Saturday, February 26, 2022

United States Senator Richard Blumenthal's Defeat in 2022

Democrat/Communist United States Senator Richard Blumenthal seems to be in a great deal of trouble in his upcoming re-election fight to serve yet another meaningless six years as Connecticut's do nothing Senator.  Blumenthal who apparently has a never ending desire to be seen anywhere and everywhere, every day of the week, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year is treated as state run media royalty due to this.  Even though he has little to nothing to say of meaning nor has sponsored and or enacted meaningful legislation that has helped Connecticut Taxpayers he feels that he somehow deserves automatic re-election against any of the "evil" Republican candidates that may run against him.  And especially in 2022 seeing how corrupted and economically inept his Connecticut Democrat Party is he is obviously running for his political life.  And he should handily go down to defeat given several serious problems he has gotten himself into over the past year.  

These include his apparent embracing and affiliation with Connecticut People’s World Committee, an open Communist Party affiliate where he recently presented and gave special recognition to the night’s three “Amistad Award” winners, insisting they “honor the great tradition of activism and standing up for individual workers.”  (nypost.com12/15/21)  Apparently the ignorant and arrogant Democrat/Communist United States Senator Richard Blumenthal seems not to understand the butchery of the Communist Party history.  He does not seem to care and or have compassion for the millions who have been murdered in cold blood by the Communist Party throughout the world.  He does not seem to care and or have compassion for the citizens of Cuba who are slaves to their Communist government there.  He does not seem to care and or have compassion for those enslaved in Hong Kong by the Chinese government.  He does not seem to care and or have compassion for those who are fighting for freedom in the Ukraine against the Russian Communist Government.  Does Blumethal have any idea of how inhumane and evil the Communist Party was or is to this day?  Apparently he does not care about that.

Democrat/Communist United States Senator Richard Blumenthal has an estimated worth of $100 million. His wealth is so great that he sometimes isn’t aware of all of his investments, including a real-estate development company linked to the Chinese government.   Isn't this hypocritical?  On the one hand you condemn those who have earned wealth through starting a business, created jobs and wealth and then want to tax them to death (while creating tax loopholes for your $100 million dollars of wealth).  Connecticut Taxpayers have to somehow understand how a man worth this amount of money really cares about the middle class or anyone who actually owns a business in the state.  After all when Democrat/Communist United States Senator Richard Blumenthal was Connecticut's Attorney General he was ranked the second worst in the country in 2010 by the Competitive Enterprise Institute.  I like to remind voters of several points of the Senator's former Attorney General's history that cost Connecticut taxpayers millions of dollars. 

From the Competitive Enterprise Institute report: ('s%20Worst%20State%20Attorneys%20General_0.pdf)

"Blumenthal also used the power of his office to bully small
businesses. An egregious example is his abusive treatment of computer
store owner Gina Malapanis, which led to an $18-million judgment
against the State of Connecticut. In 2003, he sued Malapanis’s store,
Computers Plus Center, for $1.75 million for allegedly selling machines to
the state government that had missing parts. In a press release, Blumenthal
accused Malapanis of fraud. Malapanis was arrested in her home and
charged with seven first-degree larceny charges. The charges against
Malapanis were dismissed in 2008. She then countersued the state for
abuse of power and for violating her constitutional rights. As Fergus
Cullen of the Yankee Institute for Public Policy noted, the jury, “recoiling
at the overly aggressive action that ruined her business, awarded her
a whopping $18 million in January. In a handwritten note on court
documents, the jury foreman said the state had engaged in a ‘pattern of
conduct’ that harmed Ms. Malapanis’s reputation, and cited the state’s
press releases impugning her integrity, some of which came from Mr.

This was just one example of his overreach as Attorney General.  In my opinion he over reached numerous times during President Trump's Administration condemning all things the President did for four years.  His silence currently under the economically incompetent and weak Biden-Harris Administration speaks loudly and shows Connecticut Taxpayers another side to his hypocrisy.  Blumenthal's solution to runaway energy prices is to drop the 18 cent Federal tax on gasoline.  I would like to remind Blumenthal that the Keystone Pipeline made America energy independent and lowered prices of energy for the country and did not make them dependent on either Communist Russia and or the OPEC regime.   President Biden shut the Pipeline down and apparently Blumenthal embraced Biden's decision and now is apparently enjoying watching the same Connecticut Taxpayers he represents suffer economically due to runaway inflation especially for gasoline, heating oil, natural and propane gas.  This economic suffering does not exist for a man worth $100 million dollars.  It is ironic to note that the Senator also receives a State of Connecticut pension for his horrific stint as Connecticut's State Attorney General.  That to me is another great example of Connecticut's political spoils system financed by the Connecticut Taxpayer.  

