Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Energy Of Incompetence, Confusion, And Failure

I am totally confused by energy policies. However, this confusion does not exist on a national level. President Donald Trump made a campaign promise to unleash the fossil fuel “Liquid Gold” present under the feet of every American with his program of “Frack, Burn, and Drill Baby, Drill.” The late Dr. Henry Kissinger told us all half a century ago that those that control energy control the world. Cheap and plentiful energy is critically necessary for a strong America and for developments in business and artificial intelligence and in industry. A more plentiful energy supply suppresses wars because countries like Russia fuel destruction by selling oil at absurdly soaring prices. Any object in our home, office, workspace, or driveway is somehow composed of fuel or by using fuel. It is a no-brainer. It is simple beans. But these dirt simple concepts are far too weighty for the astute souls in the Connecticut legislature who primarily through idiocy (and sometimes aided and abetted by weak and deferential pushback) continually figure out ways for Connecticut Residents to starve, freeze and go broke in trying to concoct fictional energy policies that will do nothing other than throw precious taxpayer capital into the sea, ground and air.  

In my estimation, the biggest problem in Connecticut is the State Legislature attempts to think and craft policy where solutions are pre-made, time tested, and easily executed. Nowhere is this sad fact more critical in the Connecticut Legislature’s attempts to deal with energy. Like parrots, legislators repeat the terms “Climate Change” and “Green Energy” not knowing (or even understanding) the consequences of their inane statements and postings. Wind Turbines kill sea mammals. Disposed electric car batteries are huge environmental disasters. The mining of e-car minerals kills and maims children of color in Africa. The wildfires in California were made much worse by combusting e-cars where the fires could not be extinguished. Did you know that? You never heard any of that from the state-run media. But you heard plenty of that from me and from my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo on The Lee Elci Show on WJJF 94.9 and on THIRTY WITH TONY for over a year. But why didn’t the state-run media tell you? Because it is their job to window-dress for the powers that be as knowing the truth on a global scale would render said powers inoperative, once, and for all.

However, what actually represents “green energy” and why have we spent the massive amount of taxpayers’ monies in Connecticut to achieve either absolutely nothing (or negative) in Connecticut is horrifically unclear. Disgustingly, Connecticut residents and businesses pay some of the highest electric rates in the country. In Connecticut, the Omnipotent (and grossly incompetent) Connecticut Democrat Party, has continually raised electric rates through insane green energy policies, green energy taxes and the rationing of electricity shamefacedly feel that they need to give everyone “a break” since consumers are starting to understand their insane electric bills. Democrats are now pushing the Utopian "Ratepayers First Act,” a desperation effort to undue the massive damage their party created over the past twenty years with their economically incoherent forced increases in electric rates and green energy at all costs. Apparent/Anointed electric rate expert, Democrat State Senator Norm Needleman, from Essex, made this ridiculous statement: "Certainly the aspects of accountability and making sure that the performance that the utilities provide in exchange for an exclusive monopoly to provide us not only distribution but transmission of electricity — that is something that is very complicated. But other than adding condescending and inane commentary, he further added these nonsensical statements: “This bill is an open book. There are no specific things that we’re going to talk about at this moment. We’re going to listen to all the bills that are coming in, and they’re coming in at a rate much higher and faster than the energy committee has ever seen. We’re going to listen to ideas from across the spectrum, —that’s Republicans and Democrats, that’s cities and rural areas, that’s everybody that we can hear from.”  ( Since when have these astute and esteemed souls ever listened to either the people who actually pay for the electricity and/or the Republican Party and/or the fine Conservative minds of all ages present in the state? Needleman, in my opinion reinforces Democrat incompetence and obfuscation with the typical late night dump of this Democrat bill with his statement of "This bill is an open book,” meaning that there will be a great deal of pork and political payments and cutting and amending for the sake of all of “them” and not “you” (In case you missed this, the categories of “them” and “you” are the two real races in the racial divide that is present in Connecticut).

