Saturday, June 25, 2022

What Are The Solutions To The Connecticut Democrat Party's Economic Failures?

I look back at the last two years since the Covid-19 economic crisis was bestowed upon Connecticut and wonder what really happened?  I also look back at the last 30 years and wonder why Connecticut has regressed so badly economically and socially?   Years of  omnipotent one party rule of the Connecticut Democrat Party along with a feeble and timidity moderate Republican Party in many cases has helped to nurture Connecticut into a vast economic wasteland of high taxes, excessive laws and regulations, an arrogant and elitist state union work force, a political patronage system of Connecticut Taxpayer funded state jobs, excessive electric costs, secret "quasi public" agencies, a total lack of economic transparency and a general sense of economic Armageddon on a daily basis.  This year's election highlights how this same economic Armageddon is being talked up by the Connecticut Democrat Party as how great of an economic utopia Connecticut really is.  What economic world does the Connecticut Democrat Party live in?  And realistically what is the economic breaking point for Connecticut Taxpayers with runaway Democrat inflation, $5 a gallon for gas, $6 a gallon for home heating oil, state and local taxes anywhere and everywhere along with an even higher state diesel tax on July 1?

Connecticut is in an economic free for all due to the mountain of economic problems that have been created by the Connecticut Democrat Party over the years.  The cure all Connecticut state income tax has been a ticket to increase spending massively since its passage and has done little to stabilize Connecticut's economy.  Look at the state budget now.  Why is over $24 billion dollars being spent on a yearly basis in a state as small as Connecticut and with as few legal citizens that it has?  What are Connecticut Taxpayers getting for their money and their excessive taxes they are paying the state?  Connecticut's elected officials continue to avoid a real solution to the massive $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt, along with unfunded liabilities or in simpler terms the $62,500 plus of debt each legal Connecticut resident must be burdened with living in the state.  This along with the massive amount of corruption in state government should be the two defining issues in the Governor's race.  Sadly it is not.

For too long in Connecticut Taxpayers work around the clock to pay the taxes to support the economic debacle called state government.  With the precious few exceptions in the State House and State Senate, our elected officials are political puppets of the special interest groups that have elected them.  Look at the high property taxes in Bridgeport, New Have and Hartford.  Look at the crime, murders and lack of economic mobility in Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford.  

And look at who has run Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford forever.  

Thus can we offer any economic solutions to Connecticut's Democrat Party induced economic crisis?   What Connecticut really needs is an overhaul of its state government and massive privatization of state agencies and departments to create greater economic efficiencies in state government.  Since that will not happen as the sacred cow in Connecticut is public labor unions, then what are the alternatives?  

First Connecticut needs to cut its bloated state budget.  Connecticut's government must learn to do more with less as Connecticut Taxpayers must with the runaway Democrat inflation they are dealing with.  As a start all state management employees should be instructed by the Governor that their budgets need to be cut by 10% immediately.  Figure it out, find a way and solution now.  Connecticut taxpayers are led to believe that these highly paid Commissioners and managers are the best and brightest in the state so they should be able to do this.  Or is it reality that these same Commissioners and managers are ill suited and unqualified to lead their departments as they are only political patronage jobs from both parties so that the donor can be rewarded for that big campaign donation and or no bid state contract?

Second every Connecticut state agency, associated non-profit, and "quasi public" needs a full forensic audit and public online document disclosure  from top to bottom.  A full accounting of every penny spent, every piece of equipment, every building and piece of real estate owned.  If items are missing find them and account for them.  See where money is being spent and wasted.  I can only imagine how much fraud and monetary losses this encompasses.  

Third since Connecticut would be cutting the budget by over $2 billion dollars as a start with its 10% cut in every department, then $2 billion dollars in taxes need to be cut immediately.  Start with cutting taxes that will spur the most economic activity in the state to once again stimulate the economy that in turn creates more productive tax revenues.  And eliminate all corporate business tax subsidies and giveaways, including the failed Department of Economic and Community Development.  It has done little to nothing for the state economy other than to waste Connecticut taxpayers hard earned money and should be viewed as political payoffs especially for Ned Lamont's family hedge fund.  

There are solutions to the Connecticut Party's economic failures over the past 30 years.  But the changes are severe and politically unpopular.  And the larger question that is never answered is why must Connecticut Taxpayers continue to support this malignant munificence upon a political ruling class that clearly has no ability to govern and represent the common citizens its supposedly represents?  Why must Connecticut Taxpayers support this year in and year out?  And where are the solutions being spoken by the minority party through this economic tsunami?  Think about this as you are forced to pay your mandated taxes to the State of Connecticut to support this incoherent and costly gibberish that is claimed as law.  It really is 1776 all over again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is no strong, vibrant opposition party as a viable option. CT GOP is a husk. Most people in CT that get fed up vote with their feet.