Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Failed Candidacy of Ned Lamont For Governor Of Connecticut

 We know Connecticut's Governors race is heating up as the "hit pieces" by Connecticut's state run media are in full force with their condemnations of Republican candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski.  Bob Stefanowski is again running against current Governor Ned Lamont and his well- equipped state run media machine.  The media wants to know where Stefanowski gets his income from while Connecticut Taxpayers remain in the dark on how much money did Ned Lamont's family's hedge fund earn from Sema-4? Bob Stefanowski is running again with Connecticut in the worse economic conditions it has seen since the recession of 1990 (which apparently it still has yet to recover from).  Bob Stefanowski is running again with Connecticut as a bottom feeder as far as its economy is concerned in our country.  Connecticut ranks in the bottom five in many economic areas and is one of the highest taxed states in the country.  

Connecticut also has a debt crisis which is being ignored in this campaign as the amount borrowed money from bonds, all other liabilities, unfunded pension liabilities and unfunded retiree health benefits amount to over $100 billion dollars.  If one was to include all the areas of the state budget that has been moved off budget along with other unreported debt, I estimate Connecticut's total debt to be around $125 to $150 billion dollars.  Connecticut's debt to gross domestic product (for Connecticut) ratio is an astounding 22%.  One can assume to be correct in their assumption that it seems like Connecticut is bankrupt.  If the state were to liquidate all of its assets it would not be able to pay off all of its debt.  We are led to believe somehow that Connecticut is a well-run and fiscally managed state when instead it is just the opposite as it teeters on bankruptcy due to years Connecticut Democrat Party rule.   Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party want voters to believe that Connecticut is an efficient and economically well run state, even though there are literally taxes on anything and everything in the state.   Why has Connecticut become a fiscal mess?  Could it be Governor Ned Lamont?

Many questions about his administration remain unanswered.  Why hasn't Ned Lamont come clean and answer how much money did his family's hedge fund earn from Sema-4?  Why hasn't Ned Lamont come clean and answer how much money did his family's hedge fund earn from the forgiven loan the state gave to Sema-4?  Why did the Governor create secret charitable funds to funnel money into and have no oversight to by Connecticut Taxpayers?  Why are laws not enforced to curtail the non-stop crime wave that Connecticut taxpayers must endure on a daily basis?

In my opinion, and that of many others Republican candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski represents a breath of fresh air from the daily viewing of Lamont's incoherent praises of a shattering Connecticut economy, infrastructure and a never ending crime wave that is costing citizens millions of dollars in losses and higher insurance rates.  Connecticut Voters will be voting with their wallets and pocketbooks in November.  Runaway inflation, runaway home heating costs, corruption in state government and constant crime, theft and murders are the responsibility of Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party.  He is a Governor who has been able to manipulate Taxpayers monies to his family's hedge fund benefit and profit.  He is a  Governor who rules with an iron hand that made up rules and laws during the Covid-19 crisis on the fly with zero respect for the state constitution and or the rule of actual laws in the state.  He is a Governor who makes sure he wants his Democrat Party to be the beneficiaries of any state perk that can be sucked out of the Connecticut Taxpayer.  He is a  Governor who really wants Connecticut Taxpayers to know that they are working for him, his family's hedge fund and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Connecticut voters  are seeing first hand the failed candidacy of a Governor who has horrifically failed the people who he supposedly represents.    Voters have had enough.  

And it is 1776 all over again.

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