Saturday, July 11, 2020

Connecticut's Fear And No Solutions

Simple solutions to complex problems.  Or complex solutions to simple problems.  Or no solutions whatsoever to a manufactured health care crisis that is allowed to linger so that the Lamont's and other politically connected individuals are allowed to earn profits off of it.  I believe that later is happening at this time.
Connecticut seems not to have many cases at all of Covid-19 and or many hospitalizations from it either at this time.  Connecticut since the March 16th Lamont induced lock down has not had many cases at all of Covid-19 and or many hospitalizations from it either.  Connecticut's deaths from Covid-19 were mainly from those most vulnerable in our society who had little protection.  This being elderly people in nursing homes.  Connecticut instead has an economy in disarray with Ned Lamont issuing executive order after executive order that both shut down the economy, increased unemployment to Depression era levels, ruined many businesses and did little to supposedly keep Connecticut safe from Covid-19.  All at the same time he and his wife profited by the maze of companies that have investments in them through their Cayman Islands non Connecticut based hedge fund.  These same Lamont companies doing business with the state through no bid contracts.
It is an amazing to see that this is not reported on by the state's Democrat controlled media.
It is an amazing picture to see the constant fear that has been drummed into the citizens of Connecticut on a daily basis since the virus hit and continues to this day.  I wonder how many people still have yet to leave their homes since March 16th?  I wonder how a piece of plexiglass is preventing Covid-19 from occurring in restaurants and stores?  And how that those stores that remained open after the issuance of the executive order back in March were able to operate without this plexiglass and not have any issues with Covid-19?  People in stores are only allowed to go one way up or down an aisle in these same stores now, I truly wonder the medical reasoning and logic from it as again one did not do this when shopping before it was decreed by Lamont and or by the Boston Consulting Group.  Masks on or off?  By wearing a mask that has germs on it you prevent Covid-19? 
I wonder also where is all of the Cares Act Federal monies that Connecticut has received being spent on and for what?  There seems to be little of any accounting of it nor are Connecticut Taxpayers being given a daily or weekly update on it.  One must study the Open Connecticut transparent state run website to see where millions of dollars go each week of Connecticut Taxpayers monies.  I wonder also how many of our elected legislatures of our now defunct state legislature can explain what was paid out at this time? 
Our Phase 3 re-opening has been put on hold indefinitely by Lamont citing the increases in cases from other parts of the country.  Why?  Are we other parts of the country?  Lamont also has issued what amounts to a travel ban covering people entering Connecticut from now 19 states.  What happens when a trucking company must send supplies to Connecticut from one of these 19 states?  They can't deliver to the state any more?  Will Connecticut only re-open completely once every legal resident is tested for Covid-19 by a test issued by a company that has investment ties to the Lamont's hedge fund and then constantly traced and monitored by another company that has investment ties to the Lamont's hedge fund?  Is this the end game for the Lamont's and the Connecticut Democrat Party?  Total and complete control of Connecticut's economy and its legal citizens?  Socialism at its worse?  No common sense in dealing with this crisis whatsoever.
Fear seems to be everywhere in Connecticut.  Ned Lamont enjoys playing on this constant theme of fear.  Fear of eating out.  Fear of buying goods in a store.  Fear of going to the local small store in your town.  Fear of shaking your friend's hand.  Fear of hugging a family member.  Fear of not wearing a mask in public.   Fear of groups of people.  Fear of being allowed to go to Church each week and worship.  Lamont is a fear based, fear driven and ill equipped Governor.
Yet life somehow continues in Connecticut as more and more middle class citizens move out only to be replaced by liberal and wealthy former New York and New Jersey residents.  Connecticut has now an incredible budget deficit from this crisis.  Connecticut keeps spending money at an ever increasing rate.  And we still have no solutions to this supposed crisis.  We see how unprepared Connecticut and its leaders were and still are during this crisis. 
We only see fear and no solutions. 
It is time for it to stop.

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