Saturday, July 18, 2020

Connecticut Can't Save Nor Stop Spending Taxpayers Money

Can Connecticut's State Government learn how to save money?  Can it stop spending Connecticut Taxpayer's Money?
This week we see a convicted former Whiting Forensic Hospital nurse who abused his patients is still receiving his $88,229 a year state pension while in prison.  Why is he still getting this pension?  Why must Connecticut Taxpayers pay for this?
This week we see that hundreds of Connecticut state employees may have filed for unemployment benefits illegally due to losses of part time and or side jobs.  These state employees are full time workers and are not eligible for unemployment benefits under state law.  Why was this allowed to happen in the first place and why did it take so long for auditors to find it out?  Connecticut's unemployment fund is once again broke thus the state must borrow money from the Federal government to keep it afloat.  Connecticut will then in turn issue a special tax on all businesses in the state to pay for this borrowing.  Connecticut has a 20-22% unemployment rate at this time of Ned Lamont's Executive Order of a continuing lock down due to the now fading Covid-19 virus.  Why can't Connecticut reopen fully?
This week we see that Ned Lamont wants to have airline passengers flying into Bradley Airport (which is subsidized by Connecticut Taxpayers) to quarantine for 14 days when here and to fill out forms stating where they are staying, what purpose, etc.  How much is this program going to cost Connecticut Taxpayers?   Who is going to run the program?  A new state agency?  Boston Consulting Group?  Will a Lamont family hedge fund invested company be given a no bid contract for its implementation or tracing?  How is this even legal?
We also see that Connecticut homeowners pay 20% more than New York and almost 50% more than Massachusetts in property taxes as a percentage of housing value while Connecticut home values have declined by roughly 10% over the past ten years.  Property taxes continue to go up here in the state year in and year out.  These were the results found by the Tax Foundation (
It is obvious that Connecticut's government can not save nor stop spending Connecticut Taxpayers money.  And contrary to State Treasurer Shawn Wooden's claim that Connecticut residents are not fleeing out of state especially to Florida or other states, Connecticut Taxpayers and Businesses are fleeing the state year in and year out, Covid-19 or not.  Connecticut has both a spending and debt problem.  Connecticut still has over $145 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.   Connecticut State Government shows no fiscal restraint crisis or no crisis.  Connecticut State Government just relies on the failed tax and spend policies years in and years out to reach the mess we are in and continue to be in for the foreseeable future. 
Remember on Election Day this is the record that the Connecticut Democrat Party is running on.  Why would you vote Democrat?  
And why can't Connecticut stop spending Connecticut Taxpayer's Money?

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