Saturday, November 05, 2022

Sorry You Are Not Better Off Than You Were Two Years Ago

 Are you better off than you were in November 2020?  Two years ago, America had an election that changed the course of both Connecticut and our country in an unrecognizable direction in 2022.  Voters across our country will be voting on Tuesday November 8th to change the direction of Connecticut and our country back to a more normal direction.  We can not go on the way we are being governed by the Democrat Party today.  The time has come for a change in leadership at all levels of government.

Are you better off than you were in November 2020?  Two years ago, America had energy independence, a stable food supply, no inflation, a rational immigration policy and much less crime and theft than we have today.  Today we have a new energy crisis, food shortages, a open border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a public education crisis, runaway inflation and massive uncontrollable crime and theft.  Voters will take into consideration all the different crises they must face on a daily basis.  How will they afford to heat their homes this winter?  Will there be rolling blackouts? Will there be enough food in stores so they can feed their families?  For those who have babies, will they be able to find baby formula to feed them?  For those who have children in public schools, will they get any education on anything other than sex changes, white supremacy ideology, reverse racism, and bizarre sex acts?  Will they be a victim of crime no matter what time of the day?  Will their children become victims of the illegal drug crisis?  Will they be able to go to a gas station and be able to buy gas without being a victim of crime?  Will their homes and condos be broken into by young career criminals who roam our streets?  Will they become victims of violent criminal acts by illegal immigrants who are allowed freely into our country?  All of these questions go unanswered by the ruling Democrat Party.  In the incoherent gibberish they are force feeding voters, there is nothing wrong at all in our economy and society today.  And more importantly it is not their fault.  It is the fault of President Trump and the Republican Party.

The Democrat Party of Connecticut and America in 2022 may be characterized as a corrupted, demeaning, destructive, economically incoherent, illogical, and a horrific cancer in our state and our country.  We have a President who can barely function mentally and physically.  He takes great pride in condemning Americans who disagree with his policies.  We have a Governor who placed his family's hedge funds profits first while hiding behind the Covid-19 crisis that just never ends.  We have a United States Senator who embraces the Communist Party of America, needing to be in front of the camera at all times yelling about anything and everything while offering zero solutions during his never ending political diatribes.  Throughout our country, pejorative, scornful and stale Democrat Governors, State Legislators, United States Representatives and Senators all demand full compliance and submission to their failed archaic, leftist, and socialistic policies and programs.  Their time comes mercifully to an end on Tuesday November 8th.

The Republican Party of Connecticut and America offer a logical alternative to the absurd and nonsensical policies of the Democrat Party.  The differences between Bob Stefanowski and Ned Lamont are clear.  The differences between Leora Levy and Richard Blumenthal are clear.  The differences between George Logan and Jahana Hayes are clear.  The differences between Mike Francis and Joe Courtney are clear.  The differences are night and day.  

Are you better off than you were in November 2020?   Sorry, you are not better off than you were in November 2020?  You are much worse off under the dictatorial and totalitarian rule of the Democrat Party in 2022.  It is time for a change.  It is time for normalcy again for Connecticut and our country.  It is time for the Republicans to be the real leaders in our state and country we so desperately want and need.  Not the circus that we currently have disguised as government.  A government that are forced to support with our tax dollars.   It is time for a change.  And it is 1776 all over again.

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