 But wait! There is more! Connecticut Senate Bill SB1105 is another gibberish-type feel-good bill that will  "(1) prohibit certain mergers of utility companies, (2) prohibit a utility company from owning both gas and electric utilities, (3) incentivize the adoption of grid-enhancing and energy-efficient technologies and prohibit a public utility company from imposing any fees that would disincentivize the adoption of such technologies, (4) repeal any provision providing a right of first refusal to acquire property by a utility company, and (5) prohibit deceptive fees to utility end use customers." ( Is this a bill apparently to somehow undue the economic damages of the feel-good Public Benefits aspect of your bill which is the cost of supporting state-authorized energy programs that do little for either increasing the supply of energy or lowering costs. And pray tell, why do we never see a bill prohibiting and penalizing Legislators and those connected with the Legislators from receiving compensation from the utilities their body regulates? That would be way too simple to just enact and enforce a common-sense law that has been flouted for years by both parties? As we all know, Connecticut has one of the most complex electric bills to read and understand in the country mirroring the disjointed, incompetent, hard-to-follow and unclear Connecticut Democrat Party Green Energy policies that have failed the state dramatically.

I also wonder where all the electricity in Connecticut will come from with the new cash tax cash cow of data/AI centers that are being coveted by the political elite? Will the state tell households to reduce their energy consumption so that these centers can be built and have enough power for them? How about rotating blackouts for single family homes? Or maybe more destruction and sea mammal murders at Connecticut's shorelines and seas as has been exhibited in the horrific, $300 million dollar and growing New London State Pier project that will provide apparently "free" electricity by the hideous wind farms that still have not produced one kilowatt of "Green" energy after $300 dollars of Connecticut taxpayers spent?  But who cares if we rape the environment? What are the actual safeguards to the ocean ecosystem? Perhaps these questions are obviated as no one in his or her right mind would make an investment in a Connecticut Data Center, anyway. But no matter, "Green" energy is essential, no matter what the cost and or destruction to the environment that is supposedly "saving". And almost one year after Tony De Angelo cried on the Lee Elci show for a “Natural Gas First” energy policy for Connecticut the CT State Senate has finally agreed to campaign for its use rather than to timidly “studying” such use as a year of destruction and waste intervened? What more incoherent gibberish, politicking and incompetence will be force fed to the Connecticut Taxpayer in 2025?

It will be interesting to see how the 2025 Connecticut Legislative session progresses and how little change electric consumers will see.  It should be obvious to all that the Connecticut Democrat Party has created the electricity crisis in the state and now it is entirely incapable of solving the failure it has created.

But so what? It is just another day in the race to the economic bottom for Connecticut and its economic slaves who support this disarray, turmoil, and incompetence.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bills, Laws And Destruction: The Connecticut Legislative Session of 2025

It has been said by many citizens and legal professionals that the General Statutes of Connecticut are among the most difficult state statutes to understand, adding needless confusion to many everyday issues. Connecticut has a long legal history, with statutes dating back to 1650, which means there is a significant amount of legal tradition and layering that make current laws complex and difficult. For instance, the General Statutes of Connecticut have been through numerous revisions, the most recent major one in 1958, with regular updates since then. This accumulation over time adds to the intricacy of the legal code. I do know that the State Statues consist of thirteen volumes and 978 chapters with thousands upon thousands of statues, rules, and regulations.  And. as is often said in Connecticut, the state laws are written for the state, by the state, on behalf of the state. And how many laws exist is anyone’s guess. ( 

To give you an idea, the Connecticut legislature has introduced over 34,442 bills from 2010 to 2025. Of that amount only a few passed every year since there is no conceivable way that all 34,442 bills were read completely.  ( It is also interesting to comprehend the amount of actual laws that have eroded personal and economic freedoms in the state while the state continues its protracted economic and social downward spiral starting since the enactment of the law creating the State Income Tax back in August 1991. This tax was supposed to resolve all the state's financial issues and would lead Connecticut to economic vibrancy that was Utopian in nature and did nothing more than to drive it into reckless spending and fiscal ruin.

