Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Debtor Is The Slave To The Creditor, and The Creditor Is The Master Of The Debtor

 Debt is defined as the state of owing money. Debt for many has become a lifestyle. Although there are times in human life where incurring debt may be necessary, vast amounts of personal debt are incurred as the result of bad choices or purchases based on desire and not critical need. The Holy Scriptures tell us that debtors are slaves to their creditors and the creditor becomes the master of the debtor. And this is a terrible situation to be in.

If you do not believe that, just ask any debtor.

The American citizen understands there are several types of debt in our economy. We have consumer debt which can be broken down into various categories such mortgage debt, auto loan debt, credit card debt, higher education loan debt and personal loan and credit line debt. The figures for these types of debts astonish many. Here are some for you to ponder from the third quarter, 2024 (

Total American Household debt is $17.943 trillion dollars.

Total American Credit Card debt is $1.166 trillion dollars.

Total American Mortgage debt is $12.594 trillion dollars.

Total American Auto Loan debt is $1.644 trillion dollars.

Total American Student Loan debt is $1.606 trillion dollars.

Household debt based as a percentage of disposable income as a debt payment-to-income ratio, from the second quarter of 2024, is 11.5%. Or in other words 11.5 cents of each dollar of disposable income goes to service debt. The other 88.5 cents of each dollar you clear is what you would have to pay all your other expenses.

One may think that a government, with all its collective wisdom, would be able to fund its operations without debt. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Government at all levels, be it local, state, or national, is massively in debt. The Federal National Debt is $36.2 trillion dollars and rising. For 2024, the Federal Government will spend a mere $892 billion dollars to finance its National Debt. State governments such as Connecticut have $150 billion dollars in short- and long-term debt and unfunded liabilities that are never tackled or confronted by the superficial, feel-good “bi-partisan” political Uniparty, and this happens elsewhere, as well. If one were to add the total state debt of all fifty states, you are looking at $1.7 to $2 trillion dollars in debt depending on published figures and unfunded liabilities. Municipal Debt, which is funded by municipal bonds, is roughly $4 trillion dollars. (

If one were to add up Total American Household and Government Debt it is approximately $58 trillion dollars in total. Is there any plan to pay off the Government debt at all levels, local, state, and national? Not to my knowledge. In fact, the opposite is true. U.S. Senator Ron Paul released his annual “Festivus” report describing the horrific if not obscene wastes in left-inspired government spending. ( The Connecticut of King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable pays no attention to fiscal wreckage and pilfering by state university officials and aides while anti-business capitol city Hartford is watching its tallest office building fall into foreclosure on the way to capitulating into subsidized low-income housing. (
  The iconic Chrysler Building in midtown Manhattan New York, one of the most historically desirable business locations in days gone by, is facing foreclosure in a rotting and violent New York City (  Obviously some states and municipalities are in much better shape financially than others especially Democrat led and poorly governed states like Connecticut and New York where commercial taxpaying businesses leave so as not to continue to fund policies of woke nonsense, DEI programs, unchecked illegal immigration, high crime, and higher and higher taxes paid to the inept and illogical Blue State governments burning cash more quickly than their infrastructures and economies are deteriorating.  

But in review of this sordid and sick situation, one has to conclude that if debtors are slaves to creditors, Blue State Democrat politicians love to increase debt and redundancy while increasing the enslavement of citizens by tossing them fictional “bones” and freebies that the fewer remaining legitimate and taxpaying citizens must bear the burdens of paying via increased taxes and fees. The worst examples of this reckless and unregulated spending are in education and medicine, where the philosophy has been that more spending, redundant administration, and taxes will continually solve problems when all of this drives costs and debts to astronomical levels that are impossible for debtors to ever pay. However, in Connecticut and other Blue States, your Democrat politician such as The Unaccountable and his henchmen will create “medical debt forgiveness” causing such egregious debt to magically disappear overnight with a legally questionable program. In Connecticut, it is reported that 23,000 residents (citizenship optional) with have $30 million debt in debt wiped out! My good friend and colleague Tony De Angelo sharply questioned the legality of this program in detail which is apparently run by "Undue Medical Debt"  on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci show 94.9 ( , ( , this being a strange charitable organization which has been by billionaires for bulbous contributions that can be channeled per its own website to various locales for the ostensible buying of votes and political influence.  This "loan forgiveness" program has several legal questions that need to be answered clearly and transparently for Taxpayers, but we know it will not be. Because, the Democrat Master is calling the shots! (You see? The Master increased your debt. The Master is now coming to relieve your debt with his signature on the debt forgiveness letter! To show your appreciation, always vote for The Master as he creates more bulbous debts to charitably relieve for others. Be advised, The Master, has spoken.).

Contrary to what our elected officials tell us, and credit companies tell us our current collective level of debt is not sustainable. It will be quite painful to see what economic damages consumers and governments will be dealing with in 2025, especially with the amount of interest that will be paid to finance $58 trillion dollars in debt. Where does this money come from? Just more and higher taxes on a government level? On a personal level the elimination of one meal a day and or homelessness or broken families or foreclosure? Perhaps our economy, especially our government, could learn to do much more with less and pay down this sickening economic albatross that strangles our economic system for generations to come.  Then again maybe they could care less about it since political power means economic power in our not so brave new world as more slaves are created for their avaricious and corrupt masters.

Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Why Taxpayers Have Stopped Believing In The Government

 Why have Taxpayers stopped believing in what the federal government says? There are many reasons including the years of economic and social misery of the Biden Administration foisted upon the public. Perhaps such mistrust is rooted in a 1,547-page United States “stop gap” budget bill that was to keep the country operating until March 2025. Included in that unread bill was all sorts of "pork"-related funding that would help to keep our National Debt at over $36.2 trillion dollars and growing by the second or a mere $271,790 owed per American Taxpayer. But ignorant taxpayer who are you? You are not supposed to question line items in that bill such as "essential" "funding of $8 billion for a new football stadium in Washington, D.C., $50 million to be spent annually for an extended drinking water program, five years' worth of funding for a healthcare education program, a re-authorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, the manufacture of more dangerous and exploding electric buses for the continued satisfaction of Kamala Harris, and a future pay raise for members of Congress" ( You are also not to question "a one-year extension of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which funded an advertisers’ “blacklist” of The New York Post and other outlets to purportedly crack down on “misinformation.”(

I am curious if any of the United States Representatives in Connecticut bothered to read any part of this 1,547-page bill loaded with payouts and payoffs? Of course not, and Taxpayers know it does not work this way. As just one horrific example of the putrid state of government, we watched an embarrassing and unhinged Connecticut United States Representative Democrat/Socialist Rosa DeLauro storm to the speaker’s podium on December 19 and rant the following: “Yesterday a multi-billionaire, with apparently no working knowledge of government or of appropriations — a self-appointed president of the United States, Elon Musk — issued a marching order for House Republicans to go against their own elected leadership and shut down the government,” ( It is ironic that DeLauro, whose net worth is well over $20 million dollars, is jealous of Elon Musk's wealth given that in her 34-plus years in Congress she has done little actually "representing" the people of her district. It is ironic that one who has made her living being bought by the whims of monied people was now shrieking about a monied person espousing a contrary view to her own. One could not help but laugh at her speech, purple hair, and statements this week on the floor of Congress that were carried to millions on “X”. This is an excellent example of why Taxpayers stopped believing what their government says. In fact, if I were writing a dictionary of terms, I would not attempt to define “mistrust of government”, but rather would just insert a video of this horrific and embarrassing spectacle in its place. It really was that wretched of a performance, shameful even for the State of Connecticut.

