Friday, July 24, 2020

Fear is everywhere here in Connecticut.

Fear is everywhere here in Connecticut.  There seems to be a constant and never ending fear of getting Covid-19 if legal Connecticut citizens do not follow the guidelines and decrees that have been implemented by Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party.   
Of course the real figures seem to be confusing to me as only a small amount of people actually got the virus and died from it here in Connecticut.  Along with the figures in the United States.  And I really am confused as to how many people actually had it and recovered from it since all of the statistics being given seem to be fear driven.  How many people were tested a false positive?  How many people have recovered?  How does a cloth mask prevent its spread?  I would venture to state that many more people get well from the virus than die from it.  But how interesting that all of these issues of Covid-19 amazingly come to a head right before our State and Presidential election.
For example here in Connecticut we should not be allowed to vote in person for either our primary or in our general election this November.  It seems to be unsafe according to Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  However it seems to be safe and has always been safe to go grocery shopping, to Costco, to pump your own gas touching a pump handle that seems not to be cleaned after every use or touch, and most importantly to go protest against a Christopher Columbus statute being in the same position it has been in for 100 plus years and or against supposed police brutality if you decide to break the law.  But from what we can tell breaking the law is politically acceptable especially if it meets the needs of Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party here in Connecticut.  As it seems to me that Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party enjoy the free for all fear that they have created since their "legal" shutdown of Connecticut on March 15th or 16th or 17th (pick a date).  I will assume this shut down can never end unless either an Oak HC/FT Lamont Hedge fund invested company has created a vaccine, a complete tracing system and or another no bid contract with the State of Connecticut. 
Fear is everywhere here in Connecticut.  Looking at the guidelines required to re open schools K-12 in Connecticut in the fall one must wonder who is going to pay for all of the increased "requirements" and who in their right mind would want to either attend classes and or teach physically in those same classes.  Three feet apart, six feet apart, no lunch rooms to eat in, the wearing of masks at all times, etc.  I wonder as an educator how will any student be able to learn under these draconian conditions and how any teacher will able to teach under these same draconian conditions?  Who will teach on line and how will a first grade student for example actually learn online?  The costs of education here in the state should skyrocket under these conditions easily.  Who then pays?  
Fear is everywhere here in Connecticut.  Why fly into Connecticut even though you are healthy and have to attend a family function/funeral and or attend to business?  It seems to be unsafe according to Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party and they wish to fine you $1000 if do not stay put, register yourself and quarantine for the magical 14 days that someone stated you should.  But it seems ok to fly if you are coming here to protest and or attend a Democrat held fund raiser.  What was I thinking!
Fear is everywhere here in Connecticut.  Common sense in my opinion no longer exists here in Connecticut.  Fear does.  The fear that is manufactured on a daily basis by Ned Lamont, the Boston Consulting Group and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  The trio that has helped nurture a 22% unemployment rate, destroyed many businesses and wish to de-fund our police departments. 
All while they laugh and profit from a supposed flu virus. 

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