Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ned Lamont's "No Salary" For His Second Term. But He Made $54 Million Dollars in 2021?

Democrat Governor Ned Lamont is once again not taking a salary for being the ruling by decree Governor of Connecticut for his second term.  Connecticut Taxpayers paying one of the highest amounts of state and local taxes in the country can all rest easy tonight knowing their Governor has once again declined his salary for 2023-2026.  Lamont was scheduled to earn $226,711 next year but once again has declined it.  Lamont made $54,000,000 in income for 2021 according to his feeble and disguised representation of his income taxes.  One has to wonder how Lamont made so much money since Connecticut Taxpayers were not allowed to view his tax return, but were told most of his income was made through investments. 

Connecticut Taxpayers do not know how much Lamont paid in federal and state income taxes on this $54 million dollars in income for 2021 if any taxes were paid at all, since he has SEC documented ties to offshore tax havens.  A question that has to be asked by Connecticut Taxpayers since neither the Connecticut State run media nor the Legislature will ask, is through what investments is Ned Lamont earning this money, and where are these investments located?

Was this investment income made through the basically now worthless stock of Sema-4?  Was the investment income made through the multi-million dollar state loans given to Sema-4 that were forgiven by the state?  Was the investment income made through the loans and/or sweetheart deals made by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development to Lamont family hedge fund companies?  Was the investment income made through cryptocurrency companies such as Digital Currency group and its affiliates that were subsidized by the state?  Was the investment income made through the all new "non profit" ADVANCECT?  Was it made through the selling of citizen data via Boston Consulting Group, Mt. Sinai Genomics and/or McKinsey? Was the investment income made through the Lamont-based shell companies that were formed in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens? 

As usual it is business as usual for Democrat Governor Ned Lamont's various investments and companies that are just too plain hard and economically complex to be questioned or digested in any manner  by Connecticut's State run media.  Yet, we have seen a constant condemnation of all of Republican President Trump's companies and investments even though he has been audited yearly since 2009 with no issues found from these audits resulting in additional tax assessments.  So much for transparency in the Democrat Ned Lamont profit making Administration.  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont ever be audited?  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont come clean on his investments?   It is also comical to note that Connecticut still has $125 to $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  It is also comical to note that there is no plan whatsoever to pay down this debt.  I guess that $226,711 in salary saved by Lamont will go a long way in paying down $125 to $150 billion dollars in debt and unfunded liabilities.
Democrat Governor Ned Lamont may now enjoy four more years of unchecked and non-audited investment profits and income beginning on Sunday, January 1, 2023.  Democrat Governor Ned Lamont can use Connecticut Taxpayers for four more years as his personal piggy bank for complex, secretive financial companies, and byzantine schemes throughout the world for his personal financial gain with no oversight whatsoever.  Connecticut taxpayers of all political persuasions should take note of that, as they struggle to survive and live in the corrupted, inept, incompetent economic wasteland known as the "Constitution State" Connecticut. Some do realize that is truly is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Democrat Party's Horrific $1.7 Trillion Dollar Economic Failure

Hey! What's another $1.7 Trillion dollars when it is not your money especially if you are an elected United States Senator and or Representative?  And it really helps, when that money can buy you political favors and you can pay back the political hacks that helped to put you in office in the first place!  You as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative really only have an obligation to those who really help you.  You as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative really have no obligations to the peons of the middle class who go to work every day following the laws of society and pay their taxes in your district and or state.  Nor, do do you really care about the crisis you and your incompetent and incoherent President and his administration helped to create such as runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  That is not your concern as an elected United States Senator and/or Representative since your full time job seems to be fund raising and constantly running for re-election daily.  Or if you are Democrat/Communist Connecticut United States Senator Richard Blumenthal, you are having a daily press conference in front of your state run media screaming about some gibberish that offends you and pledging yet another investigation to resolve it.  However, Democrat/Communist Connecticut United States Senator Richard Blumenthal offers no opinions or solutions to runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  That has no meaning or concerns to our multi-million dollar Senator.  

