Friday, December 16, 2022

Swick Speak's 2022 Christmas List For America

It is the Christmas season.  And it is time for the Swick Speak Christmas list.  A list of gifts that I hope America gets this year.  It is a tough list, as the majority of Americans dislike the direction that America has taken since a failing, feeble and incoherent Democrat President Joe Biden and his incompetent administration took over in 2021.  And Joe Biden will rank as one of the bottom five worse Presidents that our country has ever had once he is mercifully gone from office.

Here we go:

1. Americans want a closed and secure border around their country.  They do not want a free flow of illegal immigrants coming into their country, contrary to what the Democrat Party wants to see.  They do not want drug cartels, murderers, human traffickers, and terrorists coming into our country by the millions.  They want a closed border with legal limited immigration.

2. Americans want the energy independence that they had under President Trump.  They want all of the Keystone pipelines to be opened and flowing providing energy to our country at reasonable prices.  They do not want American dollars to be flowing to OPEC countries and the regime of Venezuela to support these countries and increasing our bloated balance of trade deficits.  They do not want to have the Strategic Petroleum Reserve drained to buy votes for the Democrat Party but to be used in a real emergency.  They want a realistic time frame to see if and when green energy becomes economically viable and functional for the country.  They want stable electric prices.  They want lower heating oil prices and a dependable supply of heating oil to heat their homes.  They want American energy sources to be used and supplied to our country.

3. Americans want an end to the Democrat induced runaway inflation of the past two years.  They want an end to the endless supply chain crisis that makes our store shelves look like 1970's Russia.  They want an end to the endless spending of Taxpayer dollars by all levels of government to pay people not to work and not to be productive in our economy.  They want price stability and to be able choose and buy American products in their stores.  They want solutions to the nation's debt crisis that our elected officials have created by their reckless spending on failed programs and the continual propping up of political hacks and serial incompetents at all levels of government.

4. Americans want an end to unchecked crime, theft and murders in our country.  They want a functioning set of laws that are adhered to and enforced for everyone.  They do not want laws that no longer prosecute thieves for only stealing $1,000 or less in products from stores.  They want private property rights to be restored and laws that allow for private property rights to be enforced.  They do not want their cars to be stolen in broad daylight when pumping gas.  They want a legal system that prosecutes criminals and not make victims of crime be treated as the criminal.  Americans want an end to the current deluded bleeding heart liberalism of making these transgressions be accepted as normal and right.  

5. Americans want a public education system that once again teaches our youth real subject matter that will provide the skills essential to them to earn a living in the future.  They reject the complete brainwashing that is currently going on in the classroom with a failed, woke, and incomprehensible curriculum of gender identity, sex changes at an early age, incoherent life styles and a rejection of parental guidance and love in their lives.  Parents are responsible for their children, and not a public education system full of deceptions, distortions, and lies.  They want educators to teach not campaign nor indoctrinate.

6. Americans want an end to the corruption of Federal, State and Local governments.  Americans want an end to being slaves to government at all levels by the waste and misuse of Taxpayer's hard earned monies.  They no longer want to pay for Taxpayer funded programs that secretly channel money to political allies, political donors, and family friends.  They want honesty, transparency, and truth to be restored to a government that they are paying for.  They want the United States Constitution to be adhered to and followed not rewritten to the liking of the politically-connected few.

 I know America is asking a great deal this Christmas.  But isn't what is being asked for is what America once was and stood for?  How did America turn into this shell of itself that millions of Americans died for in wars since 1776?  And why must the majority of Americans accept this debris, filth and muck being force fed to them on a daily basis by a total biased and state run media?  Enough is enough.  It is time for real Americans to take back our country this Christmas season from this invasion of wrongs that are being sold as rights that are damaging our country's foundations of liberty and freedom.  Americans have had enough of this failed political experiment.  Americans see that it is truly 1776 all over again as the fight for personal freedoms and real democracy begins anew in 2023.

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