Saturday, July 09, 2022

The Moral Bankruptcy Of Democrat Led Connecticut

Full-blown moral bankruptcy is now here in Connecticut.  For all of its legal citizens and taxpayers to see and experience.  Compliments of the Connecticut Democrat Party.  My good friend Tony De Angelo recently discussed his thoughts on moral bankruptcy on his weekly segment this past Tuesday July 5th on the Lee Elci radio program heard on WJJF 94.9 FM, New London, CT.

Connecticut is a state where many non logical and incoherent concepts and ideas are force fed its citizens.  Murder for example can not be punishable by the death penalty since that is considered to be inhumane.  Was it inhumane for the person or persons to be murdered by an individual in the first place?  Why is murder allowed and is so prevalent in Connecticut?  The one who commits the murder is spared his or her life.  Why?  Drug overdoses and drug deaths are commonplace in the state as there is now a free flow of drug cartels operating out of the open Mexican borders to our country providing illegal drugs everywhere.  Is it essential that these borders are open to facilitate a drug cartel operation that kills and murders many of our teenagers and young adults in the state?  Marijuana and its derivatives have become legal in the state and the state has embarked upon a very complex licensing program that does not offer any logic as to who sells these "legal" drugs.  Legal drugs will be sold in the state, the state profits and more lives will be disrupted and more drug addicts created all for greater state tax revenue.  Is this the best economic stimulation that the state can come up with-illegal now legal drugs?  

What is next?  Heroin shooting galleries licensed by Connecticut's Department of Health?  Why is this allowed?  Children in schools rather than being taught essential skills to live and have careers are taught now instead about critical race theories, racism, a rewriting of American history, gender identification to the point of changing your sex before you are a teen without your parent's permission, how to wear a mask and the essential need to be vaccinated against a flu virus.  Why be a child today with the amount of depressing and incoherent political ideologies being force fed them?  Political ideologies that make our youth ill suited for any type of job or career or have an ability to raise a family?  Doesn't a child's parent have custody and are responsible for the child's well being and education from right versus wrong-not a failed, false narrative created by a liberal state government that is being jammed down their throats?  I can see why home schooling will be the norm for the future education of our children.  Education is not education in any sense of the word whatsoever in our schools today.

And why is abortion a guaranteed right of our state constitution that must be paid for by Connecticut Taxpayers up to a child that is considered full term when delivered?  Doesn't the unborn child have any rights when its heart starts beating?  Why are Christians in the state disrespected and vilified when they disagree with abortion?  Why isn't freedom of speech allowed when one disagrees with the concepts and morals of abortion?  If in theory it is your body and you have control over it why are we not allowed to reject an unproven vaccine for a flu virus and not lose your jobs, businesses and homes over it as has been seen with the never ending Covid-19 crisis?  Is abortion safer than the Covid-19 virus?  Don't both abortions and Covis-19 kill?  What about the 63 million deaths attributed to abortion since 1973?  Why would a state want to be known as an "abortion getaway'?  Why would a business want to move to such a morally bankrupt state such as Connecticut with the economic quagmire it is engulfed in of high taxes, high energy costs, excessive state short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities of $150 billion dollars, poor infrastructure, political corruption, absurd and senseless rules and laws along with a corrupted state government?  This is being "inclusive'?  

And Christians need not be afraid of speaking up.  I believe that the majority of Americans have strong moral religious beliefs and are sick and tired of this freak show called America that is displayed to them daily by an incomprehensible state run media of political correctness blabbering gibberish minute by minute, 24 hours a day, to advance their failed agenda of communism, socialism and totalitarianism in our free country.   

Moral bankruptcy has engulfed Democrat led Connecticut for years now.  Moral bankruptcy seems to the norm for the Democrat Party of America.  A lack of morals, a lack of ethics, a lack of truth and a lack of leadership has helped to trap its legal citizens into a morass of butchery, lies and deception.  It is a modern day trip through a Dante's like Inferno of a distorted and ill begotten path towards both economic and societal ruin.    It is Connecticut in 2022.  A Connecticut that is a living social and economic nightmare thanks to the Connecticut Democrat Party.   That is the reality of Connecticut.  And it is 1776 all over again.

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