The new $1.7 Trillion dollar spending bill is 4,155 pages in length.  It seems that few if any of our elected United States Senators and Representatives have time to read this bill because sadly the United States Government having a $31 Trillion dollar national debt, is running out of cash.  It is fascinating to see what has been shoved into this bill behind closed doors and truly out of the hands of hard working American Taxpayers.  For example, we should consider the Ukraine as being America's 51st state at this time since we are financing the bulk of their war with Russia and the operations of their government.  There is $524 million dollars for the National Institutes of Health to fund a subdivision focused on “minority health and health disparities research" (whatever that means).  There is $410 million dollars to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman for tighter border security.  There is $65 million dollars “for necessary expenses associated with the restoration of Pacific salmon populations" (as quoted from the bill). There is $3.6 million dollars for a hiking trail named after Michelle Obama.  There is $200 million dollars that will be spent on "gender equity".  There is much more wasteful spending, pork spending, political nepotism spending, serial incompetent support, and outright economically damaging spending in this bill that it is sickening to read.  Americans Taxpayers will be responsible for this horrific bill for the rest of their lifetimes to finance it.  But again if you are an elected United States Senator and or Representative, you love a bill like this as it represents your pay offs to be in power over American Taxpayers.

It is too bad that proper consideration and the ability to read, debate and amend this bill will not be happening any time soon.   Republican United States Senator Mitch McConnell along with 17 Republican Senators obviously have joined the Democrat Party with their vote in favor of this bill.  This is a classic backroom deal. If an elected United States Senator and or Representative wants to oppose this bill they are immediately considered anti-American and or radical. I guess this is the way we now must run our government.  We must run it as a radical, third-world status, banana republic type atmosphere stealing from American Taxpayers on a minute by minute basis.  No other explanation is possible.

For American Taxpayers this $1.7 Trillion Dollar spending bill is supposedly an early Christmas present.  Many of your elected United States Senators and Representatives can't wait to dump this on you and run home and celebrate the holidays on your dime.  For the American Taxpayer,  your Christmas and New Year will continue to consist of runaway inflation, runaway national debt, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and a massive loss of wealth for retired Americans.  You as an American Taxpayer have pretty much reached your economic breaking point and this spending bill should be able to break you.  But this Christmas and New Year you are also thinking about American history.  You are thinking about what happened in 1776 as brave colonists declared their independence against "Taxation without Representation".  And will 2023 be like 1776?  Will the American Taxpayer 247 years later declare their independence against "Taxation without Representation"?  It is coming, just wait and see.  

Merry Christmas America.  I pray for our survival as a country against this tyranny called government.


Friday, December 16, 2022

Swick Speak's 2022 Christmas List For America

It is the Christmas season.  And it is time for the Swick Speak Christmas list.  A list of gifts that I hope America gets this year.  It is a tough list, as the majority of Americans dislike the direction that America has taken since a failing, feeble and incoherent Democrat President Joe Biden and his incompetent administration took over in 2021.  And Joe Biden will rank as one of the bottom five worse Presidents that our country has ever had once he is mercifully gone from office.

Here we go:

1. Americans want a closed and secure border around their country.  They do not want a free flow of illegal immigrants coming into their country, contrary to what the Democrat Party wants to see.  They do not want drug cartels, murderers, human traffickers, and terrorists coming into our country by the millions.  They want a closed border with legal limited immigration.

2. Americans want the energy independence that they had under President Trump.  They want all of the Keystone pipelines to be opened and flowing providing energy to our country at reasonable prices.  They do not want American dollars to be flowing to OPEC countries and the regime of Venezuela to support these countries and increasing our bloated balance of trade deficits.  They do not want to have the Strategic Petroleum Reserve drained to buy votes for the Democrat Party but to be used in a real emergency.  They want a realistic time frame to see if and when green energy becomes economically viable and functional for the country.  They want stable electric prices.  They want lower heating oil prices and a dependable supply of heating oil to heat their homes.  They want American energy sources to be used and supplied to our country.

3. Americans want an end to the Democrat induced runaway inflation of the past two years.  They want an end to the endless supply chain crisis that makes our store shelves look like 1970's Russia.  They want an end to the endless spending of Taxpayer dollars by all levels of government to pay people not to work and not to be productive in our economy.  They want price stability and to be able choose and buy American products in their stores.  They want solutions to the nation's debt crisis that our elected officials have created by their reckless spending on failed programs and the continual propping up of political hacks and serial incompetents at all levels of government.

4. Americans want an end to unchecked crime, theft and murders in our country.  They want a functioning set of laws that are adhered to and enforced for everyone.  They do not want laws that no longer prosecute thieves for only stealing $1,000 or less in products from stores.  They want private property rights to be restored and laws that allow for private property rights to be enforced.  They do not want their cars to be stolen in broad daylight when pumping gas.  They want a legal system that prosecutes criminals and not make victims of crime be treated as the criminal.  Americans want an end to the current deluded bleeding heart liberalism of making these transgressions be accepted as normal and right.  

