Saturday, December 21, 2024

Why Taxpayers Have Stopped Believing In The Government

 Why have Taxpayers stopped believing in what the federal government says? There are many reasons including the years of economic and social misery of the Biden Administration foisted upon the public. Perhaps such mistrust is rooted in a 1,547-page United States “stop gap” budget bill that was to keep the country operating until March 2025. Included in that unread bill was all sorts of "pork"-related funding that would help to keep our National Debt at over $36.2 trillion dollars and growing by the second or a mere $271,790 owed per American Taxpayer. But ignorant taxpayer who are you? You are not supposed to question line items in that bill such as "essential" "funding of $8 billion for a new football stadium in Washington, D.C., $50 million to be spent annually for an extended drinking water program, five years' worth of funding for a healthcare education program, a re-authorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, the manufacture of more dangerous and exploding electric buses for the continued satisfaction of Kamala Harris, and a future pay raise for members of Congress" ( You are also not to question "a one-year extension of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which funded an advertisers’ “blacklist” of The New York Post and other outlets to purportedly crack down on “misinformation.”(

I am curious if any of the United States Representatives in Connecticut bothered to read any part of this 1,547-page bill loaded with payouts and payoffs? Of course not, and Taxpayers know it does not work this way. As just one horrific example of the putrid state of government, we watched an embarrassing and unhinged Connecticut United States Representative Democrat/Socialist Rosa DeLauro storm to the speaker’s podium on December 19 and rant the following: “Yesterday a multi-billionaire, with apparently no working knowledge of government or of appropriations — a self-appointed president of the United States, Elon Musk — issued a marching order for House Republicans to go against their own elected leadership and shut down the government,” ( It is ironic that DeLauro, whose net worth is well over $20 million dollars, is jealous of Elon Musk's wealth given that in her 34-plus years in Congress she has done little actually "representing" the people of her district. It is ironic that one who has made her living being bought by the whims of monied people was now shrieking about a monied person espousing a contrary view to her own. One could not help but laugh at her speech, purple hair, and statements this week on the floor of Congress that were carried to millions on “X”. This is an excellent example of why Taxpayers stopped believing what their government says. In fact, if I were writing a dictionary of terms, I would not attempt to define “mistrust of government”, but rather would just insert a video of this horrific and embarrassing spectacle in its place. It really was that wretched of a performance, shameful even for the State of Connecticut.

Why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their state government says especially in such Democrat led states like Connecticut? There are many reasons. King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable has been the beneficiary of a masterwork in the utilization of millions of state tax dollars to craft stories obfuscating any mention of his continual pattern of leveraging state resources and funding for the benefit of his wife's hedge fund Oak HC/FT through numerous, questionable deals, no bid contracts, and specious transactions. [I have written numerous times about the Lamont associated companies relating to the Covid-19 crisis include "Thermo Fisher Scientific", "Sema 4", " Core Infomatics", "Ocrulus", "Urjanet", "1life Healthcare", "Galileo Health", "Castlight Health", "Paladina Health", and "VillageMD" to name some that have found a way to deal with state-connected entities). But the state is also a great business bank to the Lamont family as well. My good friend and colleague Tony De Angelo first broke the real facts of the $15,000,000, 2% (two percent) “disappearing sweetheart” Connecticut loan to Lamont-family connected Sema-4 using state investments with no collateral or guarantee of repayment on his weekly segment on the Lee Elci radio program 94.9FM, along with the $5 million dollars directed to Lamont family-connected Digital Currency Group to (in theory) "move" 300 jobs to Stamford, CT. But if you did nothing other than watch local state-run media, you would be told that The Unaccountable is the economic, health and well-being, and governance Champion of the state. You will be told that The Unaccountable is "the most popular governor in the country", "saved us all from dying of Covid" and "single-handedly engineered the "Connecticut Comeback". You will never be told that The Unaccountable’s wife’s partnership holds multi-million-dollar capital investments in the Cayman Islands (or more accurately, the secret, tax-free haven, anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage Cayman Islands). But why do you need to know that? Its contrary to the narrative about The Unaccountable. The narrative costs millions of dollars to prop up by means of fictional stories. You are sinful and a conspiracy theorist if you do not believe it! This is why citizens who are the least bit sane have absolutely no trust in the Connecticut government anymore. (Why should they?)

However, the parade of Connecticut mistrust is long and wide. Decent mortgage and taxpaying homeowners battle with un-elected imperious bureaucrats and inane and delusional legislators pressuring local towns and cities to cede control of local zoning laws for the sake of "affordable" housing and "public" transportation, all for the sake of “the public good”. Or, how about the Connecticut comptroller's college system audit reveals 'systematic' misuse of state funds where the perpetrators are encouraged to stay on the job rather than be prosecuted? Democrat Comptroller Sean Scanlon wanders in water over his head with the problems that have been exposed with this audit. However, he gladly follows the Connecticut Democrat Party narrative of expressing surprise at the corruption and vows to address it even though the problems have been known for many months. But let's not stop there. How about the highest electric rates in the country thanks to an incoherent Democrat "green" energy manifesto? Connecticut still has $150 billion dollars in short- and long-term debt and unfunded liabilities. It is a bottom feeder state with high taxes, poor infrastructure, horrible reputation, economically incoherent state union labor agreements, legislative Communist aspirants in-training, high crime, theft and murders, rampant illegal drug trafficking, state-enabled drug abuse, and a lack of any ethics or accountability from its Governor's office. But turn to state-run television and print media! You will be reassured that never happens in Connecticut and the Lamont cash trough is the blueprint for all Democrat elected officials. And you will never hear one word of any of these mentioned. Its just more in a myriad of reasons that Connecticut taxpayers cannot and do not trust their government anymore. (How could they?) 

Why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their local government says especially in Democrat led cities such as Bridgeport, Connecticut? There are many reasons. Take Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim as one. After being convicted of racketeering, extortion, and other crimes and serving prison time, Marse Joe gets elected back into office. He spent seven years in prison beginning in 2003 before he was voted back as Mayor of Bridgeport in 2015. His current legacy is the total corruption of the election process following the findings of voter and ballot fraud by loyal Democrat official Wanda Geter-Pataky on several occasions in at least several elections. In real terms your vote really does not count in Bridgeport nor can a functional two-party system exist in the city given the corruption of elections. Nor do they care. The establishment of Bridgeport, CT will see to that. This is why the citizens of Bridgeport do not trust their government anymore. (Why should they?)

So why have Taxpayers stopped believing what their government says? They have stopped for many reasons, and many more than I have mentioned above. We as Taxpayers are tired of the incoherent gibberish that we are force fed daily by the state-run media and our supposedly "elected" officials along with their elitist non-elected political appointees. They lie to us, wanting us to somehow transcend and transform their lies as truths and know truths to be lies. And their experiment has failed miserably for years as your state tax dollars go to continually prop us this farcical Uniparty of media and government. Taxpayer, once again, be damned.

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