Saturday, June 11, 2022

Democrat Connecticut-Where You Have No Medical Privacy Especially For Genome Testing

 Why isn't our medical information private? Why is this information allowed to be shared with a company that has direct ties to Ned Lamont's families hedge fund?  Where are the actual contracts that allowed this to happen?  How much is it costing Connecticut Taxpayers for this supposed legal theft of personal information?

Tony De Angelo who has a weekly radio spot with Lee Elci on WJJF 94.9 FM radio in New London, CT was the first individual in the state to bring these issues with Ned Lamont, Sema-4, payments to Sema-4, and genome testing to light for the public.  I like to expand and bring this issue back into the public view of Connecticut Taxpayers and voters.   When reading Connecticut's state run media news reports one finds little to no information on this issue.  Why is that?  Fraud seems to have taken place, payments have been made to Sema-4 with apparently no paperwork involved, and amazingly once again Ned Lamont's family hedge fund has profited off the backs of Connecticut Taxpayers.

Why did Sema-4 receive a second no bid state contract for genome testing on Connecticut's children and other Connecticut citizens?  If one looks closely at the contract one would see that genome testing was taking place on any individual no matter age who tested positive for Covid-19.  The information on this was apparently then kept by Sema-4 and then sent to a database in Munich, Germany (this is considered the subcontractor in the work order).  Two purchase orders were issued by the State Public Health Department one for $688,500 and one for $500,000.  The time frame for these two purchase orders was September 28, 2021 for payments.  If one looks at the Connecticut record of payments made to vendors you can see that $2.1 million dollars worth of payments were made to Sema-4 on April 30, 2022  after they supposedly quit all testing in the state in March 2022.  Sema-4 then received $3.6 million dollars in payments from April 30, 2022 to June 2, 2022.  What were these payments for?  Were any purchase orders and or contracts issued for these payments?  There seems to be a massive amount of errors, back tracking, breaking of the contract, not breaking of the contract, why they were paid, where data went, where data did not go, and damage control to justify the additional $3.6 million dollars worth of payments that were made to Sema-4 on April 30, 2022  after they supposedly quit all testing in the state in March 2022.   However in my opinion it is impossible to both understand and to justify these payments other than Ned Lamont's family hedge fund has a financial interest in Sema-4 that obviously runs much deeper than Connecticut Taxpayers interests and ethics.   

Also what happens when Ned Lamont loses the election for Governor?  How will Ned Lamont's family hedge fund continue to make money off of Connecticut Taxpayers?

The bigger question is why did this personal medical information on genome testing take place?  And why is this information now in some sort of database in Munich, Germany?  Who can see it and why must they see it?  Was the Covid-19 virus just a big experiment to gain profits for an elite few such as Sema-4 and Ned Lamont's family hedge fund?  I thought your personal medical information was private and not part of a vast socialist experiment by a ruthless political ruling class?  Sadly all of my questions and questions of many others continue to go unanswered.  I would like to thank a common Connecticut citizen, Tony De Angelo, and the Lee Elci radio show for this investigative work in exposing a horrific debacle of payments and testing that never should have happened nor been paid out.  

This issue will be a defining issue on the Governors race.  Connecticut's government is an unethical and incoherent debacle.  It is 1776 all over again.

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