Why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their state government says especially in such Democrat led states like Connecticut? There are many reasons. King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable has been the beneficiary of a masterwork in the utilization of millions of state tax dollars to craft stories obfuscating any mention of his continual pattern of leveraging state resources and funding for the benefit of his wife's hedge fund Oak HC/FT through numerous, questionable deals, no bid contracts, and specious transactions. [I have written numerous times about the Lamont associated companies relating to the Covid-19 crisis include "Thermo Fisher Scientific", "Sema 4", " Core Infomatics", "Ocrulus", "Urjanet", "1life Healthcare", "Galileo Health", "Castlight Health", "Paladina Health", and "VillageMD" to name some that have found a way to deal with state-connected entities). But the state is also a great business bank to the Lamont family as well. My good friend and colleague Tony De Angelo first broke the real facts of the $15,000,000, 2% (two percent) “disappearing sweetheart” Connecticut loan to Lamont-family connected Sema-4 using state investments with no collateral or guarantee of repayment on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio program 94.9FM, along with the $5 million dollars directed to Lamont family-connected Digital Currency Group to (in theory) "move" 300 jobs to Stamford, CT. But if you did nothing other than watch local state-run media, you would be told that The Unaccountable is the economic, health and well-being, and governance Champion of the state. You will be told that The Unaccountable is "the most popular governor in the country", "saved us all from dying of Covid" and "single-handedly engineered the "Connecticut Comeback". You will never be told that The Unaccountable’s wife’s partnership holds multi-million-dollar capital investments in the Cayman Islands (or more accurately, the secret, tax-free haven, anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage Cayman Islands). But why do you need to know that? Its contrary to the narrative about The Unaccountable. The narrative costs millions of dollars to prop up by means of fictional stories. You are sinful and a conspiracy theorist if you do not believe it! This is why citizens who are the least bit sane have absolutely no trust in the Connecticut government anymore. (Why should they?)

However, the parade of Connecticut mistrust is long and wide. Decent mortgage and taxpaying homeowners battle with un-elected imperious bureaucrats and inane and delusional legislators pressuring local towns and cities to cede control of local zoning laws for the sake of "affordable" housing and "public" transportation, all for the sake of “the public good”. Or, how about the Connecticut comptroller's college system audit reveals 'systematic' misuse of state funds where the perpetrators are encouraged to stay on the job rather than be prosecuted? Democrat Comptroller Sean Scanlon wanders in water over his head with the problems that have been exposed with this audit. However, he gladly follows the Connecticut Democrat Party narrative of expressing surprise at the corruption and vows to address it even though the problems have been known for many months. But let's not stop there. How about the highest electric rates in the country thanks to an incoherent Democrat "green" energy manifesto? Connecticut still has $150 billion dollars in short- and long-term debt and unfunded liabilities. It is a bottom feeder state with high taxes, poor infrastructure, horrible reputation, economically incoherent state union labor agreements, legislative Communist aspirants in-training, high crime, theft and murders, rampant illegal drug trafficking, state-enabled drug abuse, and a lack of any ethics or accountability from its Governor's office. But turn to state-run television and print media! You will be reassured that never happens in Connecticut and the Lamont cash trough is the blueprint for all Democrat elected officials. And you will never hear one word of any of these mentioned. Its just more in a myriad of reasons that Connecticut taxpayers cannot and do not trust their government anymore. (How could they?) 

Why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their local government says especially in Democrat led cities such as Bridgeport, Connecticut? There are many reasons. Take Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim as one. After being convicted of racketeering, extortion, and other crimes and serving prison time, Marse Joe gets elected back into office. He spent seven years in prison beginning in 2003 before he was voted back as Mayor of Bridgeport in 2015. His current legacy is the total corruption of the election process following the findings of voter and ballot fraud by loyal Democrat official Wanda Geter-Pataky on several occasions in at least several elections. In real terms your vote really does not count in Bridgeport nor can a functional two-party system exist in the city given the corruption of elections. Nor do they care. The establishment of Bridgeport, CT will see to that. This is why the citizens of Bridgeport do not trust their government anymore. (Why should they?)

So why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their government says? They have stopped for many reasons, and many more than I have mentioned above. We as Taxpayers are tired of the incoherent gibberish that we are force fed daily by the state-run media and our supposedly "elected" officials along with their elitist non-elected political appointees. They lie to us, wanting us to somehow transcend and transform their lies as truths and know truths to be lies. And their experiment has failed miserably for years as your state tax dollars go to continually prop us this farcical Uniparty of media and government. Taxpayer, once again, be damned.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Attorney General. An Advocate For The People. (But, For Which People?)

 Willam Tong (commonly known as “Bill Tong” before he assumed office in 2019), is the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut.

Many people often inquire about the role of the Attorney General, and in this connection, State of Connecticut manuals provide a clear description of his role.

 “The Attorney General is the chief civil legal officer of the State of Connecticut. The Attorney General's Office (“AGO”) serves as legal counsel to all state agencies and acts to protect the public interest for the people of the State of Connecticut. Among the critical missions of the AGO are to represent and advocate the interests of the state and its citizens as vigorously as possible, to ensure that state government acts within the letter and spirit of the law, to ensure that public resources are protected for present and future generations, to ensure that the quality of life of all our citizens is preserved and enhanced, and to ensure that the rights of our most vulnerable citizens are safeguarded.

The Attorney General represents the state government, its elected officers, and state boards, commissions, and agencies in suits and other civil proceedings in which the state has an interest. The Attorney General also provides opinions to the agencies of state government, state officers, and the General Assembly upon questions of law submitted to him by such parties. The Attorney General also acts as counsel for state officials in matters pertaining to their official duties. The Attorney General has a role in screening regulations of state agencies, state contracts, and extradition papers.

By virtue of this statutory responsibility to provide legal direction to state government, the Attorney General is in a critical position to advise all segments of the government so that they can carry out their responsibilities in accordance with the law.

In addition, the Attorney General possesses extensive statutory powers that enable him to represent the public interest more generally.

The Attorney General is elected by the people to a term of four years, is committed by law to serving full-time, and must be an attorney-at-law who has been admitted to practice in Connecticut for at least ten years. The Attorney General receives an annual salary of $110,000."


However, like the Ford Motor Company said in advertisements of days long past, William Tong “Has a Better Idea” as to what the Attorney General’s role should be. At a December 5, 2024 anti-Donald Trump meeting at the Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services ("IRIS") meeting in New Haven, CT, William Tong tossed out the policy manual of the State of Connecticut and provided the following statements regarding his official function when it comes to defending the priority of rights of illegal aliens:

"But look, America runs on Dunkin and undocumented workers," said AG Tong. "And we need to remind everybody, okay, they're coming. Right? And one of the ways we can stop them as best we can is to speak out... and to remind everybody if you like strawberries and avocados, or hamburgers, right? Then, likely those strawberries, avocados and hamburger meat likely was packed not just by immigrant workers, but undocumented immigrant workers."

"Fifty percent. Fully half of farm workers and meat packing workers in this country are undocumented," continued AG Tong. "If you won't eat anything touched by an immigrant or undocumented workers' hand, you'll be pretty hungry." (

Now to be fair, William Tong was joined at this meeting by several other like-minded officials such as Dr. Madeline Negron, Superintendent of New Haven Public Schools, Mayor Justin Elicker, and Chief of Police Kurt Jacobsen all promoting a sense of wariness, false hope, and comfort to those within the city illegally. But of particular interest is the Attorney General who tosses off a “fifty percent” of farm workers figure for justifying his support for lawbreaking. I wonder where he got the fifty percent figure? It is published somewhere that the Connecticut and American Taxpayers can read about it? Does this figure include also food produced and harvested in Connecticut? Does this publicly-funded employee or his family have financial interests in Dunkin Donuts? My good friend Tony De Angelo also discussed this meeting at length this past Tuesday 12/9 on the Lee Elci Show ( and on the 12/11 THIRTY WITH TONY video show.

In Tony’s segments, he asks the following question (in paraphrase): “I thought the job of the Attorney General was to protect tax compliant dopes like me from people operating illegally, paying no taxes, and abusing their workers.” And good question, indeed. Many are wondering how does this "defense" of illegal immigrants fit into the legality of Tong’s office according to his job description?  Doesn't Attorney General Tong have more pressing problems in the state? But his attacks echo the spirit of a liberal activist Democrat Attorney General who somehow creates new law expositions and evaluations that will coincide with the twisted and wretched Democrat Party narrative. 

Another such episode can be seen in Tong's absurd and inane lawsuit  where in 2020, he filed a lawsuit against Exxon/Mobil alleging that "ExxonMobil has orchestrated an ongoing, systematic campaign of lies and deception” to hide from the public that burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change. ( From that same article he also stated: ExxonMobil “knew decades ago that the release of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, when fossil fuels are combusted, was a substantial factor in causing global warming.” Tong claimed ExxonMobil knew as early as the 1950s and 1960s that the company’s activities were contributing to climate change and said by the early 1980s it was able to predict “the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature increase for the year 2020”.

