It is home to an estimated 3.6 million souls. This same Connecticut has spent
the last 35 years playing demographic musical chairs in its continual mission
to destroy itself from within.
Connecticut! Let us
start with illegal immigration. For the last few years, Connecticut’s Fearless
Leader King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable told us via his state-run mouthpieces
that Connecticut did not have an illegal immigration problem, while anyone with
any knowledge of facts rather than fiction found that statement to be laughable.
Today, we see Illegal immigrants continually pouring in, while the state’s
higher-educated, higher-income, and downright wealthier citizens tired of carrying
the costs of this destructive foolishness, transition to saner, safer, and lower-taxed
jurisdictions. Who can blame them? Connecticut boasts some of the nation’s most
punishing property, state, and business taxes, not to mention sky-high housing,
insurance, transportation, and electricity costs. Living in this liberal
paradise does not come cheap. Just ask your wallet, or your neighbor.
Connecticut! If
you want to be insulated from the plight of being a battered taxpaying
legitimate citizen in Connecticut, there is another way! Join the government,
or better still, the Connecticut State Legislature and become a member of the patrician
class! Because if you are a member of the Legislature, you can go through life being
a part of the most impractical, nonsensical and citizen crushing legislation
ever known to mankind. But you need not care. Reality, and the burdens of the
citizens you purport to represent are simply not your problem. You barrel
forward in this current session, hell-bent on spending taxpayer cash with the
restraint of a drunk at bar closing time and equivalent respect for the rule of
law. After all, you are entitled.
Connecticut and
governance? I really wonder as to how many legislators of any political stripe even
understand this most critical concept in the least. As just one example,
nonprofit governance in Connecticut is an overflowing out of control fiscal sewer.
As you may recall, I recently shone a spotlight on the state’s nonprofit
glut—24,195 active tax-exempt outfits as of 2025, according to ProPublica (—a
tangled web of political cronies and taxpayer-funded freeloaders, toadies, lackeys
and hangers-on. Between 2019 and 2023, my analysis indicates that roughly 1,500
to 2,500 unique nonprofits consumed state funds, with annual recipient counts
swinging from 600 to a bloated 1,200 in 2022, courtesy of budget dumps of your
taxpayer money. Being in the Legislature, you may have heard about the Federal
DOGE effort to root out fiscal waste, fraud, and abuse where a dilution in federal
funding can severely impact the funding of your inept, illogical, and redundant
pet causes, but you really do not care. Because, you see an inexhaustible resource
in continually reaching into the pockets of state taxpayers. But in your mind that
is fine, as who the hell cares about the average citizen, anyway?
Connecticut! Where the mind
of most Democrat legislators treats their “causes” to be more important than
life and reality. Take the Scholars Strategy Network (SSN), a Boston-based
outfit with suspiciously cozy ties to the Connecticut Democratic Party and the
University of Connecticut (UConn). Its Executive Director, Paola Maynard Moll,
rakes in $158,403 plus a tidy $30,532 in "other" compensation—nice
work if you can get it, right? (
House Democrats gush over its "Collaborative Effort" with such
groups, conveniently forgetting to invite the minority party to the party. They
wax poetic: "Using objectivity and scientific methods, they analyze the
effects of policies or interventions. Their training allows them to synthesize
knowledge across studies, determine policy effects, interpret nuance, and
understand implementation challenges" (
SSN even runs a sanctimonious "Help Others To Vote" gig at UConn (,
which sounds noble until you recall Connecticut’s voter fraud debacles and the
state’s nonprofit messes. Does any legislator ever question the propriety, redundancy,
and usefulness of these myriad nonprofit cash cows? Why would they? Because
governance may mean that the well will run dry at the time of your next
glad-hand and photo op and your time to throw taxpayer cash around.
Connecticut! Where if this
seems bad, unbelievably, things even get worse. We saw the taxpayer-gouging
masterpiece Senate Bill 1453, "An Act Concerning Emergency Nonprofit
Assistance," rammed through the House on Wednesday March 5, with the sole purpose
of bankrolling Democratic pet causes. In typical Connecticut fashion, the
language is so vague you would think it was intentionally designed to dodge
The delusional
and self-interested haul is divided up as follows:
(1) 45.3 percent to nonprofits coddling the LGBTQ+ community.
(2) 26.7 percent to reproductive health care squads like Planned Parenthood.
(3) 22.1 percent to refugee and immigration assistance—because Connecticut is a
sanctuary state.
(4) 2.1 percent to community and youth empowerment (whatever that means); and
(5) 3.8 percent skimmed by the Judicial Department for “administration,
whatever “administration” may mean:
Connecticut! Where in the
face of DOGE and citizens pleading for spending restraint and fiscal
governance, Connecticut Democrats laugh in their faces, plowing ahead with an
agenda that spits on citizens while showering special interests with cash. The
League of Women Voters of Connecticut snagged $200,000 in 2019 from the
Democracy Fund—part of a $650,000 handout to 25 groups—because nothing screams
"democracy" like state-subsidized voter drives in a fraud-riddled
state. Meanwhile, Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) pocketed
$150,000 that year via the Immigrant Integration Pilot Program, one slice of a
$300,000 pie for immigrant “resettlement”. Add in the NAACP of Connecticut
($100,000) and Lutheran Refugee Services ($100,000), and you have gotten a cool
$700,000 to $950,000 annually from 2019 to 2023 for these niche
crusades—totaling $3.5 million to $4.75 million over five years. That is miniscule
next to the $1.4 billion in annual state contracts propping up 500-700
nonprofits yearly, a gravy train so lavish it would make Frank Nitti and John
Gotti blush. But this of course is Connecticut, where self-dealing, fraud,
drunk driving (and drunk law making) legislators, hidden business in state
nonprofits and gargantuan un-ascertainable deficits are just normal operating
procedure in the land of all things Nutmeg.
Connecticut government continues its duplicitous and carpetbagging ways, ostensibly
undeterred by a nation and a large part of the state that finds this conduct
reprehensible. This will lead to a collision course. Either the continued
crushing taxation and spending will drive the last of productive capacities out
of state, or the impending cuts in Federal funding will cause a different type
of destruction from within. Neither scenario bodes well for the once proud and
now teetering governance-less State of Connecticut.
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