Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Vice President Harris Implosion (or, There Is No Joy In Mudville, After All)

I guess it was fun while it lasted. The "joy" and Utopia of the handpicked, elitist, and manufactured Democrat Party Executive ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are imploding daily. The campaign, along with its simpatico “media partners” are doing all they can not to display the sitting Vice President without carefully scripted and rehearsed events. The results of those same scripted and rehearsed events are not what the campaign handlers and consultants imagined. Has Kamala Harris really been the Vice President for the past four years and is completely denying the events that have damaged our country, economy and world form her Administration's actions/policies? Is she so shallow and frivolous that her most noted “appearance” of the week was on the sex podcast “Call Her Daddy?” Is she so mentally incoherent to not explain how any one of her “economic policies” is economically viable? This is now the case, thereby turning the campaign of “joy” into a campaign of laughable fiction, if such a situation is the least bit funny.

It is now quite obvious that Vice President Harris has difficulty in expressing herself as she prates on with exceptional nervousness in what are often referred to as "word salads,” as she insultingly cackles through the incoherent gibberish she is spewing. But she has a hostile side. When she wants to seem serious, she can play a mean and condescending shrew as we saw in her performing arts debate against President Trump. At any time, Harris knows enough to play to what she thinks her audience wants her to be. Like a bad "Grade B" actress, she has used different accents, different facial expressions, different body language, different inflections, and different platforms that contradict one another, and different personal backgrounds recited to fit the moment turning her into a true political chameleon and machinator of the highest degree. At any time, her bombast can lead to a new Kamala Harris character, a character that was never the character of the sitting Vice President for the past four years.

Her accomplishments as part of the Biden-Harris Administration are recited to be endless. If one looks at these "accomplishments", one will clearly see that they have been abysmal and profound failures in both our country and the world. Apparently the following events never occurred in the fantasy world of Kamala Harris; the horrors of the now open border that has help to nurture a massive illegal drug and human trafficking crisis, a massive inflation rate along with an ever growing National Debt, a new fiscal 2024 budget deficit of $1.83 trillion dollars with interest payments accounting for roughly 14 cents of every dollar spent by the Federal government, multiple international wars/conflicts/human sufferings, horrifically botched disaster recovery, and a failed green energy policy that has done much more harm than good. What world has she been living in for the past four years?

But Harris does have the advantage of synchronized sycophants. It's sad that one thing that Democrats and Marxists do much better for their people than Republicans do for theirs is cover and provide a continual barrage of hostility and disinformation for Harris in much greater volume than Republicans have ever provided for President Trump. A tour of X-Twitter will be replete with the constant shameful and brainless hostilities of the likes of Bob Duff, Matt Lesser, Rosa DeLauro and the esteemed serial incompetent Sen. Chris Murphy. Most of these exercises in modern-day graffiti are often deranged. But they are present, while Republican push-back against the same is often soft and weak if not silent. It is all a blot on what government is in 2024, but with this amount of bile and vitriol present, we all can agree that there is no “joy” present in that camp anywhere at all for them to be spewing that amount of continued hostility.

But joy often evaporates in confusion and mismanagement. If Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden than can she explain how? If Tim Walz is not Kamala Harris, can he explain how? If Kamala Harris had no say whatsoever in the Biden-Harris Administration policies and ideologies, can she explain what she did for the past four years other than gag it up on talk shows and preach to sad and weak-willed young women on personal anxieties? Kamala Harris is a frightening example of a failed two-party political system. Her creation and ascent to run for what used to be one of the most important and demanding political offices in our country is frightening. Appeasing the ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party through the deal made for her Vice Presidency, to the appeasing of the same ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party for her Presidential run is an insult to our country. Whatever her background/education/experiences/political positions she has, she is just a puppet and fabrication and creation of a failed bureaucratic Democrat Party.

The handlers of Kamala Harris see the defeat and nonperformance of her campaign. The tide has turned, and the implosion continues through November 5th.

And there is no Joy in Mudville, after all.

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