I am curious that Attorney General Tong knew that much about "global warming" before he was born and where his facts came from? But tossing unsupported statistics is how he rolls, much like many of his state peers. He is merely following the blueprint as to how to financially shake down a company for political purposes (just like Senator Blumenthal did for almost 20 years as Attorney General). I wonder what would happen if Exxon/Mobil agreed to close their over 40 gas/diesel stations in Connecticut to settle this malicious suit?  What would the economic impact to the state in lost taxes, jobs and the like be? Could people shop for groceries, go to medical appointments, and go to school and to work to pay exorbitant Connecticut taxes without using these evil fossil fuels? And why does Attorney General Tong since his birth continue to use these evil fossil fuels?  But of course, there is zero-accountability in Connecticut where its not about what is compliant and coherent, but rather it is about what is convenient and confused at this moment in order to establish an Alinsky-esque twisted political goal.

But wait! There's More! Another critical issue that Connecticut Taxpayers will be funding thanks to Attorney General Tong is an "abortion hotline". This was created with no public consent by the State legislature with the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation. "Connecticut has seen firsthand what happens when we mobilize and organize at the state level: electing pro-choice majorities in the State House and State Senate, passing laws that expand access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care, and most recently, implementing the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act, one of the first shield laws successfully passed post-Dobbs to protect providers and those seeking care in Connecticut. Reproductive Equity Now is excited to expand the capacity of advocates in Connecticut and build a regional powerhouse for abortion access. We strongly believe that Connecticut is key to making New England a regional block for abortion access. With protection for providers on the books, in addition to digital privacy laws to protect the location and information of people accessing care in the state, Connecticut is a place where people can feel safe and protected when traveling to access compassionate care. But there is still work to do to break down barriers to reproductive health care, especially for Black, brown, LGBTQ+, and young people. We’re growing our team and we’re expanding our capacity to think even bigger and bolder when it comes to passing reproductive equity legislation in the state. (

If you read this organizations legislative agenda, it falls into line with what the liberal Connecticut Democrat Party agenda on abortion on demand, health care for immigrants through the "Husky 4 Immigrants Coalition and more. (

In review of the three stated crusades above, the operative question then becomes: who does Connecticut's Democrat Attorney General William Tong really represent and work for? Illegals? Tax cheating businesses? Irrational Green New Deal idealogues? Pro-abortion advocates wanting innocent taxpayers to consistently pay for their bad choices? In review of the above, William Tong certainly does not represent the legal Connecticut Citizens and Taxpayers who are forced to foot the bill for his liberal, self-driven, narrow-minded and twisted political agenda. He threw away the mission statement in his approach to the OAG. He seems to a big part of the Omnipotent One-Party Connecticut Democrat Party rule which is vital to propping up the last gasps of socialism that have made Connecticut an economic failure and disaster over the past thirty years. Connecticut's Democrat Attorney General William Tong is yet another extreme failure in his misguided gibberish that defines a political manifesto that does not work or is wanted any more. Once again, honest, compliant, and taxpaying citizen, be damned.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Lying. The Life Blood of The Biden Family And Other Democrats.

Joe Biden is a pathetic and criminal President in the opinion of many Americans. He is an insult to the American Taxpayer. The United States Taxpayer has seen the President and his son deceive the country through chronic lies. Lies that summarize and are the context of Joe Biden's political career. Lies dating all the way back to 1965 at the Syracuse law School. Lies when he plagiarized campaign speeches by British politician Neil Kinnock, Robert, and John F. Kennedy during the time when he was running for President in 1987. And now, Joe Biden lies one more time to save himself and his son Hunter by pardoning him for all his crimes since 2014, even though he said he wasn't going to do that. One can argue that the numerous times that Biden denied he was going to pardon his son was just the usual gibberish spewing from the President's deranged mouth. More and greater lies as has been the currency of the life and times of Joe Biden.

How much money did the President's family earn from the Hunter shakedowns and the selling of Joe Biden's political influence during this ten-year time frame of the pardon? And how do we as American Taxpayers feel about the total disregard for the rule of law shown by this Democrat President and his party? The rule of law obviously does not apply to the President, his family, and/or the Democrat Party. They are allowed to sell out of our country for their personal gain. The rule of law obviously does not apply to the testimonies of the brave IRS whistleblowers who called out the family for their egregious illegal actions. Everything somehow did not exist, the laptop, the Russian hoax cover-up, the “big guy,” the gun, the drugs, Bobulinski, Jimmy Biden, Valerie Biden, the tax evasion. All gone in a second with the Big Daddy pardon of all time. And while this was happening, we saw the daily torture and suffering that President Trump was put through via false and incoherent legal challenges that were made up by Democrat hit men who we made to believe were unbiased Attorney Generals and humble public servants that were far above reproach or criticism if any one of us had questioned their specious actions.

Americans have just spent the past four years listening in disbelief as the Department of Justice, the FBI, the IRS, and other governmental agencies all lied and covered up for Joe and Hunter Biden crimes. Americans clearly see a two-tier justice system and a justice system that really does not work for the common man, but only for the political elite. And don't forget the state-run media who has done an incredible job along with the Democrat Party propping up the failed Biden- Harris Administration along with the Biden crime family. It has been truly amazing to watch. You and I would both be in jail for what this family did for the past ten years, but Team Biden walks off of the political field scot-free.

However, let us always keep in mind that lying, malfeasance, unanswered questions, and a total lack of responsibility are the Gold Standards for Democrat run cities, systems, and officials in states like Connecticut and in many other places. Convicted Felon Mayor Joe Ganim and his accomplice Wanda Geter-Pataky of Bridgeport, CT have yet to face the least bit of accountability for the Bridgeport Ballot Scandal. The past two United State Senate races in Connecticut were both called either before, or, at the very minute the polls closed. And King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable continually escapes any inquiry or investigation regarding his myriad shaded dealings and scams during Covid-19, among a multiple of other things. But this kind of unmerited favor is expected by Democrats at all levels of government. Because why should they receive any less courtesy than Paterfamilias Joe Biden?

But let us be clear. We have just lived through a historic moment in our nation's history with this pardon. The pardon sickens many hard working, law abiding American Taxpayers that it happened. And guess what? We are truly powerless to do anything about it. Just the way the Democrat Party has envisioned it. Rip off the country, bring it to its knees, make a profit from it, suck taxpayer blood and treasure, and then walk away. Just like the Biden family is doing today. Crime does pay for the Biden family. Crime pays for other Democrats.

Do not forget that. It is a mockery of the rules and laws that govern us, but not them, in our country and state.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Connecticut 236 Years Later. The Long Road to Fiscal and Social Disaster

The time of Disaster has finally come, being long in the making. The bell now tolls for Connecticut, being the fifth state in our country since 1788. Ironically bearing the moniker of "The Constitution State," Connecticut seems to be gasping its' last breaths of its 236-year existence. 

The trip along the highway to disaster accelerated since the advent of the "cure-all" Utopian State Income Tax that was passed in 1991. Since that time, the state budget has increased from $7.9 billion dollars in 1991 to over $26 billion dollars in 2024. That is an increase of over 270%, far exceeding the rate of inflation. But has there been a great influx of new residents over thirty-five years? Hardly not. Connecticut's population has increased in the same period since 1991 by only 300,000 people from 3.2 million to 3.6 million in 2024. This is a 12% increase in 33 years, being far below the population increase in our country. So, using pure simple mathematics, there is no “population boom” nor teeming attraction for people to move into Connecticut. This realization is truly sickening, especially after the lies the Democrats and state-run media sources have fed to us to the contrary.

But that is just one symptom of the trip on the road to ruin. What was the cause? In recent history, we can start with Connecticut's Governor in 1991. The Governor was the liberal Republican turned Independent multi-millionaire Lowell Weicker, who was hailed at the time of enactment of the state income tax as saving the state from bankruptcy and cuts from essential services in the state. When looking back at some of the articles written during this debate, we heard that children would be starving, the homeless would have no place to go, and drug addicts would no longer be cared for if we did not enact the tax. The elderly would also become homeless with little to no social welfare programs for them, and anyone else would be in grave difficulty especially those most in need. Pedestrians would be shot and killed. Drug addicts would roam, rob, and pillage the streets! Women would be raped! Roads and bridges would be collapsing! Kids would come out of school stupid with no marketable skills whatsoever! Of course, these were all classic Connecticut Democrat Party talking points which have now turned into realities in Democrat Connecticut and are more solid realities after 35 years of separating Connecticut from their wallets and purses via tax money.

