Saturday, July 16, 2022

Connecticut's Race To Hit Economic Bottom. The Democrats Seem To Be Winning This One.

 Economic failures seem to be prevalent in Connecticut.  State government actions during the never ending Covid-19 crisis since March 2020 put many business permanently out of business and eliminated many jobs in the state.  The net result is a state that is firmly entrenched as a bottom five state in business development, high costs to operate a business, the high cost of living, a horrifically poor road and bridge system with non existent traffic enforcement, high insurance costs, excessive crime, excessive laws and regulations and incredibly high taxes.  It is in the top five for highest taxes in the country.  It has a net migration of its population moving out of the state.  Connecticut seems to be in a race to reach an economic bottom in our country.  To me and many others the Connecticut Democrat Party seems to be winning this race hands down. 

Coupled with these business and economic problems Connecticut government is very inept and overwhelmed when dealing with a basic service, problem and or crisis as we have seen during the never ending Covid-19 crisis.  A crisis that still exists until this day according to "businessman" Governor by decree Ned Lamont.  Lamont seems to be running for reelection viewing the state he has brought to its knees economically as a Utopia of the promised land where there is no crime, there are no murders, businesses flourish, people and  businesses can not wait to move into the state and the state is a place of abundance, caring, sharing and economic freedom.  Sadly it is a pipe dream compared to the distorted and horrific economic conditions that really exist of unchecked crime, drug abuse, murder, runaway inflation, excessive taxes and a lack of economic and personal freedoms especially in the inner cities of the state.  Many government agencies especially those that attempt to deal with social and or economic issues seem lost as to creating any coherent policies to resolve the issues that have plagued this state since the early 1990's.  It seems like every year is the same with the same social and economic problems that have only gotten worse year in and year out due to the complacency of a stale and inept politically correct government.  

How did Connecticut reach this bottom?  The blame is pointed by many in many different directions.  Democrats somehow blame the minority Republican Party and President Trump, the Republicans blame situations and some Democrats, Connecticut Taxpayers are blamed for not paying enough in taxes, public schools are blamed promoting/graduating students who lack basic skills to live in society, courts are to blame for not punishing criminals but somehow blaming victims, state agencies blame businesses for trying to operate in the state's command economy system rather than a free economic system that is seen in many other states, and it seems that those who are elected officials daily deflect blame for any of their unaccounted for actions and poor economic choices they make that have created this economic quagmire.  I really can not see those in power taking responsibility for their actions.  Just a constant victim blame game called state government.  It is comical to watch.

Thus when legal Connecticut voters go to the voting booth in November they face a troubling choice.  If they buy the gibberish of the Connecticut Democrat Party they confirm the harsh economic bottom they will be dug into with no way out.  If they vote Republican they are hoping and praying for some changes to take place so that their lives improve and that they end their economic slavery to an out of touch reality state government.  It is a stark choice.  Either to allow the Connecticut Democrat Party and Ned Lamont to win this illogical race to the economic bottom and economic ruin or hopefully restart the state on a path to social and economic freedom as it once was when the state was known as the "Constitution State".  What a decision to make.  And it is 1776 all over again.


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