But the farcical and shameful status of Connecticut on the world’s stage continues. Despite the almost parrot-like repetition that maintaining the “fiscal guardrails” will save the fiscal integrity of the state, not one elected official acknowledges that Connecticut still has $100-$150 billion dollars in short- and long-term debt along with myriad unfunded liabilities accruing interest daily. And it ranks in the bottom five states in the country with the highest taxes, poor business climate conditions, and the highest electricity rates in the country. Moreover to add some icing to a sickening cake, Connecticut made National News this week with Democrat United States Senator Richard (“Stolen Valor”) Blumenthal questioning Secretary of Defense Nominee (and Combat Veteran) Pete Hegseth on his nomination thus invoking the ire of national news personalities, most notably radio host Mike Gallagher, who called Connecticut voters “stupid” in front of millions of listeners for voting for such a sham as Dick Blumenthal.

But if you are a Connecticut legislator, the more irrational, unhinged, and delusional you are, the more attention you will receive for some of the worst law proposals ever to be penned to paper. Rest assured that in 2025 the Legislature is in full force introducing many such bills. Here are a few your legislators feel are essential to the state: 

(Senate Bill) SB00718 is "To prohibit the issuance of a drive-only motor vehicle operator's license to a person who cannot provide proof of legal United States residency or a Social Security number."  This bill implies drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants in the state.

SB00523 "AN ACT CONCERNING THE CURATION AND RETENTION OF LITERARY MATERIALS CONTAINED IN PUBLIC AND SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND LEGAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO LIBRARIANS AND STAFF WORKING IN SUCH LIBRARIES. To protect state residents by prohibiting public and school libraries from censoring the most sick and pornographic books and providing librarians and other library staff members with legal protections, including immunity from criminal and civil liability, for carrying out work-related duties in accordance with state law."  Thus, any type of questionable book including what amounts to being pornography for children is allowable in a school library and that librarians have legal immunity from any consequences of their actions in keeping those books in their library. Further as my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo pointed out this week on 94.9’s “Lee Elci Show” ( this bill allows a legally immune library worker to sue a rightfully complaining parent on the grounds of “causing emotional distress”, thus putting their livelihood and property at legal risk. This bill should sicken every parent in the state let alone the long-silent CT GOP who should be demanding that sponsor Democrat Senator Bob Duff read the texts of several of these so-called works into the official record in addition to being a national star on "Libs Of Tik Tok" as he parades around with this Bill. But more seriously, it is interesting to note that police in the state are not afforded the same immunity in their life-or-death actions since HB6004 from 2020 was passed. This bill limits qualified immunity for police officers in the state. This bill gave Connecticut the sobriquet "Crime Free Democrat Connecticut". since there is now rampant crime, rampant theft, and little prosecution of juvenile crime and or career criminals contrary to what the Connecticut Democrat Party wants you to believe.   Police, in the opinion of many in the state, are not able to do the job for which they were hired.

But right or wrong or decent of indecent, Democrat lunatics can pass whatever laws they wish since the Connecticut Democrat Party has a super majority in the State House and Senate. They will be able to push through bills with ease at any time day or night. And there is never an accounting for what laws would really matter to the taxpaying public. As one example, King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable somehow is positioning himself to lower electric rates with an imbalanced magical formula that will never be able to appease the green energy cartel that runs the state's energy policy even if it were the least bit workable. The minority Republicans have offered SB647 "An Act Concerning Protections For Consumer Access To Affordable Electricity." This bill attempts to: "To reduce energy costs and increase energy supply."( The Republicans have offered HB5356 "To discontinue the state's use of California vehicle emission standards and establish the state's use of such standards established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency."  This bill will tie to rational Trump based energy policy rather than California's economically unobtainable and laughable standards. I am confident that the Connecticut Democrat Party will eliminate all efforts to put forth these Republican bills, regardless of the soundness of any proposed policies contained in them.