But on the road to the fiscal disaster Connecticut has a pattern of repeating its greatest hits. In 2024, Connecticut's Governor is the liberal Democrat vapid multi-millionaire King Ned Lamont, "The Unaccountable" who has helped to nurture massive increases in state spending, profited personally through questionable, unethical business dealings with no-bid state contracts going to firms such as Sema4  that were heavily invested in his wife's hedge fund Oak HC/FT, and has veto proof power in the State Legislature with an omnipotent one-party Democrat ruled majority.  As my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo pointed out this past week, SEC documents show that the Lamont-related interests made upwards of $77,000,000 in one day at the Sema4 public offering to a chorus of silence from anyone in the political sphere or corporate state-run media interests. But that egregious rape of ethics pales in comparison to the fact that any piece of liberal, socialist, or communist legislation can be rammed through and signed with ease by Lamont over the next two years. But what about that thing called Ethics? It is common knowledge that the Connecticut State Ethics Department could not find an elephant in the snow, and this has been made much more clear since the Lamont-related pillagings. The time for disaster has arrived for a true dictatorship and treasury leveraging never seen before anywhere in 236 years.

But despite the incredibly obscene and bulbous amounts of tax money collected by Connecticut over thirty-five years, it is ironic that in 2024 we see the same issues that the state prophesied in 1991. Children are not being cared for except for things such as gender change. There is still a homeless crisis. There is a massive illegal drug crisis. There is now massive crime and theft in the state. There are still massive infrastructure problems with constant road and bridge repair needed. Yet the state budget increased by over 270% with the state income tax. And Connecticut has $125 to $150 Billion dollars in short- and long-term debt along with unfunded liabilities that just never get mentioned, as the prevailing ideology is that saving the “fiscal guardrails” will save us all. Regrettably, nothing can be farther from the truth. As one cause, it is rarely discussed in 2024 that the bulk of the state's spending goes to state employee salaries, benefits, and pensions along with interest on the state debt. There is little to spend elsewhere. Read the state budget for this economic reality for yourself (

Connecticut’s 236-year road to disaster accelerated into the freeway fast lane since 1991. Since that time, the state has evolved into a cesspool of political nepotism, crime, serial incompetence, debt, and incoherent socialistic gibberish. Connecticut's state government caters to the well-connected and has little impetus to make life easier for those who are the indentured servants, the Connecticut Taxpayers who must fund this economic debacle. Could you run a company and earn a profit if the bulk of your business’s funds just paid for salaries, benefits, pensions, and debt service benefiting the old cronies on the top floor? But Connecticut's Democrat Party has no problem doing this. Why? How does it benefit Connecticut Taxpayers? In what way? Can anyone explain that to Connecticut Taxpayers?

Thus, Connecticut slogs along with high state taxes, high property taxes, high state debt, high homelessness, high crime, excessively high electric rates, high cost of living, massive unfunded liabilities, massive illegal drug problems, massive infrastructure problems and more.  It is not what our founders envisioned in 1788. Personal and economic freedoms should be flourishing in a state like Connecticut. Instead look forward to two more dismal years economically and socially in "The Constitution State" a state that its political class feel is theirs and theirs only. Citizen once again, be damned.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

We’re Number 50! - The Democrat Victory Of Making Connecticut The Most Financially Troubled State In The Union

There seems to be no limit to the gutters that Connecticut continually falls into. Rampant corruption. Condoned (if not coddled) illegal immigration. Free tuition and healthcare for these same illegals. State senators destroy public property without a demand for prosecution from either political party. Other legislators drive drunk, flip cars and/or abuse substances, even while making laws. However, if that is not wretched enough for you, there is worse news for Connecticut Taxpayers. The State of Connecticut is pretty much broke. Yes, you read that correctly. Broke. Tapped out. Busted. On the Breadline.

Again, I repeat: The State of Connecticut is pretty much broke.

How has this happened, do you ask? Easy. It has been the usual “what, me worry?” posture in the land of Nutmeg for any semblance of fiscal governance. The election that took place a few weeks ago rewarded the fiscally illiterate Connecticut Democrat Party even more power for their inept fiscal mismanagement of the state. But how can this be possible in light of easy to find public sources? A recent “2024 Financial State of the States Report” (“report”) issued by the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver, ranked Connecticut at the complete bottom of their report at #50 out of 50 states giving the state a "F" for their finances based on 2023 results. The report which I urge all to read can be found at
To make a dire situation even worse, Connecticut is ranked at the bottom of all "Sinkhole" states. This reference to a “Sinkhole" means that all state taxpayers will owe a certain dollar amount to pay off the state's debt. The state does not have enough revenue and assets to pay its bills. For Connecticut it is a mere $44,300 each person (p.17 report). I have written for many years the issues of Connecticut's short- and long-term debt along with its unfunded liabilities at being $100 to $150 billion dollars, an astronomical amount for the state as small as Connecticut, only for me to be continually derided by many feel-good politicians. However, to show how deluded these politicians are, the report clearly breaks out the following grave issues concerning Connecticut: Unfunded Pension Benefits: $38,010,340,000. Unfunded Retiree Health Care Benefits: $17,091,549,000 (p.51 report). The mind-numbing figure of $64,897,085,000 is the actual debt that the state reports from its fiscal report, however over the years several budget items were taken off budget and as such are not counted towards this figure (p.51 report). That to me is called creative (if not fraudulent) accounting. It also may be noted that the "Government Finance Officers Association (“GFOA”), the standard for states to publish their annual reports is 180 days after the end of the fiscal year." (p.28 report) Connecticut took 271 days to file their report thus disregarding the GFOA guidelines that they are supposed to adhere to by law. But hey, it's Connecticut, where rules and laws do not matter anymore, if at all).

Unfortunately, the lack of fiscal acuity on the part of the Republican party has not provided any moments of consideration or pause over time thus making a bad situation even worse. As just one example, in this past election I heard no candidate on either side discussing the grievous state debt or this report. And this fiscally negligent attitude has gone on for years. For example, in 2023, Democrat State Comptroller (and fiscal genius) Sean Scanlon magically “saved millions of dollars” by re-amortizing the unfunded liability of the municipal pension fund from 17 to 25 years as both political parties cheered. But what did Mr. Scanlon do? He simply increased the amount of debt by deferring payment on the same, showing no conceptual understanding of present-value finance and the concept that a dollar will never be worth any more than it is today in the future. For, how does one save money when your debt is the same but now will take an additional eight years to pay off as it continues to accrue interest? Isn't the debt financed by interest paid? Or has that mysteriously been eliminated? How is this simply thoughtless move any different than continually making the minimum payment on your credit card and believing your debt will be paid off faster? But perhaps I am wrong, and Mr. Scanlon has the right idea! That said, why don’t we go about re-amortizing all of Connecticut's debt into 100-year notes? That way generation upon generation of Connecticut Taxpayers get to live their lives as indentured servants to the Connecticut Democrat Party and their fiscal inefficiencies and maladroitness. This idea might work so well that the Connecticut Democrat Party could then reinvent a modern-day system of serfdom and or a new form of economic slavery to the state's master political ruling elite by the issuing of these 100-year debt bonds. This new financial plan would work well with the party that wants unchecked illegal immigration, state-run media, controls on social media and free speech, redundant and functionally useless bureaucracies, and the encouragement of party “leaders” that harass and shame ordinary citizens while the opposing party never cries out for the censure or removal of these evil individuals. This is life as we know it in the nearly broke, vision-less, and morally bankrupt State of Connecticut.

Thus in 2024, Connecticut is no more resolving its debt crisis than in years passed. Thus in 2024, no one wearing a political uniform seems to care. This new report issued reconfirms many of the same problems that the state has had for years. Excessive state spending coupled with excessive state debt, fueled by “feel-good” politics at every turn. Connecticut continues to rank as a top five taxed state in the country. It continues to have massive financial issues no matter how King Governor Ned Lamont the Unaccountable, his should-be-abolished Department of Economic Development, and his faux-prop economic spokespeople such as Sean Scanlon try to spin it. For Connecticut to survive it must address its out-of-control spending and unchecked fiscal corruption that offer little in either comfort or results other than to those directly involved. Connecticut has massive problems with criminals and crime is running rampant. Connecticut has massive problems with illegal drug use and trafficking. Connecticut still has massive problems with its public schools that are more interested in indoctrination rather than teaching life skills and functional knowledge. Connecticut still has massive problems due to a skewed political system that is ripe with corruption as seen with the never-ending voter fraud in Bridgeport. Connecticut fiscal economic incentives are nothing more than the throwing of bribes to the politically connected. Moreover, Connecticut still has massive problems that truly need to be addressed for the last time.
But not the least of sorrows is that albatross of never-ending debt hanging on the shoulders of innocent Connecticut Taxpayers who toil daily in a dysfunctional state economy while the Connecticut Democrat Party moves blindly ahead without even the least criticism of this debt. But the solutions are simple. Cut spending and cut taxes. Learn the spelling of the word "governance" But that concept is always ignored in the wasteland of debt, in the state known as Connecticut, which is the paradise of unchecked and enabled Democrat Party led economic gibberish leading to ultimate collapse.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Mythological Connecticut Republican Party

 If you were an ardent consumer of Connecticut State-run news sources this past year, you may not be aware that there was another election in Connecticut this November. Despite the microscopic and unenthusiastic endorsement from the Mythological Connecticut Republican Party, President Donald J. Trump gained a substantially higher vote count in the state than in previous elections, receiving almost 42% in 2024. However, despite the dogged efforts of the Mythological Connecticut Republican Party to deny the existence of anything relating to the obscene word “Trump,” no group of state Republican candidates came close to beating the ultra-liberal Democrat machine in 2024.

