Saturday, February 25, 2017

Connecticut is a Dysfunctional Mess

Is Connecticut operating in a rational and or logical manner following its state constitution?
Is Connecticut following the set of rules and laws that encompasses its legal system?
Is Connecticut protecting its legal law abiding and taxpaying citizens?
Is Connecticut's Legislature and Governor finding any economic solutions to its short and long term debt of billions upon billions of dollars?
Is Connecticut a dysfunctional mess?
One can argue in a persistent manner that Connecticut is exceptionally dysfunctional.
It is difficult to explain anymore the total lack of economic reasoning of our state government.  From an economics point of view our government's only concern is to protect a political minority elite of bloated salaries, benefits and pensions in both management and union jobs.  The economic costs of sustaining an excessive state workforce continues to drain Connecticut taxpaying citizens.  Each budget for the past seven years of the Malloy regime has produced more and higher taxes, more and higher spending.  Each year we hear the same doomsday draconian cuts to social welfare spending that hurt those most in need in Connecticut while never a word is said about the ruling political minority elite and cutting their excesses.  It is the same Connecticut Democrat lies year in and year out. 
The economic costs of sustaining illegal immigrants continues to drain legal Connecticut taxpaying citizens.  It seems that this Administrations only goal it to give legal rights to those who live in Connecticut illegally.  The hell with Connecticut's legal taxpayers and citizens.
Thus nothing has changed in 2017.  Connecticut is a dysfunctional mess.  Connecticut's Democrat ruling political elite have gained even more control over its citizens and taxpayers in this new economically dysfunctional budget.
As a lifelong Connecticut citizen and taxpayer I am really close to throwing in the towel on this state and its excesses.  Reform?  Lower spending? Lower taxes?  Protection of rights of legal citizens?  No, no, no and more no is what we hear from Connecticut's Democrat ruling political elite.
The dysfunctional economy continues.  I blame Connecticut's Democrat ruling political elite.  They own what used to be a great, free, independent and constitutional state.  They are the political cesspool who rule Connecticut with an iron fist.  And they still can not see how they continue to damage Connecticut.   Cut taxes, cut spending, cut salary, benefit and pension bloat.  Those suggestions are only laughed at by Connecticut's Democrat ruling political elite.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Will there ever be a debate between Connecticut Progressives and Connecticut Conservatives?

Will there ever be a debate between Connecticut Progressives and Connecticut Conservatives?  On the future of the Connecticut economy?  On the tax structure of Connecticut?  On benefits, wages and pensions for Connecticut state employees both union, non union and management positions?  On addressing the short and long term debt structure of Connecticut? 
It logical that many would view this debate as being fruitless. 
The Connecticut Democrat Party has an exceptional liberal and progressive view of the state's economy and economic conditions.  It seems on annual basis their policies and plans of action include the elimination of more personal and business freedoms.  It also includes implementation of new taxes, extensions of existing taxes and shifting state mandated programs to most local towns and cities with no or limited funding being given to them to run them.  To them and to the voters who back them this seems to be an acceptable way to run Connecticut's government.  Transparency and the rule of state laws also are ignored.  The protection of illegal immigrants and a non equilibrium minimum wage are a priority.
The Connecticut Republican Party has a handful of conservatives in the party who try to act as a voice of reason in their limited debates with running Connecticut's government.  The most noted in my opinion are State Senators Joe Markley and Len Suzio and State Representatives Rob Sampson and Craig Fishbein who are fiscally and socially conservative.  They are in my opinion a guiding light in trying to correct the excesses of the failed economic and social programs in our state.  Peter Lumaj a conservative who most recently ran for Secretary of State in 2014 is leading a drive for the Republican Gubernatorial nomination in 2018.  The Connecticut Republican Party has continually fought to be allowed to be included in state budget negotiations but have been boxed out for years now.  2017 is no different in my opinion.  Also in my opinion the Connecticut Republican Party over the years has become very moderate and liberal in its views, thus becoming non existent  in the governing process.  In the cities of Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven the local Republican Party is irrelevant and virtually non existent as the local Democrat Party rules with an iron fist with horrific economic results.  
The 2017 Connecticut State Budget offers more of the same policies and taxes that keep Connecticut in the bottom five states in our country as far as job creation, debt per capita, unfunded liabilities, economic vitality, economic wellness and highest tax categories.  The payment for these excesses in now being passed onto to local taxpayers through the form of higher property taxes. 
Will there ever be a debate between Connecticut Progressives and Connecticut Conservatives?  I highly doubt it as those are economically and financially mobile are moving out of Connecticut daily. Many of Connecticut's middle class are trapped here in an economic cesspool of taxation without representation.  The debate here is real.  It has been ignored too long.  A rational economic thought process needs to begin again in Connecticut.  It still has not started in 2017. 

