Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Tale Of Two Connecticut's-Corruption and Fraud

Connecticut seems to have two different realities.  One reality that is painted by Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democrat Party and the state's biased media is that Connecticut is a Utopia of low taxes, great job opportunities, and one of the most desired states to want to move to (especially if you are escaping New Jersey or New York).  This Utopia also is nurtured by the concept of following anything and everything the Connecticut Democrat Party tells you to do whether you are a business or private citizen thus your life here will be perfect.
The other reality that to me is much more talked about privately and by the great silent majority of the state is a quagmire of high taxes, political nepotism, political connections, corrupted politicians, archaic damaging state laws, massive unemployment, massive business closures along with a strong dislike for personal freedoms. 
Thus we have a tale of two Connecticut's.
One Connecticut exists as the playground of the Connecticut Democrat Party.  They like to look the other way when Ned Lamont's family and their hedge fund scores another no bid state contract and makes more profit for them.  They enjoy creating horrific pieces of legislation and then try to spin the damages it will create for the state and its economy as the Connecticut Republican Party's fault.  They enjoy and will at all costs take care of their own.  Besides the profit machine the Lamont's have been pumping through their hedge fund through Covid-19 tests, tracing and other areas we see the appointment of Democrat operative Mary Glassman to a highly paid state job.  Glassman who ran with Lamont in his failed 2010 Governor's run and lost convincingly to Jahana Hayes in their 2018 primary for Congress was just given a plush state taxpayer funded job as a senior advisor to Lamont in his constituent affairs office.  One can not find much information on candidate for life Glassman's position and how much she will be paid for her job and why she was given it in the first place.  One must remember that Connecticut is in an economic depression with a 22% unemployment rate along with a bankrupt unemployment compensation fund.  But in the Connecticut Democrat Party's eyes Glassman and her fund raisers, her connections and her power is much too good of a person to be unemployed.  The other peons who have lost their jobs because of the Draconian Lamont Covid-19 shutdown since March 15 are left to fend for themselves.  I will assume that is why we have food banks in our state anyways, to facilitate and help those who do not hold their allegiance to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Throw those out of work some food to survive and let the victors have their spoils.  Especially when Connecticut has a mere $145 billion dollars in short and long term debts along with unfunded liabilities.  Somehow that is the fault of the Connecticut Taxpayers or maybe even the timid Connecticut Republican Party or President Trump's fault?
Oh and take their police protection away from those who abide by the law also.  It represents the stench that is polluting Connecticut from its supposed state government.
Connecticut has been a vast economic wasteland for years filled with fraud.  It is a tale of two states: one for the Connecticut Democrat Party and its corruption and fraud and one for hard working legal taxpayers who are laughed at and ridiculed by the ruling elite.   It is time for it to end once and for all.

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