On a state level, Republicans lost even more ground in being a small minority in the Connecticut House, now holding only 49 seats to the Democrat Super Majority of 102 seats while in the Senate Republicans are down to 11 seats to the Democrat Super Majority of 25 seats. (excluding the results of the 8th District State Senate race). Sadly, things look poorly for the Mythical Connecticut Republican Party. 

As much are failures are continually attempted to be explained and excused away, it was more of the same in state Republican losses as have been seen year-in and year-out. It is argued that “all politics is local” However, it has become obvious that the state Republican message is ignored, lost, misspoken and or non-existent. What exactly is the message does the Mythical Connecticut Republican Party want to express to the Connecticut voting public? Is it less state governmental spending and the lowering of taxes? Is it a smaller, more efficient state government? Is it full transparency in state government along with a real check and balance mechanism? Is it more school choice and letting parents actually parent their children?  Is it liberty and personal freedoms? Is it a crackdown on crime and criminals with meaningful enforcement of laws to prosecute criminals? Is it the state taxpayer defunding of self-appointed sanctuary cities in the state? Is it enforcement of actual voting laws that would have prevented the ongoing crime in the city of Bridgeport's election and removed questions from other races? Is it the abolishment of dodgy “quasi-public” entities and opaque state-connected nonprofits that were most useful in the crooked Covid-19 machinations of King Governor Ned Lamont the Unaccountable? Is it enforcement of real ethics laws that govern state elected officials and state employees especially when state taxpayer funded contracts are involved? Is it criminal sanctions for law-breaking elected officials? Is it a “DOGE” type-effort in slashing the bloated and self-aggrandizing state workforce? Is it that state taxpayers have a real Bill Of Rights when dealing with state officials in Connecticut? Is it civil and criminal penalties when someone in that bloated workforce harms an innocent person?

What is it that the Mythical Connecticut State Republican Party bases itself on considering there is no doubt what is happening on the left. To this fact, it is quite clear that the Connecticut State Democrat Party stands for socialism, operative communism, government intervention at any and all costs, full term state taxpayer paid for abortion along with a state taxpayer funded abortion "hotline", minimal personal freedoms, election fraud, more and higher taxes, “creative ways” for finding employment for illegal students in state colleges, unobtainable clean/green energy conquests at any cost, more crime, less enforcement of laws that are actually legally binding, state run local planning and zoning law enforcement, and a crumbling bridge and highway system to just to name a few items.  In true Pravda style, the Connecticut State Democrat Party is able to achieve this with an obedient state run and state-supported media that echoes the Connecticut State Democrat Party rhetoric daily in its continual effort to help brainwash the public.

However, due to the efforts of a handful of independent reporters  and dogged ordinary citizens there are encouraging signs of political life in Connecticut with strong independent Libertarian and Conservative journalists and common citizens like my good friend Tony De Angelo and others who fight a daily battle in the state against this omnipotent one party machine's incoherent gibberish, effectively doing the work of what an opposing party should do.  Connecticut is in dire need of a vibrant, coherent Republican Party that no longer embraces the "coolness" of condemning all things Trump and all things Conservative while playing the continual patsy to the Connecticut State Democrat Party's hold.

The Mythical Connecticut Republican Party must end. It needs a functional and common-sense platform that embraces those who work and pay taxes in the state. It needs a functional and common-sense platform that embraces and relates to minorities especially the working Hispanic population that is found in many cities in the state. It needs new people from top to bottom in the party organization and not the perennially failed Republicans that embrace the Party's race to oblivion and stupefaction to nothingness and continual defeat. The Mythical Connecticut State Republican Party needs to emerge from myth to reality and generate a real candidate to run for Governor in 2026 and not another self-destructing unknown or benign party poster child running to be acceptable to all things wrong.

To emerge from obscurity, The Connecticut State Republican Party has time to prepare if it wants to. It must embrace the heart of the country that is rooted in strong American principles. It must be able to say the word MAGA and not run behind a tree in shame. It must show its dedication in fighting first for the non-state connected working person. It must champion a DOGE-based effort to shrink the monolith of state government and the administrative state. Or the Connecticut State Republican Party can continue in perpetual uselessness and defeat in becoming the new Whig Party of 2024.

To conclude, I will borrow one of Tony's favorite phrases. Change is simple as that, and just as difficult.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

President Trump's 2024 Victory- (AKA- “The Revenge Of America”)

 America has seen it all in its 248-year history. A history that is rich in freedom and prosperity along with wars and Depressions. We have seen good Presidents and bad Presidents. We have seen Presidents caught up in scandals in their administrations and other Presidents whose ethics and honesty were immaculate. And we have also experienced divine interventions. One such intervention was experienced on November 5. For on that day, our forty-seventh President was elected, and this President was also our forty-fifth President. His name? Donald J. Trump.

President Trump plays a unique role in our nation's history. He had been almost assassinated by a killer’s bullets, belittled, denounced, eviscerated, slandered, vilified, and vituperated. He was impeached on two separate occasions, attacked relentlessly by a Democrat state Attorney General, two local Democrat prosecutors, and a Democrat Federal Special Prosecutor while being indicted 91 times in three separate and different criminal courts. He was found liable in two civil court cases and at the same time he was convicted of thirty-four supposed felonies. His Florida home was raided by special agents while his business in New York City was effectively confiscated by a Democrat Manhattan judge. The state-run media coverage of President Trump was aggressive, belligerent, malicious, spiteful, and venomous. Other men would have been broken by this mental and physical daily abuse paid for by United States Taxpayers. Not Donald J. Trump. No, Donald J. Trump could not and would not be broken or give up on his strong beliefs and convictions in his unyielding desire to make our country great again.

Despite this blitzkrieg over the past four years, over 73 million voters decided that President Trump was their choice to go back to office and become our 47th President.  He defeated Vice- President Harris on Tuesday. He staged what will be viewed in our nation's history as one of the greatest comebacks in political history. Greater than Grover Cleveland, Teddy Roosevelt, or Richard Nixon. Despite everything that he was put through, he prevailed. He did not give up what he believed in, nor did he give up the fight for America. He exhibited a positive thought process in his movement that rarely has been seen in this country for years. His optimism and his willingness to fight a true political battle to help save our country was evident by his wide range of support, much of whom came to him from former detractors and former persecutors. He went to the ‘hood. He touched people of all backgrounds and walks of life. He offered exciting and new economic concepts. And people embraced and cherished him. It was truly history for the ages.

President Trump's victory has proven that a vast majority of Americans and American voters rejected the political correctness, woke divisive culture, and illogical economic policies that benefited the wealthy, while shaming the working middle class and small businesses of our country. President Trump's victory also has proven that most Americans and American voters rejected failed foreign policies that have us on the verge of World War III, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, and a human trafficking crisis. Americans and American voters rejected the past four years of a living nightmare courtesy of the failed Biden-Harris Administration. Americans and American voters had enough of the failed Democrat Party and their obliteration of our society and economy to suffice their incoherent gibberish of diversity, equity, and inclusion among other tortures and self-aggrandizements spread in our daily lives.

However if I were to relay the wonderful news above to a Martian exiting his flying saucer on his first trip to earth, he would be surprised to know that a number of states of the United States of America voted for the exact opposite of what is described above, choosing to embrace the malignant policies that have driven their regions into ruin. Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts proudly declared that she would violate Federal law and not participate in the deportation of illegal migrants in her state. Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois brags of his wonderful “governance” while Chicago leads the world in the murders of young men of color. Governor Gavin Newsom of California continues his disastrous ruin of California by pledging to defend the rights of lawbreakers as we weep at the wreckage of Los Angeles and San Francisco. And not to be undone is Connecticut’s own King Gov. Ned Lamont The Unaccountable, who in a hastily arranged press conference on November 6 stared into the camera with a deer-in-the-headlights blank stare saying that his Democrat Party has lost the ability to connect with humble people. These same humble people being the people he locked down, robbed from, stole personal data from, threw out of business, shamed, rendered jobless, and insulted. (Yes, Sire. You must forgive them for being unable to relate to you).