Connecticut Voters will be voting with their wallets and pocketbooks in November.  Runaway inflation, eliminating America's energy independence by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, an embracing of Communism, an embracing of Communist countries taking over free countries, an embracing of a completely inept and incompetent Biden-Harris-Fauci debacle in Washington, a lot of rhetoric and no results all are spelling the end of the Blumenthal regime in Connecticut after 34 long and painful years of his supposed service to Connecticut Taxpayers.  A painful and costly 34 years wasted on an ego driven man whose only concern is his face being shoved in front the Connecticut Taxpayer on a daily basis.  His defeat in November will put an end finally to his pomposity, his condescension and his scorn.  Enough is enough.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Why Does The Connecticut Democrat Party Like To Rip-Off Connecticut Taxpayers?

 I wonder why the Connecticut Democrat Party likes to rip-off Connecticut Taxpayers?  Scandal after scandal, time after time we see our elected officials especially in the Connecticut Democrat Party ripping Connecticut Taxpayers off for their advantage.  For over 30 years now.  Whether it is profits made off of no bid state Covid-19 contracts, a  lack of delivery for items paid for by these same non bid state Covid-19 contracts, profits made by Sema-4 tests and testing, the actual number of political patronage state jobs that were given to Connecticut Democrat Party friends, donors and family members since the Malloy/Lamont dictatorships began, and last but not least how much did the Director of the Connecticut office of School Construction Konstantijnos Diamantis receive for his strong arm tactics in his apparent steering of contracts for these same school projects he oversaw-how much did the Connecticut Taxpayer get ripped off in total?  How incompetent is Ned Lamont that he had no idea whatsoever what his good fried Diamantis was doing with these school building projects?  Are these examples a reason why Connecticut has a $62500 per person debt tax they are facing in the future?  Are these examples as to why Connecticut is last or near last in many economic categories and has one of the highest tax rates in the country?  Sadly the rip-offs, scandals and examples are never ending by the Connecticut Democrat Party.

The festive mood of ripping off the Connecticut Taxpayer by the Connecticut Democrat Party should sicken everyone in the state.  It should also bring about a daily condemnation by the Connecticut Republican Party leaders and leadership.  It should be questioned by law officials and organizations like the FBI and Department of Justice if they still are functional in upholding the rule of law (whatever that means today).  I thought Connecticut had a power hungry, ego driven and aggressive law enforcing Democrat State Attorney General who obviously has turned a blind eye to what has and is happening in the state that is illegal.  Does he understand what laws are or are they no longer applicable to the Connecticut Democrat Party?  He is no longer competent to serve in office and needs to resign.  Could it be the Connecticut Democrat Party is above the law and or the rule of law or the State Constitution does not apply to them so they can continue their racketeering and rip-off of Connecticut Taxpayers?

This is the record that the Connecticut Democrat Party is running for re-election on in 2022.  It is not the record that the record that the Connecticut Republican Party is running on.  How anyone in the state run media could confuse these records is beyond me.  Please spare Connecticut Taxpayers the lies and untruths that we will be force fed to voters day in and day out for the election.  They are all lies.  The Connecticut Democrat Party no matter how they wish to spin it have been ripping Connecticut Taxpayers off for years now.  Their failed policies have helped make Connecticut a state of little ethics, high crime, high debt, corruption and lies.  Is this really the state you wish to work and live in?  I would assume that it is not.  It is time for politicians and the Connecticut Democrat Party to stop ripping off Connecticut Taxpayers.  It is time for truth and the rule of law to be what Connecticut's Government is and will be after the supposed election in November, 2022.  It is time to say goodbye once and for all to the irrational and incompetent Connecticut Democrat Party and their hacks this election.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

How Are Connecticut Democrats Right When They Are So Terribly Wrong? Unmask Connecticut's Children.

 How can Connecticut Democrats be right when they are so terribly wrong?  I do not understand.  The Connecticut Democrat Party controlled House of Representatives voted in favor on Thursday to once again extend  Ned Lamont's executive orders in this case for two emergency declarations to continue now to June 28 and again enforcing a mask mandate for children in state schools.  They are doing this because it is basically a cash grab/payout for the Connecticut Democrat Party in order to get an extra $32 and or $50 million dollars more per month from the Federal Government.  I will assume that there really is no concerns for Connecticut school children as they are a working tool for cash for the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Connecticut's children are a source of revenue for the Connecticut Democrat Party and as such are treated like a product and or as a slave for state government.  

