Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Where Have All The Connecticut Ballots Gone?

Did you see the ballot?  What ballot you may ask?  The ballot in question is from the apparent Covid-19 free Secretary of State's Office for the upcoming August 11th Primary election that is completely fool proof with the wide open ballot boxes on your local street corner where you will depositing your ballot. 
There seems to be a problem with the upcoming fool proof Covid-19 free absentee ballots coming straight from our of Secretary of State for Life Office.  It seems that some 20,000 ballots for the August 11th primary were never mailed out (today is August 4th).  (https://www.dailyructions.com/merrill-failure-20000-voters-will-not-receive-absentee-ballots-town-clerks-will-try-to-solve-primary-crisis/) As reported by Kevin Rennie this has now become a major problem for Town Clerks in Connecticut towns and cities as they must find these voters and send them their ballots pronto!  Quickly!   Beyond fast! Hurry up!
However I was under the impression that Boston Consulting Group in conjunction with Ned Lamont recommended that we switch to mail in and or easily deposited ballots to make our state primary and Presidential/State election Covid-19 free and problem free?  Seems like we have a major problem now with 20,000 voters (I wonder how many are dead?) who do not have and probably are not getting their ballots any time soon.  This will hurt most those individuals who have legitimate reasons be it health wise or otherwise who now will not be able to vote.  But then again when did our state government care about legal Connecticut Voters anyways?
We will know over the next few days Connecticut Senators Murphy and Blumenthal will stay as far away as they can with regards to this issue.  They will stick with the tried and true daily President Trump denunciations and or pick on some conservative view that they must condemn while giving a free ride to the debacle of the failed ballot delivery by their own inept state political party.  Isn't that how the game is played anyways by Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party?  They are never, never at fault for anything.  I am surprised the Secretary of State's office is not blaming the Connecticut Republican Party for this mix up. 
Voting in any election is a legal right guaranteed by our State Constitution.  It has been made a joke and farce by Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democrat Party and the Secretary of State's Office in 2020.  I can not see how our primary election and November election will be not be corrupted.  This upcoming election is once again another miserable failure by the inept state leaders who rule Connecticut with an iron hand.  Elections at any level should be free of rigging, corruption and fraud.  Unfortunately we are already seeing these issues occur in our upcoming primary.  I can only imagine how bad the November election will be.  Enough is enough.

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