However, even in these failed bastions of woke liberalism of America, hope springs eternal. It is remembered that America was brought to the brink for the past four years as it has been many, many times since 1776. Election Day has proven that good has once again overcome evil, incompetence, and stupidity. Our Lord continues to watch over the United States of America daily through good and evil times. We now see that our Federal Government needs a major cleaning and reset. All legal Americans need to have representation again. Americans have spoken loudly. Americans do not need to be governed by un-elected and imperious career bureaucrats who could care less about the working men and women of all occupations that are the backbone of our economy. And once again, we are reminded that we do live in the greatest country in the world contrary to those who spread hatred across our lands. 

God Bless President Trump and Vice President Vance. Let the future begin now.

And God Bless America.


Saturday, November 02, 2024

I Require Strength and Leadership And Not Cowardliness, Incompetence, and Failure. (Do You?)

 What a beautiful country we live in! When driving through rural towns, I am amazed at seeing the homes, farms and small stores and buildings that grace those areas.  When driving through bustling cities, I gawk at the size of massive office buildings and apartment and condo complexes in addition to the menagerie of stores, shops and restaurants, each one a testament to the belief of their owners in free enterprise and freedom.  The economic variety of what our country has to offer is endless.  Economic wealth and economic prosperity are enormous.  The American mind has developed and designed incredible inventions/technologies/tools to simplify our lives and help us live longer, healthier lives.  We take for granted our country and abundant lives. And many know and believe with me that all levels of our government continue to assert an autocratic and dictatorial rule of the towns, cities, states, and country via the oppression of non-elected, non-productive bureaucrats and their nurturing administrative state.  Personal freedoms such as freedom of speech, economic freedom and property rights have become endangered, especially over the past four years of the failed Democrat Biden-Harris administration. 

However, we are commanded to forget the oppressions of the last four and five years. Take the Covid-19 debacle (or as my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo refers to as “The First Attempted Communist Takeover”). Due to the failures, lies, frauds, murders of the elderly, and political obfuscations of King Gov. Ned Lamont The Unaccountable and his minions and henchmen, we are to forget any of this ever happened (Think: Is not “Turn The Page” an oft-heard term from Team Left?). But this is an Alinsky-esque model of how the left does business. Because the last four years of the failed Democrat Biden-Harris administration also. never happened.  Decay and destruction of our society and economy over the past four years never happened.  The putrid wreckage of our great cities, never happened. A massive loss of lives in a horrific and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan, unchecked illegal immigration. and illegals voting, and a never-ending illegal drug crisis never happened!  A $36,000,000,000,000.00 National Debt, fueled by an idiotic energy policy, with attendant runaway inflation doubling and tripling the cost of many necessities, never happened.  A re-education of our public school system focusing on politically correct and woke education and gender-confusion, apparently never happened!  Countless attempts to give away American Taxpayers monies for loan forgiveness of all types through Executive Orders, never happened!  Anti-Semitism, Jewish Hatred, an abandonment of the right of Israel to defend itself and unchecked anti-Israeli demonstrations never happened!  A demented President Joe Biden calling 250,000,000 Trump supporters “garbage”, was really Joe Biden stuttering, so calling these people "garbage", never happened!   This is the record the "joyful" and “forward moving" Vice President Harris and her incompetent, buffoon-esque and pro China Tim Walz sidekick are running on this coming Tuesday.  

Policy? There is none! Policy for this crowd is rooted in the “Rules for Radicals” of Saul Alinsky. (Turn the Page! Lie! Lie! Lie! Deny! Deny! Deny!. Blame the Other Guys for your screw-ups!) So have a party in trying to understand the platforms that Harris-Walz is running on.  Incoherent gibberish of socialist dreams and ideals coupled with word salad laughter while sprinkled with a mix of grunting against Trump and his "garbage" supporters using venom and hatred are all we hear.  We now have a laughable and completely false narrative of the past four years.  It just never happened! In this manner, we can embrace four more lost and dangerous years of the McDonald's employed Border Czar, as she is joyful, teleprompter-dependent, disguised and playacting the part of President of the United States of America.  No strength, no coherency, no energy, no policies, no foreign policies except for our enemies, and no leadership. This is exactly what the next four years will look like under a Harris-Walz regime.

 It is time for the silent majority to speak up.  America is on the line on November 5. We cannot afford as a country what we have just lived through for the past four years. Because of political beliefs, Conservatives have become a badly divided country according to our state-run media and its ill-tempered elitist supposed journalists.  Compromise is forbidden as beliefs and concepts that we were once taught as true, are now despised, and deemed forbidden by this minority of supercilious pompous asses now dictating to the majority what as to we can have and not have.  Americans are tired of this waste of our personal and natural resources.  Americans are tired of being lied to.  Americans are tired of seeing our enemies coddled while our friends are abandoned.  Instead, we need a new way forward of strength and leadership. 

It will happen again under a Trump-Vance administration.  And may Almighty God light the way for the preservation of the United States of America.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Voter Fraud (aka Standard Democrat Operating Procedure In Connecticut)

 Over the years, I have written about voter fraud as I have seen it facing ridicule, abuse, and derision for my position from those that are politically connected. But if anything, voter fraud has increased over time, spreading over the years to other parts of our country. Regardless of where it happens, it has the tacit blessing of the Democrat Party.  It is a sad day for our country when many Democrats believe that non-citizens somehow have the right to vote such as what is happening in Virginia and Minnesota (and probably Connecticut).  And this is wrong.  Dead wrong. And illegal. And unconstitutional. And grounds for evil practices and malfeasance

The Heritage Foundation has been tracking voter fraud cases in our country (  Connecticut has had numerous cases dating back to 1988 and the infamous Bridgeport State Senate Ernie Newton ballot fraud case.  In fact, in Connecticut, the bulk of fraudulent cases are from Bridgeport and have been going for almost 50 years, going back to Mayor John Mandanici’s people submitting ballots for dead people in the 1970s.  These egregious cases have been continually swept under the rug, laughed at, disregarded, and avoided at all costs by the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Look at what happened with the 2023 Bridgeport Democrat Mayoral Primary and the stuffed absentee ballot fraud that took place, making Connecticut the butt of national jokes once again. But humility and shame are not emotions present in the makeup of a Connecticut Democrat where its a complete double-down on any fraudulent practice if it accomplishes the desired objective.

As just one recent example, Republican State Senator Rob Sampson has again decried the election fraud that seems to be constantly going on based on a recent unsealed complaint alleging that a Bridgeport city councilman convinced a non-citizen to illegally register to vote in 2023 and persuaded her to apply for an absentee ballot that he later cast for her.  His response to this new voter fraud issue was to the point “When will one-party rule Connecticut Democrats at our State Capitol admit and acknowledge what the rest of the state sees? And by the way: it is not just a ‘Bridgeport Problem.’ You can bet it has been happening in other municipalities. We need reform in Connecticut's absentee voting process. Republicans and I have been shouting from the rooftops about this for a long time prior to the viral Bridgeport ballot stuffing videos which made Connecticut a national embarrassment. Now, we have this news. Are you sick of seeing it? Then, as you head to the polls to vote, consider how Connecticut Democrats have shown zero interest in ensuring election integrity and have repeatedly voted ‘no’ on Republicans’ commonsense ideas to fix this obviously broken system. Absolutely nothing will change in Connecticut if you keep voting for Democrats.” (  

Sampson was immediately condemned by the Connecticut Democrat Party for his comments, but more than arguably, why doesn’t the State Republican Party go one solid step farther and declare global war on voter fraud, by investigating and pursuing every reported occurrence of abuses?  For the abuses are sickening. Can Democrats explain to anyone why Bridgeport and its voting problems have gone on for almost 50 years with no reforms?  And can Democrats equally and completely deny with documentary proof that this form of voter fraud does not exist in other Connecticut municipalities especially with the absurd same day voter registration that exists in the state?  Democrats do not do so, because Democrats know exactly what they are doing and do nothing to stop it because fraud invariably accrues to their benefit.  As my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo often says, its simple as that, (and regrettably, just as difficult).

