Saturday, March 12, 2022

Hey What's Another $3500. To Connecticut Taxpayers? It Is An Election Year Isn't It?

 Hey what's another $3500 to Connecticut Taxpayers or a 2% raise each year for the next four years with job security and no lay-offs for 44,000 state unionized employees?  Hey what's $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities to Connecticut Taxpayers?  Hey what's a $62500 per person state debt tax to Connecticut Taxpayers? Hey what's another $150 million dollars in state labor costs for Connecticut Taxpayers?  It is an election year isn't it?  And what better way for the Connecticut Democrat Party to maintain omnipotent one party rule and continue to destroy Connecticut's economy but to buy state government workers votes through this incredibly generous and bloated pay raise package that has been negotiated and blessed by multimillionaire Governor/Hedge Fund Owner Ned Lamont.  After all look how many state workers lost their jobs during the manufactured Covid-19 crisis?  Oh I forgot none.  After all look at how many  Connecticut businesses were forced to shut down and went bankrupt and or out of business during the manufactured Covid-19 crisis?  Thousands?  And lets not forget how many Connecticut Taxpayers lost their jobs and declared personal bankruptcy during the the manufactured Covid-19 crisis?  Thousands?  

Why can't the terms of this contract being public knowledge today?  Why is it secret?  What is being hidden to Connecticut Taxpayers?

And what will Connecticut Taxpayers get for these above average pay raises for 44,000 Connecticut government workers?  The state is still last or near last in most business categories with a constant anti business atmosphere of excessive rules, regulations, laws  and excessively high taxes.  Will these raises end the horrific conditions that Connecticut businesses must operate in with these same excessive rules, regulations, laws and excessively high taxes somehow being changed and somehow making the state more business friendly?  Will state government actually be responsive to the corruption and fraud that takes place on a daily basis in this same state government if they get these raises?  What will change if state government workers get these raises?  Does it mean that Connecticut Taxpayers must dig deeper to pay higher state taxes to support these same state workers especially when they retire with well above average state funded pensions and benefits?  Does it mean that Connecticut Taxpayers $62500 per person state debt tax will go up even higher since multimillionaire Governor/Hedge Fund Owner Ned Lamont wishes to bond over $1.4 billion dollars in new political pet projects over the next few years to help his political allies in Hartford?  Isn't the sky the limit when it comes to Connecticut Democrat Party's total disregard and disrespect for the Connecticut Taxpayer?  This salary raise package certainly leads one to believe that the Connecticut Taxpayer is garbage and the Connecticut State Employee and its unions can and will never do any wrong.  They have no incentives to show greater efficiencies or be customer friendly to the same Connecticut Taxpayers they serve.  What a farce.

Thus it is more of the same for the Connecticut Taxpayer.  Keep doing without especially with runaway Democrat Party induced inflation with obscene energy and food prices.  Keep doing without so that a small minority of Connecticut's population can keep enriching themselves and their power over the peon taxpayers of the state who are forced to serve them.  Shared sacrifice does not exist in Connecticut's government and has not existed for years now.  It is pathetic to see the years of inept Democrat Party rule bringing about now a total sense of hopelessness for the remaining Connecticut Taxpayers who are forced to pay for this theft of public resources.  

It seems to be a fact that state union labor agreements are one sided.  Connecticut Taxpayers have no say whatsoever in how their taxes are spent.  Nor will they ever will given the dictatorship that Connecticut has evolved into over the past 30 years.  What was once was a state of economic opportunity and growth is now a ghetto of failed economics, political corruption and a total insolence for the Connecticut Taxpayer.  And yes once again this is the record that the Connecticut Democrat Party is running for re election on in November.  And finally this is the record that they will lose by a landslide on Election Day 2022.  And yes it is 1776 again.  Free Connecticut.

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