5. Americans want a public education system that once again teaches our youth real subject matter that will provide the skills essential to them to earn a living in the future.  They reject the complete brainwashing that is currently going on in the classroom with a failed, woke, and incomprehensible curriculum of gender identity, sex changes at an early age, incoherent life styles and a rejection of parental guidance and love in their lives.  Parents are responsible for their children, and not a public education system full of deceptions, distortions, and lies.  They want educators to teach not campaign nor indoctrinate.

6. Americans want an end to the corruption of Federal, State and Local governments.  Americans want an end to being slaves to government at all levels by the waste and misuse of Taxpayer's hard earned monies.  They no longer want to pay for Taxpayer funded programs that secretly channel money to political allies, political donors, and family friends.  They want honesty, transparency, and truth to be restored to a government that they are paying for.  They want the United States Constitution to be adhered to and followed not rewritten to the liking of the politically-connected few.

 I know America is asking a great deal this Christmas.  But isn't what is being asked for is what America once was and stood for?  How did America turn into this shell of itself that millions of Americans died for in wars since 1776?  And why must the majority of Americans accept this debris, filth and muck being force fed to them on a daily basis by a total biased and state run media?  Enough is enough.  It is time for real Americans to take back our country this Christmas season from this invasion of wrongs that are being sold as rights that are damaging our country's foundations of liberty and freedom.  Americans have had enough of this failed political experiment.  Americans see that it is truly 1776 all over again as the fight for personal freedoms and real democracy begins anew in 2023.

Friday, December 09, 2022

How Much Taxpayer's Money Was Wasted During The Covid-19 Crisis?

 I really wonder how much of Connecticut Taxpayers' money was wasted during the Covid-19 crisis?  According to the website a mere $11 trillion dollars has been spent in various programs, loans, grants, direct aid and other programs to apparently save the country from this man-made virus.  I will point out immediately that America's National Debt is now well over $31 trillion dollars with no plan whatsoever forthcoming  to address it and or pay it down on the future.  Our National Debt at this time is at its highest level ever in nation's history and plays a role in the recessionary/inflationary economic nightmare of an energy crisis, runaway inflation, an open border crisis, an illegal drug crisis and unchecked crime that we live in from day to day.  Depending on how it is both reported and analyzed, Connecticut's short and long term debt along with its unfunded liabilities is between $100 and $150 billion dollars, and that is only the part that is not hidden from view. 

It is difficult to understand what America received for that $11 trillion dollars of Taxpayer's monies spent.  It is more difficult to understand how much Connecticut got and where it was spent in the state.  These facts and figures are difficult to find and understand from an economics viewpoint.  We do know that if states continue to declare "states of emergency" due to the Covid-19 crisis, they continue to receive financial support for certain programs as of today even though there is no more pandemic.  Connecticut initially received over $1.3 billion dollars in federal Taxpayer monies in 2020 for various relief programs.  Connecticut received funding from the CARES Act, and a host of other catchy named programs to offset the incredible economic damage that was forced upon the state during the pandemic by Connecticut's Ned Lamont's Democrat led state government/Kingdom.  Lamont's continual emergency powers granted to him by a non operational state legislature allowed for a steady stream of funding to go into the state while the state's economic productivity, viability and work force sat idle.  But where did all that money go?

Connecticut lost many businesses during the pandemic.  They shut down never to open again as many businesses that were deemed "non essential" by Ned Lamont (and/or his highly paid consulting group lackeys) were closed.  What was "essential" was the continuous operations of Ned Lamont's family hedge fund and several of their holdings especially Sema4.  One company that should have been investigated and still to this day needs to be investigated is Sema4.  This company received a 2% "sweetheart" state loan and funding. Recapping again what happened, $45,150,000 is what Sema4 has been able to obtain with little to no oversight in Covid-19 and Genomics testing from the State of Connecticut.  Further, there are loans and unknown billings and payments that in many cases continue not to be reconciled nor disclosed as of today. To date, Connecticut State-run media has never reported there was a Third Amendment to a state support agreement signed on April 14, 2021, between the State, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development and Mount Sinai Genomics/Sema4 amending the original support agreement made between these parties back in 2018.  In the 2018 original agreement, Mount Sinai Genomics guaranteed payment of $9.5 million of the $15,000,000 state-funded loan to Sema4.  However, this Third Amendment releases Mount Sinai Genomics from the loan and its guarantee, leaving faltering Sema4 to pay its own debts, and if that does not work, the loan then becomes a casualty to taxpayers.   Sema4 shut down operations in the state and is on the verge of bankruptcy with its nearly worthless stock.  We still do not know how much in profits did Lamont and family gain off this deal and their dealings with the state.  We know that Connecticut taxpayers will foot the bill for this deal in the future.  My good friend Tony De Angelo on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio show on 94.9 WJJF New London, CT has been talking about these payments for over two years now and I have written about them on several occasions. Mr. De Angelo this past week stated there needs to be a complete audit of where this money went and where did all the pandemic funding go to.  I agree.  However, we do know one Democrat slightly fallen from grace is former State Representative Michael DiMassa who pleaded guilty to stealing $1.2 million dollars of Covid-19 relief funds from the Democrat-led city of West Haven.  How many more cases are still out there waiting to be uncovered in terms of theft of Covid-19 relief funds?  I guess Taxpayers do not really need to know.