Moreover, what is astounding to me is no one in this same “legitimate media” (or “political/media complex”) pursues other indicias of fraud to trace it to its root causes. Take Bridgeport. “Wanda The Ballot Stuffer” has been politically operating in Bridgeport over the course of several gubernatorial elections, several of which somehow changed overnight. Would it not be a reasonable question to ask if Wanda had her hand in several of these contests, such as the Lamont-Stefanowski debacle of 2018? Or take this past week. Rep. Greg Howard (R) of Stonington found his name omitted from early voting ballots. How is this grievous flaw possible? Who was responsible for printing the ballots? Is anyone responsible for proofreading ballots? Has this occurrence happened with others in the state. These are all very obvious and logical questions that stunningly, are never pursued by either politically connected individuals or state-run (and paid for), media.

 But take all of this in totality. This is the labyrinthine reality of voter fraud: Every fraudulent voter registration and/or questionable transaction could result in a fraudulent vote that in turn cancels out your legitimate vote and can influence the results of an election.  It is well-established that The Connecticut Democrat Party has their own "playbook" on voter fraud.  They love it and use it for their own gain.  Legal voters want their votes to actually count.  Because they do not in the political filth and grime of the corrupted Democrat controlled city of Bridgeport, CT, and its convicted Mayor.  And they do not count either in the omnipotent one-party ruled Democrat Party state of Connecticut, wherever these happenings occur. 

The fraud is in full view of our country to see and be disgusted by on a daily basis. And other than a blessed few, most connected to the fray accept all of this as standard operating procedure.
God help us all.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Functional Illiteracy, Incompetency, And The Inability To Answer A Question- The New Democrat Gold Standard

 You all know Vice President Kamala Harris. The shallow, smiling, giggling, and waving soul who smiles and laughs as she promises “Change” and “A New Way Forward”, “Joy” and “Turning The Page.” This saccharine, shallow person who has fostered doubts on all sides regarding her inability to function now has issues with answering any simple questions, especially when they involve her actions and reactions as being the Vice President for the past four years. All of these occurrences provide the sensation to an observer of watching an impending train wreck while being unable to stop it.

  Harris’ latest implosion was seen on a reality-based 26-minute question and answer interview with Fox News Brett Baier on Wednesday October 16, 2024.  The questions that were asked of her which would be asked of any aspirant to the highest office of the land, rattled Harris to an embarrassing end.  Her body language gave off a sense of anger, frustration, and inability to act.  Given questions that required clear and well-reasoned answers, Harris could not deflect her shortcomings with her standard condescending and supercilious mannerisms and her classic nervous laugh as she did debating President Trump. As no question was answered with any direct answer, Harris showed that she was unprepared for her interview reciting her standard gibberish remarks of her stale campaign during the 26-minute truncated session. However, during that time, she did manage to state the name “Donald Trump” 25 times while appearing continually nervous, rattled, and angered.  Are these the leadership qualities Americans want in their President in negotiating with foreign dictators and with Democrat-engendered world war on the horizon?  

God Help Us All.

As this painful session wore on, the disingenuous nature and incompetence of Harris was glaring. In watching the interview, one wondered how she never saw any decline in President Biden whatsoever, yet she had no problem accepting the coronation and ascension to her Presidential run when Biden backed out.  So, Harris really did not see anything wrong whatsoever with the President over the years? Really?  Who is kidding who in this situation?  What an unbelievable lie, one of the many of the failed and lie-filled Biden-Harris Administration.

Harris also wants us to believe that the unchecked border crisis is inexplicably the fault of President Trump.  She apparently had no indication during the interview that she was at first in favor of an open border and somehow came to the realization that she is against it and or has any recollection of the border being open for the past four years while she was the "proclaimed Border Czar”.  How stupid does she think the American Voter is?  And what about the families of the murder victims Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Laken Riley among others?  The deaths of innocent women and others were not a direct result of the Biden-Harris border debacle policy, according to Harris.  The unaccountable attitude of Harris reeks. Harris owns this crisis and its results not President Trump.

But what is really new in how Harris conducted herself for her first real test before Mr. Baier? Incompetence, unaccountability, inability to answer questions and own up to blame. a complete lack of reasoning and offending citizens make up the new Democrat “Gold Standard" of governance. Take one look at the confused and befuddled "swagger man" Mayor Eric Adams, who single-handedly destroyed New York City the same way that Gov. Gavin Newsom has destroyed California. Or Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, who weirdly made a “Tik-Tok” video with another woman playing a Christian receiving communion in the form of a Doritos chip, with Whitmer “serving” the chip and shrugging her shoulders. Or Rep. Joe Courtney of Eastern Connecticut, who will not apologize to the citizens he represents in Windham County, Connecticut for his act of legislative malpractice in blowing a tax-related Disaster declaration for 2023, costing these constituents untold thousands of dollars while executing one for his more “simpatico” New London County constituents as my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo is wont to point out. Or let us not forget Connecticut’s own “Gold Standard” in incompetence and ineffectiveness, King Gov. Ned Lamont The Unaccountable, who Tony points out could suspend the Eversource “Public Benefits” bill charge debacle with a stroke of his pen under an impending public health emergency, akin to what he did during Covid-19. But Ned is not financially invested in Eversource while he was invested in Covid with Sema4 so he has no incentive to govern. But it is undeniable that all of the aforementioned Democrats are invested in arrogance, incompetence, ineffectiveness, and obfuscation. citizen be damned.

 But in returning to Harris, the failed Democrat Biden=Harris Administration helped to create the current crisis of Kamala Harris and her non electability.  I must also point out, which never reached this same interview, was how Harris could explain the economics of the past four years that she now disowns.   Please stop lying to yourself. You are not better off economically than you were in 2021, contrary to all the new economic bells and whistles of the Harris-Walz campaign.  America's Voters are not going to elect an incoherent and unintelligible Democrat team that has no focus, direction and or functional policies to put forth to the country.  The Democrat Party relies upon the same tried thrashing of all things Donald J. Trump and his followers.  It has become a sick and sad bore to listen to for the past eight years. 

 Good riddance to the bad rubbish for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the political zombies of their Administration.  Welcome President Trump and Vice President Vance.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dr. Michael Goldstein For United States House of Representatives CT-4

Dr. Michael Goldstein, a Republican, is running for United States Congressional Representative in Connecticut's 4th district.  He is running against Democrat power broker Jim Himes who is the current US Representative since 2009.  Himes has been in office for 15 years now and really has not much to show in those years in Congress as he seems to like to condemn and belittle all things President Trump and the Republican Party.  His rhetoric and lack of results for the citizens of Connecticut's 4th district should not be tolerated any longer.  Himes offers little in solutions and has done little for his district in 15 years.

Dr. Goldstein offers a much different representation for this district.  His fresh ideas and common sense approach to solving problems is needed for the difficult times that have we have suffered through for the past four years from the horrific Biden-Harris administration and its failed policies.

As stated from his website: "Over the past 30 Years, Connecticut has become a bureaucratic empire mismanaged by the majority of its elected officials that continue to saddle this great state with debt while driving good tax payers and industries out of the state in search of better economic opportunities.

  I am running for Congress as I am tired of seeing the Democrats of this Constitution State not abiding by the constitution and will do everything I can to prevent the state from becoming the next Detroit.  I am also extremely concerned about rising anti-semitism and hate speech plaguing this country in our streets and on our college campuses.

I am all about protecting your freedoms. We are here to protect your freedoms as parents and your right to make the best decision for your children, your medical rights, and the protection of your inalienable rights.

The issues facing most Americans are not partisan. They include not being bankrupt from filling our gas tanks, heating our houses and feeding our children. The fact that there is no plan to address these pocketbook issues and improve the lives of our children is unacceptable. Our children need the best quality education possible not indoctrination. Parents have the absolute right to fight for that." (

It is truly time for a change in the United States House of Representatives.  Jim Himes probably has not gone grocery shopping for years now and doesn't seem to understand how our economy works.  Dr. Goldstein offers a realistic view of society and economy through his real world work and life experiences.  It is time for a change this November.  Connecticut's 4th District needs a change for the better with new representation from Dr. Michael Goldstein.  He has earned your vote on Election Day.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Vice President Harris Implosion (or, There Is No Joy In Mudville, After All)

I guess it was fun while it lasted. The "joy" and Utopia of the handpicked, elitist, and manufactured Democrat Party Executive ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are imploding daily. The campaign, along with its simpatico “media partners” are doing all they can not to display the sitting Vice President without carefully scripted and rehearsed events. The results of those same scripted and rehearsed events are not what the campaign handlers and consultants imagined. Has Kamala Harris really been the Vice President for the past four years and is completely denying the events that have damaged our country, economy and world form her Administration's actions/policies? Is she so shallow and frivolous that her most noted “appearance” of the week was on the sex podcast “Call Her Daddy?” Is she so mentally incoherent to not explain how any one of her “economic policies” is economically viable? This is now the case, thereby turning the campaign of “joy” into a campaign of laughable fiction, if such a situation is the least bit funny.

