Saturday, December 03, 2022

The Democrat Party Crime Crisis

 Bad is good.  Good is bad.  Make America worse not better.  Make America hurt.  Contrary to glowing Democrat Party propaganda America, especially in Democrat-led states, has a crime crisis of horrific proportions.  Cities such as Chicago, Portland, Oregon, New York City, Philadelphia, and Ned Lamont's Hartford, Connecticut to name a few, are epicenters of unchecked crime and murders.  Enormous amounts of economic and taxpayer's resources are spent daily in these same Democrat cities for barely functioning and understaffed police departments who must daily battle a war against career criminals who laugh at a failed judicial system and District Attorneys who shut their eyes against the malefactors and their victims.  Why has this happened, and why is it continuing are valid questions that get ignored when asked.  

One element that our society and economy has is based on is private property rights.  Private property rights are the basis for many legal systems as well as capitalism.  We, as members of our society have a legal right to ownership of our property.  For example when we buy a home or condo, we obtain a legal ownership of the property that can not be taken away from us.  The same can be applied when owning a car or truck, we own the car or truck.  The home, condo, car or truck is not owned collectively by everyone in society.  I cannot claim ownership of your vehicle nor can you claim ownership to my vehicle.  If we once again see crime as a rape of private property rights (as it truly is) in our society, and if our legal system could start to once again enforce the legality of private property rights, then crime and criminals would decrease in our country.  As it stands today with bonds not being required for criminals who are caught, an epidemic of juvenile delinquency especially with stolen vehicles and repeat offenders constantly being returned to the street, crime will never subside.  Why is our private property rights being violated in this manner by criminals with the full blessings of the Democrat Party?  What gives a criminal the right to my personal property?  What gives a criminal the right to loot, pillage and steal from privately owned businesses?  I am waiting for an answer from any elected Democrat official to rationally explain to me and many others how this "cures" crime and theft in our society?  Because it does not, and is beyond idiotic to make claim to the contrary.

Murder continues to go unchecked in our society.  Due to the horrific open border policy of the incoherent Democrat Biden Administration, America has become much less safe.  We now have drug cartels and gangs running free in many parts of our country poisoning our youth and others with their illegal drugs.  They cause violent crimes and murders on a daily basis with turf wars for the illegals drugs they brazenly sell.  Why has the Democrat Party allowed this to happen?  Why do these illegal drug cartels exist in our country especially when our legal system is supposed to protect our health and well being?  Again, why can't our legal system enforce laws any more especially at the border and especially in Democrat led cities?  Are Democrat elected officials being paid off by these same cartels?  One has to wonder why the Democrat Party wants to put our entire country at risk by their hatred of laws and our legal system that should be protecting us?  What does it prove?  Who really benefits?  An elite out of control Democrat Party? Certainly, not you or I.

Americans want their private property rights returned to them.  Americans want to be able to get out of their vehicles and not have them stolen at gunpoint.  Americans want to be able to walk down a city street and not be mugged or murdered in cold blood in broad daylight.  Americans want a functional legal system to enforce the current laws that have been written.  They no longer want their cities burned, their stores robbed, and their children murdered.  The seeds of discontent continue to be sown by deplorable Democrat Party policies that defy logic.  America should not be a testing ground of an incomprehensible socialist experiment force fed to us by these demigods.  We need to take back our country from the grips of an insane logic propelled upon us by a failed and corrupted Democrat Party.

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