Saturday, March 01, 2025

Connecticut's Pork of HB 7066-To the Victims: You Will Be Spoiled

 As we discussed last week (and in drawing on the great Mark Twain) Connecticut Taxpayers are never, ever safe with the Democrat State legislature in session. Needless to say, there are no checks and balances to state government since Connecticut is ruled and driven with a hard, liberal fist of Connecticut Democrat Party socialism.  More evidence of this citizen-be-damned rule can be seen in one of the most incoherent bills seen in a long time: HB 7066 "An Act Concerning Interactions Between School Personnel And Immigration Authorities, The Purchase And Operation Of Certain Drones, Grants To Certain Nonprofit Organizations, And Student Athlete Compensation Through Endorsement Contracts And Revenue Sharing Agreements."  This catchy, feel good, political glad-handing and payoff bill is an excellent example of why both the Connecticut State Legislature and Connecticut's State Government is broken beyond repair. (

This bill (“bill”) spends over $2.88 million dollars of Connecticut Taxpayers monies on a variety of "feel good" and "politically correct" nonprofits and organizations having no benefit to the hardworking and taxpaying legitimate citizen. In a note of hope for the future, the bill's funding was somehow cut/reduced by DOGE or the "evil" Republicans such as Republican President Trump. The bill makes a stew of incoherent issues such as making foreign made drones illegal, procedures to ignore Federal laws regarding illegal immigration, and making sure student athletes especially at the University of Connecticut, (aka “U-Conned”) can get paid ridiculous amounts of money for playing a college sport. The bill itself is a gourmet feast of pork, political art, and incoherence at its worst.

As just one example, $800,000 is included in this bill for “Planned Parenthood of Southern New England”.  Planned Parenthood of Southern New England's President and CEO Amanda Skinner earned $434,095 and $18,574 in "other" compensation in fiscal year 2023. This organization also has $57,330,020 in "net assets" in fiscal year 2023. ( Thus, one may assume that without this $800,000 from Connecticut Taxpayers that Planned Parenthood of Southern New England will either go out of business and or President and CEO Amanda Skinner would have to take a pay cut or have her position eliminated. Why is this $800,000 so critical to the operation of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England? Did any of the “talented public servants” in the Connecticut State Legislature bother to perform the simple five-minute analysis that I just did that would reflect this money is simply not needed? Did any of these same people question the salary paid to Amanda Skinner prior to the grant from the bill? Or does anyone there even care as to how they spend your tax money? (Why should we even bother to ask such a nonsensical question)

But wait! There is more!! Adding further insult to the Connecticut Taxpayer are grants to more than twenty nonprofit organizations. These include $62,500 to the “Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants, Inc.” The President and CEO of the “Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants, Inc.,” Susan Schnitzer, made $108,355 in salary and $12,130 in "other" compensation for fiscal year 2023.  This organization also has $1,684,033 in "net assets" in fiscal year 2023. ( Thus, one may assume that without this $62,500 from Connecticut Taxpayers that they either will go out of business and or President and CEO Susan Schnitzer would have to take a pay cut. Why is this $62,500 so critical to their operation? Is any part of this funding to be expended in support of illegal immigration? Are you curious about this? (If you are, do not bother asking a legislator, as we can be absolutely sure none of them asked this question when the grant was contemplated or thereafter).

Also included for free cash is the “Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services, Inc.” which will receive $225,000. Then-Executive Director Chris George of the Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services, Inc. made $122,987 in salary and $11,033 in "other" compensation for fiscal year 2023. This organization also has $4,864,659 in "net assets" in fiscal year 2023. ( Thus, one may assume that without this $225,000 from Connecticut Taxpayers, Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services, Inc. will either go out of business and/or the successor of Executive Director Chris George would have to take a pay cut. Why is this $225,000 so critical to their operation? Will any part of this funding be used in the encouragement of illegal alien voting? It is known that in 2023, Chris George wrote on the site about his post-retirement plans being the “strengthening our democracy by working on voter registration and voter turnout.” Does this not provoke your curiosity? Does Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services, Inc. have any involvement with illegal voter registration? Are they working on the up-and-up, or to the contrary? Will anyone in the Legislature ever ask the right questions or exercise fiscal governance in the least?

HB 7066 was deemed as an "Emergency Certification” bill. This legislative maneuver (which should deemed illegal) is used to fast-track legislation without vetting by legislative process, such as public hearings. The legislative process is made deliberately difficult to research and to understand by Connecticut Taxpayers to facilitate the repeated financial rape of them. Most certainly it is meant to be that way, and it is made excessively complex to push through junk bills like HB7066 that give the distinct appearance of payoffs and show an arrogant disagreement with Federal policies that Connecticut must now follow. For we know, garbage legislation  suits the political needs of the Connecticut Democrat Party and its sycophants’ supplicants, toadies, flunkies, and lackeys, (and who gives a rip-roaring red apple about you, anyway?)  

Moreover, how does this over $2.88 million dollars in "emergency certification” apply to Connecticut's venerated and celebrated "fiscal guardrails"? This is just another lie circulating in Connecticut's corrupt Legislature. The fiscal horrors of Connecticut are not discussed by either party. Connecticut's short- and long-term debt along with its unfunded liabilities is roughly $100 to $150 billion dollars. There is no plan whatsoever to resolve this fiscal tsunami and nightmare for Connecticut Taxpayers which deficit the "guardrails" do not touch. But holding on to false or incomplete fiscal ideals while blithely handing out money to cronies and twisted idealist and secretive projects is a Connecticut hallmark. And one really must question the amount of money given to "non-profits" especially in Connecticut.  Connecticut taxpayers seem to have no say in their government that they pay for nor are they allowed public comment especially for spending bills such as HB7066. 

And as usual Connecticut Taxpayers keep getting financially raped. The Connecticut of dodgy and questionable nonprofits and pilfering college leaders inter-alia continues unabated with the only hope of curtailing the same will be cutoffs in Federal funding. 

But rest assured, Connecticut will continue to soldier on to fiscal Armageddon with new heights in citizen disregard and crony-feeding. The Connecticut Democrat Party will make sure of that premise, ad infinitum, and forevermore.


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