Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Connecticut Democrat Party Wants You To Freeze This Winter

 I wonder why the Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to heat your home with heating oil this winter?  The Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to heat your home with natural gas, propane and or electricity either. Nor does the Connecticut Democrat Party want businesses to use diesel fuel to drive the trucks that can bring deliveries of essential goods to stores so that you can purchase them in order to survive.  The Connecticut Democrat Party does not want you to drive your gas powered vehicle since it is such a horrific polluting object that allows you the freedom to go from Point "A" to Point "B" to buy those same essential goods needed to survive.  

You can see clearly that the President Biden/Democrat Party induced energy crisis that has been endorsed by the Connecticut Democrat Party, wants you to immediately stop using those evil and horrible natural fossil fuels and "go green".  Going green means somehow you are going to buy instantaneously an electric car, be able to recharge the battery for that car without using a fossil fuel based electric charge while living in your apartment, condo and or home that is now heated, cooled, powered by solar energy and or a wind turbine power that you have had installed.   Why is that so hard for Connecticut Voters to comply with?  Why is it so hard for Connecticut Voters to come up with the cash to go completely green and suffice the ruling political elite's demand to stop entirely using fossil fuels?  After all in Connecticut, the Democrat Party, a damaging one party ruler, that controls all aspects of state government, continues to be successful in the race to a social and economic Armageddon that has enslaved the state's population for well over 32 years now.  An annihilation of the working middle class through excessive taxes, mind numbing public education brainwashing, unchecked crime and theft along with an astronomical state debt that will eventually cost Connecticut Taxpayers well over $65,000 in new and higher taxes per person at some point in the future. 

The current Democrat Connecticut Governor, Democrat State Legislature and Democrat Congressional Delegation seem to live in a care free, fantasy world of lies, free money for failed governmental programs, political power, political nepotism, cloaked self-deals, laws that have no application to them and financial rewards and gains that they deem legal in their quest for total power over Connecticut.  And why are they allowed this?  How does it benefit the long forgotten working middle class of Connecticut?  It simply does not in any way shape or form.  They are the liars, thieves and fraudsters of the state. That is reality of their abuses of power.

The green energy debacle along with all the other economic and social incoherent gibberish that they keep trying force feed down the throats of Connecticut Voters is over.  They need to be held accountable on Election Day.  And they will be held accountable.  The Democrat Party's crisis after crisis shows the complete crudeness and rudeness of an extreme leftist political ideology gone mad with a lust for power to change our state and country to a third world status while benefiting themselves and their cronies.  Their heating oil crisis is yet another example of their failed leadership.  Voters are not forgetting nor are forgiving of their empty rhetoric and promises.  The Democrat Party is losing badly.  

And it is 1776 all over again. 

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