Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Democrat Inflation Is Horrific To Our Economy

I first started studying our economy and the science of economics when I was a freshman in High School back in 1972 and have taught Economics on a college level for various schools since 1982.   The principles of economics have not changed over the past fifty years.  There are constants in economics that never change, as inflation is defined as "a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money"(Oxford dictionary).  In simple terms inflation is a general increase in the price level of goods and services in the economy.  You, as a consumer, are forced to pay more money for either the same amount or a lesser amount of goods and services.  You, as a business owner, are forced to pay more for your materials that are used in manufacturing your product and or service.  The business owner in order to remain open must increase their costs of their goods and services in order to stay in business and remain profitable.  A business can not remain open unless they earn a profit.  

During a period of inflation, wealth and savings are lost in an economy and a lack of economic growth will usually take place.  During a period of inflation those certain segments of our economy are hit the hardest.  These include individuals such as retirees who live on a fixed income and those who work and earn low wages.  For retirees who use heating oil to heat their homes, they are facing the stark economic reality of winter where heating oil costs have tripled and the cost to fill a normal 275 gallon tank will be well over $1100.  For many retirees they will be making food versus heating their homes economic decisions this winter.  The working middle class is also slammed as their incomes can not cover the increased costs of goods and services.  This segment of our economy must dip into their savings, suspend any savings programs they may be enrolled in such as 401K pension programs, reduce spending and or use credit cards more and not pay them back for longer periods of time thus accruing more interest charges at the same time. 

 In 2022 we are experiencing both stagflation and runaway inflation depending on the market, good and or service you are looking at.  How did our economy reach this point?  To me there is a great deal of misinformation being spewed by our elected officials and the media.  Inflation in 2022 in my economic opinion has mainly been caused by the reduction and or elimination of United States energy production in several different areas as President Biden decided to somehow switch our country from the use of fossil fuels to green energy.  The net result has been massive increases in gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, propane gas and natural gas costs.  The higher energy costs were passed on also to both consumers and businesses due to higher transportation costs that the trucking industry faces since diesel fuels have gone up well over 125%.  That higher transportation cost is seen anywhere and everywhere in consumer markets.  Food costs have gone up dramatically while costs of literally every other consumer good has increased.  This inflation contrary to what our elected officials and some media have stated is not good for the economy, is not from pent up demand, is not because of the Russian conflict, is not from price gouging by gas stations and oil companies but directly due to the misguided and economically irrational energy policy that this Democrat Administration set forth upon back in 2021.  Green energy at this time is not a rational economic alternative as the costs of green energy via its electric cars, solar panels and wind turbines is excessive and the basic laws of supply and demand in the energy markets can not sustain nor meet the expectations set forth by government for this change over.  For example electric cars are cost prohibitive for most American workers.  How does the battery get charged so that the car runs?  Isn't it from electricity?  Most electricity in our country comes from fossil fuels.  How many miles can these cars run before they stop and need recharging?  Enough to drive cross country?  How does this create green energy?  Thus President Biden has implemented an energy policy that can not work.  America was energy independent before he took office with stable energy prices and little to no inflation.  This one policy has created an economic nightmare for the country.  President Biden now is using fossil fuels flying across the world to beg for oil.  Does anyone but myself see irony in this pathetic situation? 

Democrat inflation is horrific to our economy.  It is economic punishment.  And it has been caused directly by the policies and economic failures of the Democrat Party.  They own this economy.  There was no need to create the economic debacle that is being forced upon us by the Democrat Party.  We should no longer be governed by a group of Democrat/Socialist millionaires who are dictating what we can and can not have in our economy while they manipulate the system to their advantage.  Just look at the inside stock buying by Nancy Pelosi's husband.  They own inflation and our poor economy.  It is the record they are running on for election in November.  And it is 1776 all over again. 

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