bid contracts.  Connecticut Taxpayers deserve answers from Ned Lamont, not more lies on this.

Another lie is a fair and equitable public school system for the youth of the state.  Connecticut's youth have suffered dramatically during the Covid-19 crisis by not being able to show their faces, not having classes in person, and being basically prisoners in their own homes.  Today, more and more evidence shows the damage these draconian rules did to a generation of our children.  It really did not make them safe from anything and there are many new severe issues for our youth with depression, drug abuse and suicides being dealt with.  Ned Lamont's policies did a great deal of damage.  The new lie that was just exposed this week by Project Veritas was the discrimination against teachers who are of the Catholic religion and or have conservative values/ideas in a school in Greenwich, CT.  The bombshell video looks at the  Greenwich Public School System but has overtones to many school districts in the state who in all probability do the same thing.  Last I knew we still had freedom of religion in our country.  This discrimination is horrific and continues a real vote of no confidence whatsoever in the Connecticut Taxpayer funded public school systems.  Between politically motivated teachings of ultra liberalism and liberal thought to gender change and grotesque sexuality, our public schools are a failure.  Is this what we really want our schools to be teaching our children?  This lie of employment discrimination that is illegal in Connecticut shows the massive disrespect school administrators have for their students and parents in these schools.  The spin on this video was expected by the Attorney General and his Democrat Party.  How long will Mr. Tong wait to genuinely investigate this situation?  Until after the election I assume.  It is just more lies being force fed by Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party.

This is just a random sampling of lies presented by Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party.  I know the majority of hard working Connecticut taxpayers do not support this charade called state government have had enough of the lies, the mind control, the forced economic slavery of excessive taxation to support a bloated state government that destroys basically anything it touches.  Liberals can defend Democrats all they want.  However we still have in Connecticut massive crime, theft, murders, runaway inflation,  home winter heating costs that are not affordable, a failed public school system, an overpaid state unionized workforce with salaries/benefits not seen anywhere in the economy, an illegal drug crisis killing our youth, and Connecticut's short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities of $150 billion dollars.  That is an amazing record to run for re-election on.  It is the truth that Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party is running on.  Failures everywhere and a destruction of the state that once was know as the "Constitution State", but now known as the "Destruction State", since its ethics, its economic vibrancy, its private business, its educational system and its people have been destroyed by a failed liberal Democrat agenda.  Remember that when you vote on Election Day.  And its is 1776 all over again.