Saturday, September 24, 2022

Democrat Pay Dirt Is Alive And Well In Connecticut

 Can you make money through non public information on companies and industries as an elected official besides your salary and benefits paid for by Taxpayers?  It seems you can, if you are Connecticut Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal and Connecticut Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney.  Recently several interesting stock trades were made by these elected officials.  This first came to light by my good friend Tony De Angelo on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio show on 94.9 WJJF New London, CT this past week.  He exposed that Connecticut Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney traded in Peoples United Bank right before their horrific merger with M&T Bank.  This was confirmed on the website as a trade of between $15,000 to $50,000 dollars worth of its stock in April.  One must be wondering what Democrat United States Representative Joe Courtney knew about the upcoming merger?  Is this an unethical action and was he trading on insider information not known to the taxpaying public?  Especially when Joe is always quoted as saying, "I never trade in equities."  

But wait! Joe tries to mitigate the effects of this ostensible malfeasance by claiming that it was his investment adviser (and not he) that traded in equities. Joe further claims that "once he discovered the error, he immediately corrected it". Such a statement is both false and misleading as there is no prohibition whatsoever from advisers speaking with clients, nor is there any excuse why a standing order of "do not by direct equities" given to one's adviser could not be universally followed. All of this is either duplicitous or indicative of Joe's ineptitude, (and I will leave it to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions).

Let us move on.

Communist/Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal whose estimated net worth is over $82,000,000. does a great deal of trading according to the same website.  For example Blumenthal has sold a great deal of stock in a company called Radius Global Infrastructure over the past two months.  This company according to its website "is one of the largest international aggregators of rental streams underlying wireless and other communication related sites through the acquisition of real property interests and contractual rights." ( Ironically Blumenthal has raised over $500,000 in campaign donations from the Telecom industry according to  Why was he selling so much of this stock?   Is this an unethical action and was he trading on insider information not known to the taxpaying public? 

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is invested in a company called REOF XX LLC.  She has been buying a great deal of this stock over the past year according to her filings.  Her husband is a partner in the company.  This same company received a Paycheck Protection Payment (PPP)  loan of between $1 to $2 million dollars during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Her net worth is listed at over $114,000,000.  I think Taxpayers might be wondering why someone who is worth over $114,000,000 needs a Taxpayer funded loan for their company?  Why are they buying up so much of this stock in a company they own?  Was that loan an unethical action by Pelosi?  Or can it be viewed as business as usual, the pay to play function of our corrupted government in 2022?

There are many more examples of these ties of stock buying and selling by our elected officials that in my opinion are a gross violation of ethics and show the true economic hypocrisy of elected officials especially when dealing with the Democrat Party.  Some banking customers of the now failing merger M&T Bank with People's United still do not have access to their money in this bank.  It has been a financial nightmare for them.  We have received the usual pandering and lip service from the Connecticut Blumenthal/Lamont/Tong trilogy of demanding answers as to what happened.  But we know this is all acting and pantomime  since M&T Bank offered a $25 million dollar investment in Connecticut's communities through its "Amplify Fund" racial equity giving program.  Thus no answers will be forthcoming any time soon.  Bank customers are on their own.  
The concept of ethics in government seems to be a lost cause especially with the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party.  Inside trading, campaign donations, one hand washing the other and pay to play are now acceptable tools of our ruling political elite.  Trust me this will not be lost on voters on election day especially the working middle class who are abused daily by a failed government that was in theory elected to represent them not the financial interests of the elected politician.  And it is 1776 all over again.


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