Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ned Lamont's "No Salary" For His Second Term. But He Made $54 Million Dollars in 2021?

Democrat Governor Ned Lamont is once again not taking a salary for being the ruling by decree Governor of Connecticut for his second term.  Connecticut Taxpayers paying one of the highest amounts of state and local taxes in the country can all rest easy tonight knowing their Governor has once again declined his salary for 2023-2026.  Lamont was scheduled to earn $226,711 next year but once again has declined it.  Lamont made $54,000,000 in income for 2021 according to his feeble and disguised representation of his income taxes.  One has to wonder how Lamont made so much money since Connecticut Taxpayers were not allowed to view his tax return, but were told most of his income was made through investments. 

Connecticut Taxpayers do not know how much Lamont paid in federal and state income taxes on this $54 million dollars in income for 2021 if any taxes were paid at all, since he has SEC documented ties to offshore tax havens.  A question that has to be asked by Connecticut Taxpayers since neither the Connecticut State run media nor the Legislature will ask, is through what investments is Ned Lamont earning this money, and where are these investments located?

Was this investment income made through the basically now worthless stock of Sema-4?  Was the investment income made through the multi-million dollar state loans given to Sema-4 that were forgiven by the state?  Was the investment income made through the loans and/or sweetheart deals made by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development to Lamont family hedge fund companies?  Was the investment income made through cryptocurrency companies such as Digital Currency group and its affiliates that were subsidized by the state?  Was the investment income made through the all new "non profit" ADVANCECT?  Was it made through the selling of citizen data via Boston Consulting Group, Mt. Sinai Genomics and/or McKinsey? Was the investment income made through the Lamont-based shell companies that were formed in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens? 

As usual it is business as usual for Democrat Governor Ned Lamont's various investments and companies that are just too plain hard and economically complex to be questioned or digested in any manner  by Connecticut's State run media.  Yet, we have seen a constant condemnation of all of Republican President Trump's companies and investments even though he has been audited yearly since 2009 with no issues found from these audits resulting in additional tax assessments.  So much for transparency in the Democrat Ned Lamont profit making Administration.  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont ever be audited?  Will Democrat Governor Ned Lamont come clean on his investments?   It is also comical to note that Connecticut still has $125 to $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  It is also comical to note that there is no plan whatsoever to pay down this debt.  I guess that $226,711 in salary saved by Lamont will go a long way in paying down $125 to $150 billion dollars in debt and unfunded liabilities.
Democrat Governor Ned Lamont may now enjoy four more years of unchecked and non-audited investment profits and income beginning on Sunday, January 1, 2023.  Democrat Governor Ned Lamont can use Connecticut Taxpayers for four more years as his personal piggy bank for complex, secretive financial companies, and byzantine schemes throughout the world for his personal financial gain with no oversight whatsoever.  Connecticut taxpayers of all political persuasions should take note of that, as they struggle to survive and live in the corrupted, inept, incompetent economic wasteland known as the "Constitution State" Connecticut. Some do realize that is truly is 1776 all over again.

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