$32 and or $50 million dollars per month apparently is worth it to keep Connecticut's children in bondage to their ineffective masks and mandates.  Connecticut's children really do not need to gain social and psychological skills in their growth and development, they need instead to be owned by the Connecticut Democrat Party and wear their masks with great pride and accomplishment for the state controlled media to see and report on.  The Connecticut Democrat Party does not care about the mental health of Connecticut's children since masks and their extra $32 and or $50 million dollars per month can do much more for them than allowing Connecticut's children to have personal freedom and better health without these stupid masks they must wear daily.  Although there is little published data to see how many of Connecticut's children have committed suicide and or have had drug overdoses and or are now hard drug users it is immaterial to Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Cash is King to them and is much more important than Connecticut's children health and well being.  I will assume that there is a massive amount of suicides, drug use and overdoses currently being seen in the state unless that is proven wrong.  I did not know that Connecticut;s state government owned the children in the state.

What is the Covid-19 crisis in the state?  Is it a crisis of cash for Lamont and company?  Is it a crisis of losing the controlled narrative of the past two years that has brought about fear, depression, drug abuse, mental health issues and economic disaster for many Connecticut residents?  Is it a crisis that now points directly at Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party's corruption that has been taking place for the past two years under this supposed health emergency?  Is Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party's corruption convictions actually going to be the real turning point in Connecticut history allowing for a real democracy and represented government to become the norm again and not the rule by decree dictatorship we have seen throughout the Lamont Administration?  How many more stories of ethics violations and corruption will be coming forward over the next few weeks that implicate directly Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party?  And voters must remember that this is the record that Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party is running on in November.

Unmask Connecticut's children now not on June 28th nor on February 28th.  Hold accountable Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party for the fraud and corrupted government they have been responsible for years now.  Make Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party pay back every cent that was stolen by them during their Covid-19 crisis with interest.  Connecticut's state government has been a horrific spectacle of child abuse, lies and theft.  It ranks last or near last in many economic categories coupled excessive and anti business taxes.   It must and will stop this election.  Enough is enough.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Connecticut Democrats:See, Hear, Speak No Corruption. Yet Taxpayers See, Hear and Listen To Democrat Corruption Daily.

 Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party seem to be in big trouble.  There seems to be massive corruption that is finally being investigated.  A great deal of this corruption has already been discussed at length by Tony De Angelo on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci Show on 94.9 News Now for many months now.  But all of a sudden it looks like the sky is actually falling for Ned and his Democrat Party.  For years now Connecticut Taxpayers were force fed lie after lie about the state's wonderful government.  And all of sudden Ned Lamont is feeling the heat of his failed Administration.  There is no public trust whatsoever in the Connecticut Democrat Party way of governing in the state.

Chief State Attorney Richard Colangelo saw nothing wrong apparently in hiring the daughter of a top state budget official back in 2020.  Was Mr. Colangelo completely unaware of what he was doing?  Was this person qualified for the job?  Did  this person follow all the guidelines of the state application and testing process for her job?  Or was it the political influence of a Democrat in political power that got her the job?  One can logically assume that this is what happened in this case.  And this probably happens a great deal in a state that is as corrupted as Connecticut.

Also there are allegations of a cheating scandal with a eight members of a recent training class at the State Police Academy.  Why is cheating occurring at the State Police Academy?  

Former deputy secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, Konstantinos Diamantis oversaw the projects at the state pier in New London and school construction projects.  Diamantis is/was a great friend of Ned Lamont and rewarded state taxpayers with a massive cost overrun on the State Pier $93 million dollar project that is now $223 million dollars and rising.  Hey what's another $130 million dollars to Connecticut Taxpayers?    Why was this project allowed to proceed with all the cost overruns?  Didn't Ned Lamont know what was going on?  Did he really care?  Why is there such a scandal with this Port Authority?  What actually went on with all the school construction projects in the state? Why are they being investigated by the Feds for corruption now?

Why does Lamont do when his confident Josh Geballe resign two days before a scandal rocks his department?  Why does he leave now?  What does he know?  Did he cut a deal with the Feds or Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party for leniency? What is Sema-4 going to do with all of the personal information they obtained from state residents?  Why are they allowed to keep this information?

Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party under the daily fear of Covid-19 turned Connecticut into a cesspool of corruption.  They laughed at the questions that were being asked.   These questions still have yet to been answered and are still valid to this day.  How much in profit (actually cash) did Ned Lamont's family hedge fund make during the Covid-19 crisis especially with Sema-4?  What state funded companies did they make money off of?  Why was the Jack Rubenstein, LLC company given so many no bid state contracts?  What did they deliver?  This company has had legal problems in the past why are they a state vendor?  And now the game is up hopefully.  The waste and fraud of the Lamont Administration will coming out in full view.  And Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party will be under the microscope for their fraud.  It is about time.  The Connecticut Democrat Party thought that they see, hear and speak no corruption.  And Connecticut Taxpayers were lied to daily by Ned Lamont and company and were told to accept the corruption that was embraced by the Connecticut Democrat Party in so many ways.  What a lie that has been force fed to Connecticut Taxpayers for years now.  What a waste of Connecticut Taxpayers monies. The game is over now for Ned Lamont and his politically connected ship of fools.  Free Connecticut from this tyranny.