With the hundreds of bills being introduced in Hartford I see nothing that addresses the massive fiscal debt of the state but I do see more pie-in-the-sky lunacy. The Democrat irrationality is so pervasive that there is a bill that was introduced to protect the legal rights of girls playing sports prohibiting biological males on their teams and from them using their bathrooms, being HB5352, a Republican sponsored bill "An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities."( Can you imagine that a bill like this actually has to be brought forth to protect girls in our public schools? Yet this is Connecticut in 2025.

But fear not! There is hope! There has been a bill introduced HB5335 stating “That section 46b-21 of the general statutes be amended to prohibit marriage between first cousins. Statement of Purpose: To prohibit marriage between first cousins."( To me that summarizes the lost state of Connecticut for I did not realize that was such an issue in the state needing an actual bill to prevent it.

 But sick as that may be, the state has no problem with porn in school libraries, corruption in its elections, massive runaway debt, legal cannabis, and many more failed liberal experiments. Connecticut never changes and hope fades quickly for those who wish the Connecticut Democrat Party would stop its destruction of the once "Constitution State" to feed its sick, progressive, and destructive demons.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The “Connecticut Way”: The Expressway To Failure and Unaccountability

 Is there a lack of accountability in our government? Is there corruption in our government? Is there a lack of any acuity, honesty, and purposeful government in Connecticut? These are realistic questions that are continually avoided by our elected officials and are never genuinely investigated by our state run media. Moreover, when a crisis occurs, it is the usual parade of useless hearings, unaccountability, and circular finger pointing instead of responsibility being taken by the person/agency/commission responsible for it followed by restitution and (where justified), criminal charges. Because we have been told for many years that real accountability is not the “Connecticut Way,” a “Way” that has led to failure, financial ruin, bulbous deficits, a failed educational system, and ruined cities for five decades.

But there is always that “official” attempt to make one think Connecticut is on the job. Believe it or not, Connecticut has a "Government Fraud Section" apparently led by Democrat Attorney General William Tong.  Its mission statement is: "The Government Fraud Section protects Connecticut tax dollars from fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption. The Section investigates and litigates civil matters under the Connecticut False Claims Act and other laws. The Section develops cases independently and in conjunction with other state and federal law enforcement agencies and with state agencies that pay, directly or indirectly, for goods and services with Connecticut tax dollars. The Section investigates whistleblower complaints concerning state departments, state agencies, quasi-public agencies, and large state contracts. The Section also enforces Connecticut’s pension revocation or reduction laws when any public official or state or municipal employee is convicted of or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to any crime related to state or municipal office. The Section includes the Health Care Advocacy Unit, which provides advisory assistance to consumers who have health care related problems, particularly those that involve health insurance and managed care coverage denials. In addition, this Section also supports and advises the CT Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, which is an independent state body that advocates for residents of long-term care facilities." ( Kindly bear in mind that this is the same William Tong who has advocated for prima-facie tax, employment, and Federal law evasion in his embrace of illegal immigration. After reading this statement I wonder if Democrat Attorney General William Tong should turn himself in his self-appointed mission to both not cooperate with Federal officials to remove illegal immigrants in the state and failure to fully disclose the actual costs to Connecticut Taxpayers since his stated mission is to work with " federal law enforcement agencies and with state agencies that pay, directly or indirectly, for goods and services with Connecticut tax dollars"?

