Saturday, July 02, 2022

Connecticut's Never Ending Democrat Party Crises

 Connecticut apparently now has never ending Democrat Party crises.  Connecticut Democrat Party crises sure look to be unusual to the casual observer.

Democrat/Communist United States Senator Richard Blumenthal has crises all of the time since he is a well known expert on everything and anything in our economy and society.  This allows for him to spew gibberish daily, in front of a camera like a bully and a true failed politician.  Just look how far Connecticut has declined over the years with him as both Attorney General and now as a Senator.

Democrat/Gun Control Fanatic/Geography expert United States Senator Chris Murphy has crises all of the time also since he must fund raise off of everything and anything in our economy and society.  Murphy who apparently is the Senate's expert on guns and gun control while not understanding the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. He also does not understand the minds of criminals and mentally impaired people who use guns.  Thus we have a gun crisis not a crime crisis nor a mental health crisis in our society.

Democrat/Socialist Governor Ned Lamont has crises all of the time since he is both the nation's Covid-19 expert and can amazingly earn massive profits from Connecticut Taxpayers monies through his family's hedge fund.  Remember  that these profits can never be revealed to the taxpaying public.   Although Covid-19 is no longer a health issue Connecticut still has a Covid-19 crisis so that it can continue to get Federal monies to battle it.  This crisis now lasts through December.  Connecticut is now going to be a vacation mecca for those seeking a legal up to full term abortion according to Lamont and his party.  At the same time those living children who have escaped a Connecticut induced abortion must continue to follow strict guidelines of getting vaccinations over their free will for Covid-19, keep wearing masks, be encouraged to change their sex/gender at any time while growing up and making sure they learn critical race theories rather than work/life skills for their future families and employment while attending Connecticut public schools.  

The real crises that should be looked at of runaway inflation, runaway state short/long term debt, unfunded liabilities, excessive crime, excessive murders, an out-of-control drug overdose/drug death problem, a high suicide rate, exorbitant home heating oil, gasoline, diesel prices, over taxation, the destruction of the family core and state government corruption seem never to be addressed by the Connecticut Democrat Party.  I wonder why?  And I wonder why the state run media in Connecticut has become an extension of the Connecticut Democrat Party along with state government labor unions?

Reality at some point in time will be cruel to everyone involved in this theater of the absurd call state government.  The reality that the real crises in Connecticut got ignored for too long and at the cost of many lives, ruined families, failed businesses, the depression based state economy and the unethical society that the state nurtures.  Failures in policies should not be viewed as successes as they are to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  The fools that masquerade as politicians are the cancer of Connecticut.  Their lies are noticeable.  Their lack of ethics is deplorable. The failure to call this out daily enables them. And it is 1776 all over again.

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