Saturday, March 19, 2022

More Bad News For Connecticut Taxpayers With The Secret SEBAC Agreement. More And Higher State Spending.

You can never underestimate the political power of the Connecticut Democrat Party nor their hatred of the non state employee/non political donor Connecticut Taxpayer.  More information is coming out about the secret SEBAC state agreement with its labor unions.  An agreement that Connecticut Taxpayers will pay for and have absolutely no representation in as to how their tax monies will be spent for years to come.  It is the classic political nepotism that we have seen for 30 plus years now in the state that has helped to contribute to Connecticut's economic ongoing depression.

According the Yankee Institute for Public Policy ( who has been able to through media findings and leaks have been able to summarize this massive pay increase for state workers.  What I find interesting is that the state unions feel that they have saved $24 billion dollars for the state since 2010.   I can not see that.  Where is the actual proof? This contract is a huge expense for Connecticut Taxpayers and should be treated as such.  One must remember we are in a period of runaway Democrat Party induced inflation coupled with excessively high taxes in the state.  The Connecticut taxpayer never gets a break with regards to any cuts in spending nor cuts in taxes even in stoic election years.  And really why should they since they are the true slaves of state government by paying these excessive pay raises and bonuses to state workers while in many cases doing without so they can pay the enormous tax burden of Connecticut.  This agreement needs to be made public immediately and should be open to public hearings.  If I am interpreting the agreement correctly most of the state surplus will go to pay for this contract and raises/bonuses. The long term costs of the contract will cost Connecticut Taxpayers hundred of millions of dollars over the lifetime of the contract.

Salaries and benefits account for well over 35% of Connecticut's $24.2 billion dollar state budget or roughly $8.2 billion dollars.  An immediate question one must ask is why in a state such as Connecticut that is small and is losing population daily why does the state spend so much in the first place and why does well over 1/3 of the budget goes to state employee salaries and benefits. With all this money being spent why does Connecticut rank near first in the highest taxes in the country along being near last in most business and economic categories in the country?  The question that voters and taxpayers must ask during this upcoming election is why is Connecticut so badly run?  And who has been in power for the past 30 years?  Why isn't spending being cut in 2022?

 Fortunately for America and in particular Connecticut, the Connecticut Democrat Party will be voted out of office at all levels of government in November, 2022.  The incompetence and corruption that is the keyword of the Connecticut Democrat Party is on full display with this secret labor agreement.  The working middle class has taken the brunt end of runaway inflation and they will vote with their wallets and pocketbooks. A non functioning Connecticut state government that is only interested in a small part of the state's population are the enablers of the corrupted Connecticut Democrat Party rule.  They rule the state with an iron fist. This contract and its provisions further separates the haves and the have nots in Connecticut. The tidal wave of change is beginning and will encompass the overhaul of our corrupted government and political system. Connecticut will see massive changes in November.   It is 1776 again.

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