Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Iranian Deal-Why?

What is the point of the new deal with Iran?  What is the benefit of it to the world?
I am confused once again by the foreign policy amateur hour in Washington.
The United States releases Iranian assets to prop up their economy.
The Iranian government gives up?  Their ability to create a nuclear weapon?  What is different about this agreement that the Iranians will abide by that is different from the agreements of 1994,2005 and 2007 that they did not abide by?
Doesn't this agreement allow for Iran to continue to enrich uranium?  And what purpose realistically does Iran's nuclear program serve in a "peaceful" sense when they control massive amounts of oil and natural gas?  What about the gross human rights violations and political prisoners in Iran?

Thus we prop back up the Iranian economy and get no concessions from them-at a time when the economic sanctions were working.  More superb and well thought out foreign policy on the part of the Obama Administration-agree to a one sided deal with Iran.
Maybe just maybe some members of our Congress on both sides of the aisle could question and veto this agreement which is not in any way shape or form good for the United States or the world.  But for an Administration that has brought us Obamacare, Benghazi, the NSA scandal, and the IRS scandal we should just expect more of the same.  Incompetence at the highest level of our government.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nuclear Option-Obamacare-NSA Scandal-IRS Scandal-Benghazi Scandal-Does It Ever End?

Does this Administration have any leadership ability whatsoever after five years in office?
Now we have a nuclear option being used in the Senate by the Democrats.  Why?
To push through radicals for our court system since the Democrats are in grave danger of losing the Senate in 2014?
We still have not received any answers to all of the questions of the Obamacare debacle.
We still have not received any answers to all of the questions of the NSA security scandal.
We still have not received any answers to all of the questions of the IRS scandal.
We still have not received any answers to all of the questions of the Benghazi murders of United States citizens.
We have not received many answers in five years of the Administration.
Is Mr. Obama capable of governing this office of the Presidency?  Or does he feel he is an Emperor ruling over his serfs in serfdom?  Why?

I am still waiting for answers as a taxpayer.  I guess I have to wait until 2017 for leadership and answers-hopefully we will still have a country by then.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Questions That Still Are Not Answered About Our Affordable Health Care Act

In my last blog I raised several questions about Obamacare, the new socialized health care plan forced upon us by Democrats in Congress along with our President.
None of the questions have been answered at this time.  
Thus I still have many unresolved questions and issues about this debacle of a health care plan. I still would like to know how much it will costing taxpayers to implement and keep funded in the future.  I still would like to know more about the new improved Congressional plan that is being offered to our Congress and their staffs.  This plan seems to be incredibly low in cost due to a massive taxpayer’s subsidy for it along much better coverage that what you and I common taxpayers are eligible for and theoretically can afford with no taxpayers subsidies.  I still wonder how and why that is legal.   Why did Congress basically exempt themselves from Obamacare?  How are reimbursements going to be paid and by whom to health care procedures and doctors?  Is this a part of the actual bill?  Why was the health care website not checked for security purposes?  Why were there no background checks for those employed as these navigators?  And what will happen as personal information is hacked-will Obamacare take care of this?
This Affordable Care Act will define Mr. Obama, his Presidency and the Democrat party in general.  It is an economic and medical debacle and nightmare.  They own it.  

And my questions still do not get answered especially how much this is going to cost taxpayers.

Friday, November 15, 2013

I Apologize-You Still Must Accept My Health Care Plan-Any Questions?

Why should we still accept Obamacare?  Are there any economic advantages or medical advantages to socialized health care?  Why were five million policies cancelled due to this law?  What was economically and medically wrong with these policies?  Why is Congress not subject to Obamacare but has exempted themselves from it? Were any members of Congress or this Administrations policies cancelled?  How much is it actually going to cost to develop a workable health insurance web site portal?  What will be the costs in the long run to maintain it?  What is a one year extension of your current plan actually going to do for you? How will the additional costs to Medicare and Medicare going to be paid for?  By taxpayers through yet even higher medical care taxes?  Higher payroll taxes?  What provisions in Obamacare are related to medical tort and medical malpractice settlement reforms?  At what age does medical care start to be rationed due to costs?
He apologized-You Still Must Accept His Health Care Plan-Any Questions?  Good.  There are no answers from this Administration.  I do not accept this apology.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Wallingford Voters-The Choice Is Clear On Tuesday-Vote Dickinson And The Republican Team

Wallingford voters have a clear choice for Mayor and those who will serve on both the Town Council and Board of Education.  Mayor William Dickinson has done a tremendous job as our Mayor for many years now.  He has the knowledge, education and leadership qualities to continue to lead Wallingford for the next two years.  He has no ego and does have the skills to continue to govern Wallingford.
If we truly look at the Democratic candidate for Mayor-do we really see management skills?  I do not see any according to his resume.  Do we see the advanced education along with finance expertise/knowledge to lead Wallingford?  I do not see any according to his resume. Do we see anything other than the constant drum beat of me, me, me in his campaign?  I see very little in Mr. Zandri’s qualification to run our town, nor was I impressed in his actions as a Town Councilor.  Being an IT person does not qualify you as a leader of multi-million dollar entity along with all of the essential day to day management functions that this position requires.

For Town Council Republican candidates Vincent Cervoni, Tom Laffin,  Craig Fishbein, John LeTourneau, Christine Mansfield, Bob Parisi and Ray Rys, all bring quality leadership and management to the Council.  They do not need power point slides nor ego to provide steady and conservative leadership to our town.  Our Republican Board of Education candidates all place needs before ego in their decisions also.

On Tuesday Vote William Dickinson and the Republican team for Wallingford.  I know  if you love our town as much as I do you will stay the course of exceptional leadership and government and Vote Republican.