Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Connecticut Democrat Party Wants Your Tax Return-Is That Really Legal? See Senate Bill 443

The ultimate prize for the Connecticut Democrat Party is access to your personal tax return.  Just look at Senate Bill 443 - An Act Concerning The Tax Incidence Report, Tax Incidence Analyses, and the Disclosure of Returns and Return Information.  This 1984 Orwellian Socialist type bill was sponsored by Democrat/Socialists State Representatives Josh Elliott-Hamden, Kate Farrar-West Hartford and Michael Winkler-Vernon.  This bill would allow the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Commissioner to allow Connecticut's Legislative leadership to view personal tax returns under the charade of “for purposes of evaluating and formulating tax policy.” (quoted from bill itself) What tax policy are they evaluating and or formulating?  Has Connecticut become such a socialistic and totalitarian state that your information can be stolen by state officials in the guise of seeing if somehow you paid enough taxes?  Are they going to allow Connecticut Taxpayers to view all Connecticut elected officials such as Ned Lamont, Richard Blumenthal, Rosa DeLauro and other tax returns by writing to the state? 

The over reach in this bill astounds me nor can I see how it legal?  Does the legal team of the Connecticut  Democrat Party realize that this proposed law is against the law?  It is in direct criminal violation of IRC Sec.6103(d)(1) and therefore subject to penalties and fines in accordance with IRC Section 7213 (a) (2).   I am also confused as to why they need private citizens tax returns to formulate tax policies?  The current Connecticut Democrat Party tax policies have helped to push Connecticut to the brink of economic oblivion under the lies of fairness and equity.  The same fairness and equity that apparently can only be viewed when looking at Connecticut Taxpayers returns.  Where is the equity and fairness in not being to view Governor Ned Lamont's tax returns especially when looking at his family's hedge fund investments?  Or why does multi-millionaire United States Senator Richard Blumenthal pay so little in income tax?

Senate Bill 443 somehow makes Connecticut's economic problems go away with even higher personal income taxes to allow for the Connecticut Democrat Party to buy its votes and allow the never ending political corruption to be nurtured and promoted in the state. This brazen theft of personal freedoms by the political viewing of your personal income tax returns is the ultimate power grab and shows the complete disregard for the Connecticut Taxpayer under the lies of fairness and equity.  Where is the fairness and equity for the Connecticut Taxpayer who lives in a politically contaminated state that allows state officials the ability to falsify truth for their political power and gain?  With all this fairness and equity with Connecticut Democrat Party formulated tax policies why does Connecticut have $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities?  With all this fairness and equity with Connecticut Democrat Party formulated tax policies why does Connecticut rank near first in the highest taxes in the country along being near last in most business and economic categories in the country? 

 A politically corrupted Connecticut state government that now wants to see your personal tax returns is absurd but yet Connecticut Taxpayers have still another  new fight with this bill blessed by the Connecticut Democrat Party.  The fight will continue against these ruthless politicians who embrace Taxation without Representation along with a stoic political nepotism that is a cancer within the state ruing the state day in and day out.  Connecticut again will see massive changes in November with a new government being legitimately voted in and not fraudulently stolen with dead people voting over and over again for the failed Connecticut Democrat Party.   It is 1776 again.


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