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Governor Malloy and the Largest Property Tax Increase in Connecticut's History

Governor Malloy loves to raise taxes.  Each budget speech that he has made as Governor has included the yearly highest tax increase in our state's history.  And each year Connecticut still records record budget deficits.  And each year high level politically connected Connecticut state management employees see increases in their salaries and pensions.  And each year we hear the same stale political rhetoric that these are the tough decisions that need to be made and we all must sacrifice to help Connecticut.
This years budget message is no different in that he presents the largest property tax increase in the state's history by shifting state mandated education pension programs and a bulk of their funding to local taxpayers.  But that is not all.  Malloy's plan also takes away budgeted state funding from fiscally well run towns and gives it to the fiscally inept cities of Connecticut like New Haven, Hartford and Bridgeport.  Thus Wallingford being a fiscally conservative AAA bond rated town will lose well over $20 Million dollars in aid to help run state mandated programs.  Here are the actual proposed Education Cost Sharing grant cuts for Wallingford in 2017-$21,301,522, in 2018-$11,109,557 and in 2019-$11,109,557 a loss of $10,191,965.  Aid for Wallingford will be cut in FY 2018 by $8,142,379 also.
Thus Wallingford Taxpayers along with many local town taxpayers will see their property tax bills skyrocket in the next local fiscal year to help pay for this Connecticut Democrat Party tax increase. 
It is laughable to listen to this pomposity that is spewed each budget with the same failed results.  One can also bet that in January 2018 Connecticut will be facing its usual budget deficit and crisis with the predictable tax increases that come from it.
Dan Malloy's new budget is no different than all of his other failed budgets and tax increases.  For Connecticut Taxpayers it is disgusting to see that there was not one cent of reform in making the currently employed political elite in high level state management positions who will be receiving state pensions in the future and not contribute a penny to them, will still not contribute a penny to them.    Zero contributions in exchange for a lifetime pension funded by Connecticut Taxpayers.  Why?  Why was this not addressed by Malloy?
The Connecticut Democrat Party loves to raise taxes.  The Connecticut Democrat Party loves to take care of their own political elite. The Connecticut Democrat Party loves to crucify Connecticut Taxpayers.
2017 brings more economic hardship to Connecticut Taxpayers and more economic spoils and benefits to Dan Malloy and the Connecticut Democrat Party.
Is it possible to Take Back Connecticut?  Dan Malloy and the Connecticut Democrat Party says no-never.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Legal Connecticut Taxpayers Have No "Sanctuary" In Connecticut

Yes there are more taxes on the horizon if you are one of the remaining Connecticut Taxpayers left in our "Sanctuary" state.  As a Taxpayer I can see how the Democrat Legislature goes about it business.  Many legislators crave media attention thus they introduce many bills that in many cases continue to erode our personal freedom and raises taxes and or fees.  They talk up reforms for the state to try to attract businesses and correct pension deficits.  They posture and cut deals for the lobbyists and unions who have an iron grip on our budget and political system.  And the end result is and has been in the past more and higher taxes along with higher budget deficits.  This years theme seems to be protecting illegal immigrants in a "Sanctuary" status as a "Sanctuary" state. 
Our core cities that have massive economic debt are readily embracing "Sanctuary"  a safe haven for those in our state who are here illegally.  Middletown just decreed "Sanctuary" status without any input from their taxpayers or voters.  My question that I ask and in many cases never get an answer to is why are these people here illegally and what are their costs to support them here in our state? 
Thus one must assume that our state government helps to support these "Sanctuary" cities and those people who are here illegally through legal Connecticut Taxpayers monies.
I can understand why people from foreign countries would want to escape terror and communist governments like China, Cuba and North Korea.  I have no issues taking in these individuals from these countries as in most cases they are escaping inhumane living conditions.  In my opinion also China, Cuba and North Korea need to become free countries.
But I do not understand why people leave other countries to come here illegally other than to make cash to send home and or get free benefits from our government.  What is also lost in this "Sanctuary" argument is why are the countries that these immigrants are coming from do not have any responsibility for their citizens? 
I really would like to know what Connecticut Taxpayers are paying to support "Sanctuary" status.
Especially since we have $60 to $80 Billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities with basically no plan to pay it off.  And especially when Dan Malloy wants to eliminate rifle salutes at funeral services for our veterans to save money. 
Where is the "Sanctuary" for legal Connecticut Taxpayers?  Obviously not in Connecticut.