Saturday, January 07, 2023

Nothing Has Changed From Last Night. The Democrat Party Owns Crisis After Crisis.

 Nothing has changed in America since last night.  Americans on a daily basis deal with multiple crises that the Biden Administration and his Democrat Party have created and nurtured over many years now, that continue to damage both our society and economy.  

Americans deal with runaway energy prices due to the manufactured Democrat Party energy crisis.  In addition, the closing of American sources of energy by the befuddled and economically incoherent Biden Administration in the name of green energy, defies logic.  Because of their actions, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been drained to dangerously low levels, diesel fuel/heating oil has tripled in prices in some cases and is in short supply, electricity costs especially in Connecticut, have gone up over 50% in some areas and green energy is still not an affordable alternative for the country.  We must remember that during the Trump Administration that we had stable, low energy prices and were energy independent.  We are now energy dependent on a ruthless dictator's oil for survival.  What is the point of green energy anyways?  Electric cars still need to be charged with a base source of power that involves fossil fuels.  By making fossil fuels too expensive for the working middle class as in the example of $6 a gallon home heating oil how does this help our economy?  Can a Democrat explain this to me? 

Americans deal with a massive loss of economic wealth as a Biden-induced economic recession, coupled with runaway inflation intensifies in our economy on a daily basis.  Americans also deal with a daily supply chain crisis especially for food, that continues to grow with the lack of response by the Biden Administration. No matter which way the Biden Administration tries to spin the "lack" of inflation in the economy and/or the economically illogical reasons why inflation is occurring in our economy, inflation is damaging our economy daily.  And inflation is causing a massive loss of personal wealth for economic classes especially those citizens who are retired and living on a fixed income.  Why are there shortages of baby formula, food and medicines in the richest economy in the world?  In my economic opinion we would not be having a recession at this time in our economy if we had a cogent and orderly immigration policy and not the border crisis that the Biden Administration is responsible for.  We also would not be having supply chain issues if the Biden Administration did not reward non productivity in our economy through their massive debt fueled spending programs that yield little (if any) economic value to our economy.  We also would not be having a recession if we did not have the incomprehensible energy policies force fed to us by the Democrat Party.

Americans deal with a rampant crime crisis in our country on a daily basis thanks to the muddled legal system that protects the criminals and treats crime victims as the criminal.  Personal property rights seem to be disregarded by our legal system and by liberal District Attorneys who feel that they create laws, and not enforce them.  Law enforcement and the respect of our police men and women whose job it is to protect us from crime has become a farce in our country due to the Democrat Party's hatred of rules, laws and law enforcement for some incoherent liberal reasoning.  Crime and murder does not go away by not enforcing laws.  Crime and murder does not go away by eliminating the bond system.  Americans should not be living in fear when they go to a grocery store and or when they need to buy gasoline for their vehicles.  Americans still have private property rights, contrary to what the Democrat Party wants.

Democrat President Biden along with his amateurish, helpless and unqualified Administration have created these crises that Americans, especially in Connecticut, must now deal with on a daily basis.  Whether it is runaway inflation, a massive national debt crisis, a massive loss of personal wealth, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crime and murder crisis, and or a total lack of good/effective government crisis at a local, state and federal level, the Democrat Party owns these failures.  Americans need and deserve a much better economy, government and crime free society for the enormous amount of local, state and federal taxes that they must pay to keep these incompetent,  inefficient and useless government officials employed who have in essence ruined our economy and country.  Truly we are reliving history as it is 1776 all over again for America or what is really left of it.  Enough is enough.

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