Saturday, March 05, 2022

Maybe The Democrat Party Remembers Stable Prices-No Inflation? Energy Independence? Freedom In Europe?

 Remember when the United States was a strong country back in 2017 to 2020?  Remember when the United States was energy independent in 2019 and 2020?  Remember when there was little to no inflation in our country from 2017 to 2020?  Remember when shelves in grocery stores were full back in 2017 to parts of 2020?   Remember how most of our country and world were going to die from Covid-19 from 2020 right up to a few weeks ago if we did not wear masks, stay six feet apart, and or avoid contact with other human beings?  Remember when there were a bunch of peace treaties signed in the Middle East back a few years ago?  Remember Afghanistan and all of the American soldiers who died there?  Remember all of the American allies still stuck in Afghanistan in 2022?  Remember when the Ukraine was a free country?  Remember how the media force fed us daily the bad news of former President Trump and his bad tweets/speeches/policies/decisions/economy/ on a daily basis from 2017 to 2020?  I do and you probably do also.

Now think about how bad the crisis is in the Ukraine with Russia.  Now think about the possibility of nuclear war in 2022. Now think about how fragile freedom is in many Eastern European countries today due to the murderous Russian regime ready to invade at any minute.  Now think about how bad it is that we are supporting Russia by buying their oil rather than being energy independent.  Now think about how bad energy prices have increased and how much gas, heating oil and natural gas is actually costing you.  Now think about all the shortages you are seeing in the stores with food products.  Now think about how bad inflation is overall and how much less money you have in 2022. Now think about how bad the lies of Covid-19 have been and how much in profits Ned Lamont's family hedge fund have made in it.  Now think about all of the elderly who died needlessly in Connecticut trapped in nursing homes from Covid-19.  I think about this daily and you probably do also.

A lot has changed under Democrat Party leadership (if you call it that) in 2022.  A lot has changed with a failed and frail Joe Biden being a puppet President that is dragged around by his nose by the Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party in 2022.  The same Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party who also hate freedom, free people, freedom of thought, the free enterprise system, and  stable prices.  The same Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party who embrace unchecked illegal immigration, child trafficking, the free flow of illegal drugs and illegal drug use/deaths,  runaway inflation and unchecked crime/career criminals free to roam anywhere and everywhere in 2022.  This is the reality of 2022 with the Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party.  This is the record that these same Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party are running for re election on in 2022.

It is not the Connecticut nor America you and or anyone else wants in 2022.  So why are we accepting it?  Most of us aren't accepting these lies contrary to what the state run media wants us to believe.  This to me seems to be the beginnings of the seeds of economic, social and political disconnect being sown and nurtured against the Socialist/Communists who run the Democrat Party in 2022.  The battle for the state and America is being fought daily.  And I am confident that the tremendous losses in power and policy that the Democrat Party will endure in the election of 2022 after their massive defeats on Election Day will put an end once and for all for to their brand of dictatorship that we as a country have always hated since the 1770's.  Are we back to 1776?  I wonder.  If we are it is the way it is supposed to be.  Free America from the Democrat Party. 

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