It is now quite obvious that Vice President Harris has difficulty in expressing herself as she prates on with exceptional nervousness in what are often referred to as "word salads,” as she insultingly cackles through the incoherent gibberish she is spewing. But she has a hostile side. When she wants to seem serious, she can play a mean and condescending shrew as we saw in her performing arts debate against President Trump. At any time, Harris knows enough to play to what she thinks her audience wants her to be. Like a bad "Grade B" actress, she has used different accents, different facial expressions, different body language, different inflections, and different platforms that contradict one another, and different personal backgrounds recited to fit the moment turning her into a true political chameleon and machinator of the highest degree. At any time, her bombast can lead to a new Kamala Harris character, a character that was never the character of the sitting Vice President for the past four years.

Her accomplishments as part of the Biden-Harris Administration are recited to be endless. If one looks at these "accomplishments", one will clearly see that they have been abysmal and profound failures in both our country and the world. Apparently the following events never occurred in the fantasy world of Kamala Harris; the horrors of the now open border that has help to nurture a massive illegal drug and human trafficking crisis, a massive inflation rate along with an ever growing National Debt, a new fiscal 2024 budget deficit of $1.83 trillion dollars with interest payments accounting for roughly 14 cents of every dollar spent by the Federal government, multiple international wars/conflicts/human sufferings, horrifically botched disaster recovery, and a failed green energy policy that has done much more harm than good. What world has she been living in for the past four years?

But Harris does have the advantage of synchronized sycophants. It's sad that one thing that Democrats and Marxists do much better for their people than Republicans do for theirs is cover and provide a continual barrage of hostility and disinformation for Harris in much greater volume than Republicans have ever provided for President Trump. A tour of X-Twitter will be replete with the constant shameful and brainless hostilities of the likes of Bob Duff, Matt Lesser, Rosa DeLauro and the esteemed serial incompetent Sen. Chris Murphy. Most of these exercises in modern-day graffiti are often deranged. But they are present, while Republican push-back against the same is often soft and weak if not silent. It is all a blot on what government is in 2024, but with this amount of bile and vitriol present, we all can agree that there is no “joy” present in that camp anywhere at all for them to be spewing that amount of continued hostility.

But joy often evaporates in confusion and mismanagement. If Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden than can she explain how? If Tim Walz is not Kamala Harris, can he explain how? If Kamala Harris had no say whatsoever in the Biden-Harris Administration policies and ideologies, can she explain what she did for the past four years other than gag it up on talk shows and preach to sad and weak-willed young women on personal anxieties? Kamala Harris is a frightening example of a failed two-party political system. Her creation and ascent to run for what used to be one of the most important and demanding political offices in our country is frightening. Appeasing the ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party through the deal made for her Vice Presidency, to the appeasing of the same ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party for her Presidential run is an insult to our country. Whatever her background/education/experiences/political positions she has, she is just a puppet and fabrication and creation of a failed bureaucratic Democrat Party.

The handlers of Kamala Harris see the defeat and nonperformance of her campaign. The tide has turned, and the implosion continues through November 5th.

And there is no Joy in Mudville, after all.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

I WILL CRIPPLE YOU- Job No. 1 of the Democrat Party And It’s Union Partners

It is quite clear to many that the Democrat Party of 2024 dislikes economic stability and or economic prosperity, except for their chosen few. It is also quite clear that the Democrat Party of 2024 dislikes the working men and women of this country. Lastly, it certainly appears to many that the Democrat Party of 2024 has a great desire to inflict as much pain and suffering it can on these same working men and women of our economy and those on fixed incomes by their robust endorsement of the (now-delayed) strike by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) at all of the thirty-six (36) Eastern and Gulf Coast ports in our country.

According to official accounts, this strike is centered on the apparent minuscule pay and benefits that the ILA earns. The Longshoremen are demanding a 77% pay increase over six years that will raise the base hourly wage for its members from $39 to $69 over this period. It has been reported by the Port of New York and New Jersey Regulator of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor that more than half of 3,726 dockworkers earned more than $150,000 a year in Fiscal 2020, with almost one in five earning over $250,000 a year. The report also stated: "Based on the industry's reported figures, the Commission has again identified over 590 individuals who collectively received over $147.6 million dollars last year in outsized salaries, or for hours they never worked." (

The ILA is led by a Runyon-esque man named Harold Daggett. A recent video of Mr. Daggett posted on social media quoted him as stating, “I will cripple you” in reference what this strike would do to the United States economy. Why does Mr. Daggett want to "cripple" us and the economy? Did we as taxpaying citizens do something to upset this "leader" of the ILA union? The same leader who owns a 7,000 square foot home, drives a Bentley, earns over $910,000 a year as head of the union and recently sold his yacht ( One can argue that he is far removed from the legal working middle class citizens of our country and economy. But hey! He wants to "cripple" us and our economy and has the blessing of President Biden and Vice President Harris along with the Democrat Party.

Curiously, President Biden has also stated that he would have not invoked the Taft-Hartley Act to end the strike in using an 80-day cooling off period, where both sides would have gone back to the negotiating table without fanfare or attention. The strike, if it had continued, would have cost our economy untold billions upon billions of dollars, and would have created a new round of inflation.

Thus, this type of strike may be a difficult concept for some non-ILA union members to support since those union members do not make an extremely high salary. Inflation is the same for these ILA members making their high salaries as compared to their much lower income non-ILA union members and for those non-union, non-special employees who toil daily in our economy. The ILA arguments of its "travesty of economic justice" are falling on deaf ears especially for those citizens of our country who have lost everything they own and worked for from Hurricane Helene, especially as they starve and die at the feet of an uncaring government. Since the ILA controls labor contracts on the docks, any innovation that could make the docks more efficient and thus lower the costs of the products shipped to the docks, could be passed on to consumers in the form of lower costs. But jobs must be justified, so that type of innovation is forbidden. The union still demands guarantees of “no modernization nor automation” to preserve these above equilibrium jobs for its 50,000 plus members and for its leaders, much like the “rubber room” strategy employed by the United Auto Workers years back, with such strategy having a great hand in the collapse of the domestic auto industry in 2009.

Of course, no analysis of labor and management relations can be complete without commentary as to what the labor and management relationships are like in Connecticut. Connecticut! A state that is owned by its public unions. A state where 40% of the state budget goes to pay municipal pensions, with most of the retirees now residing in other tax-free jurisdictions. A state where Democrat politicians marched in an Omni Hotel picket line for a “photo op” effectively destroying that picket in embarrassment, leaving labor to solve their own situation without this useless “political support.” A state where the Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz defiantly said on X that she would have “done the same (picket) thing all over again” after the Omni debacle, showing absolutely no regard for her poor plebian subjects. Connecticut! A state where Covid money somehow always ends up in union coffers. And a state where the poisoned educational unions continue to dilute and ruin education. My friend and colleague Tony De Angelo describes labor and management relations as a “board game” in Connecticut, however I respectfully disagree with Tony in that it is only a game if both players have an equal chance of winning.

Maybe just maybe in 2024 it is time to rethink and reevaluate an antiquated system of harbor shipping and commerce along with all the other one-sided labor dealings that are all so familiar to us. Technology runs our economy whether unions believe it or not. Just maybe, the Biden-Harris regime and their useless ideologies, toadies, lackeys, and sycophants could be set aside once since their regime began and put Americans and the American economy first. The Biden-Harris regime seems to enjoy watching legal Americans fight for their survival whether it has been an open border crisis, a human trafficking crisis, a pandemic crisis, a National Debt crisis, a runaway inflation crisis, war in the Middle East crisis, and much more. And comically this is the true record of all new and reinvented Kamala Harris. And, as a sneak preview King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable or his successor will continue to feed the state union cookie monster’s financial demands in exchange for continuing votes. But while Kamala Harris will now cry victory, and we are now reprieved, we are soon headed for more deceptions, lies and a horrific way forward, as we will soon see a new port crisis of her own making regardless of who is elected.

Free America from being crippled by union and political upper crust and the illuminati that have ruined our country for many years.