I personally hate to see government at any level rip off Taxpayers.  However it seems to be happening on a daily basis.  To see the absolute destruction of state economies such as Connecticut due to their draconian and incoherent decrees in the name of saving lives due to Covid-19 is sickening.  We can look back since March, 2020 and see a ridiculous and frightening abuse of governmental power that profited some well connected elitists in our economy while bankrupting many hard working Americans.  Those who were most vulnerable to Covid-19 were discarded and made to die a lonely death in isolation from their loved ones, treated as some sort of social leper.  And we really need to know how much Taxpayer's monies were wasted in this man-made, abuse of governmental power, profit-mad crisis called the pandemic?  Our questions still do not get answered by "our" government as we continue our journey daily back to 1776. 

Saturday, December 03, 2022

The Democrat Party Crime Crisis

 Bad is good.  Good is bad.  Make America worse not better.  Make America hurt.  Contrary to glowing Democrat Party propaganda America, especially in Democrat-led states, has a crime crisis of horrific proportions.  Cities such as Chicago, Portland, Oregon, New York City, Philadelphia, and Ned Lamont's Hartford, Connecticut to name a few, are epicenters of unchecked crime and murders.  Enormous amounts of economic and taxpayer's resources are spent daily in these same Democrat cities for barely functioning and understaffed police departments who must daily battle a war against career criminals who laugh at a failed judicial system and District Attorneys who shut their eyes against the malefactors and their victims.  Why has this happened, and why is it continuing are valid questions that get ignored when asked.  

One element that our society and economy has is based on is private property rights.  Private property rights are the basis for many legal systems as well as capitalism.  We, as members of our society have a legal right to ownership of our property.  For example when we buy a home or condo, we obtain a legal ownership of the property that can not be taken away from us.  The same can be applied when owning a car or truck, we own the car or truck.  The home, condo, car or truck is not owned collectively by everyone in society.  I cannot claim ownership of your vehicle nor can you claim ownership to my vehicle.  If we once again see crime as a rape of private property rights (as it truly is) in our society, and if our legal system could start to once again enforce the legality of private property rights, then crime and criminals would decrease in our country.  As it stands today with bonds not being required for criminals who are caught, an epidemic of juvenile delinquency especially with stolen vehicles and repeat offenders constantly being returned to the street, crime will never subside.  Why is our private property rights being violated in this manner by criminals with the full blessings of the Democrat Party?  What gives a criminal the right to my personal property?  What gives a criminal the right to loot, pillage and steal from privately owned businesses?  I am waiting for an answer from any elected Democrat official to rationally explain to me and many others how this "cures" crime and theft in our society?  Because it does not, and is beyond idiotic to make claim to the contrary.

Murder continues to go unchecked in our society.  Due to the horrific open border policy of the incoherent Democrat Biden Administration, America has become much less safe.  We now have drug cartels and gangs running free in many parts of our country poisoning our youth and others with their illegal drugs.  They cause violent crimes and murders on a daily basis with turf wars for the illegals drugs they brazenly sell.  Why has the Democrat Party allowed this to happen?  Why do these illegal drug cartels exist in our country especially when our legal system is supposed to protect our health and well being?  Again, why can't our legal system enforce laws any more especially at the border and especially in Democrat led cities?  Are Democrat elected officials being paid off by these same cartels?  One has to wonder why the Democrat Party wants to put our entire country at risk by their hatred of laws and our legal system that should be protecting us?  What does it prove?  Who really benefits?  An elite out of control Democrat Party? Certainly, not you or I.

Americans want their private property rights returned to them.  Americans want to be able to get out of their vehicles and not have them stolen at gunpoint.  Americans want to be able to walk down a city street and not be mugged or murdered in cold blood in broad daylight.  Americans want a functional legal system to enforce the current laws that have been written.  They no longer want their cities burned, their stores robbed, and their children murdered.  The seeds of discontent continue to be sown by deplorable Democrat Party policies that defy logic.  America should not be a testing ground of an incomprehensible socialist experiment force fed to us by these demigods.  We need to take back our country from the grips of an insane logic propelled upon us by a failed and corrupted Democrat Party.