Keeping in the spirit of “The Connecticut Way,” this same commission was ostensibly omissive with the recent state audit of Connecticut's State Colleges and University as performed by the Auditors of Public Accounts.  As one example, Central Connecticut State University Chancellor Terrence Cheng, was reported in the audit to have been using his state credit card, being a Procurement card (“P-Card”), in the following manner: "Between July 1, 2021 and Oct. 24, 2024, Cheng charged $27,125 to his P-Card, with 70% of those for meals designated as business meetings...ordered a driving service on three occasions despite having a state-owned car and then later renegotiated his contract to get a vehicle stipend." ( why stop there? The report also found that "Charter Oak State College President Ed Kolonski used his card to pay for $497,062."  Comptroller Sean Scanlon, who in my opinion has limited abilities/experience in this political position decried these findings in his 18-page report ( Chancellor Terrence Cheng who is a Connecticut state employee earns a salary of $442,000 a year along with a $2,100 a month housing allowance and $48,759 in non-retirement fringe benefits (!/year/2024/full_time_employees,otherspay1,pay2,pay3explore/0-0-0emplid_empl_rcd/103A097F0FCE960AA5B7A3AB4FFDB5A4/0-0-0/agency), apparently does not even live in Connecticut but rather in New York.  

As found in the prior audit report: "The Chancellor lives in New York State and commutes to his office in Hartford. In 2021, he was provided with a state vehicle. In 2024, he returned that state vehicle and will instead receive a $24,000 annual car allowance." "The Chancellor had the use of a state vehicle from July 2021, through August 2024. In June of 2024, CSCU self-reported to the Auditors of Public Accounts for the State of Connecticut that discrepancies were found in the mileage reporting for the Chancellor’s assigned vehicle (page 11). Also even though he had a state vehicle for his use and a mileage expense the Chancellor "There was one charge for a car/driver service made on the Chancellor’s assigned P-Card. The charge was $490, including tip on November 20, 2022, for a trip from South Salem, NY to Stamford, CT. Additionally, a general review of transportation charges over $500 found two similar charges made to the President’s Office P-Card. On September 19, 2023, there was a trip from South Salem, NY with three stops in Hartford, a stop in Stamford, and drop off in South Salem, NY totaling $1,263.00. On October 25, 2023, there was a trip from Hartford, CT with stops in New Britain, Killingly, and drop off in Hartford totaling $784.00." (page 12).

The salaries and benefits of the Chancellor and top ranking University officials are astronomical on top of being a huge upraised middle finger to the hardworking legitimate citizens of Connecticut. Was there no one with any similar skills and abilities who could have been hired in the Non-Job as CCSU Chancellor who was a state resident? And why at that salary was he also afforded this kind of travel expense? Keep in mind that Connecticut public colleges have been cutting courses and raising tuition for years. But there is no desire whatsoever at the rotted top of the institutions to cut costs. Moreover, I wonder as an educator how these excessively high salaries and benefits benefit the college student in his or her education? 

But if you have not had enough, I have some more. As my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo often says, if you like Peanut Butter, you will love Skippy! The skill-lacking Comptroller Sean Scanlon’s office lacked ‘sufficient’ controls and led to mistakes in life insurance payments. ( Now understanding all these egregious failures of governance, if not failures in basic decency, why are there not fines, liens, charges, and calls for restitution of tax dollars? But honest accountability does not all speak of the “Connecticut Way” Spend ill-gotten resources, tax more, spend more, get a wrist slap (if that), promise to do better, get reassigned, and/or retire prematurely with full pension and benefits paid by the taxpayers. (THAT is the “Connecticut Way”).

And would it not be a wonderful world if every state legislator had to read, understand, and be quizzed on these state audits prior to being seated for the term and receiving their first paycheck? (But that is not the “Connecticut Way,” either).

 But in any organization, the arrows of accountability always point to the top. So, to the rescue of us all springs Democrat Governor King Ned Lamont "The Unaccountable" who now calls for yet another taxpayer-paid audit and apparent "accountability" while telling the state vassals the Chancellor seems to be confused by his actions and “will do better next time.”  But why in a rational world should there even BE a next time? If Mr. Cheng were in private industry he would have been fired and had liens placed on his property for amounts owed and possibly criminally charged, but since Connecticut Taxpayers must pay for his errors, he has smooth sailing for his incredibly high and costly state pension. And just to remind Connecticut Taxpayers, we still have no answers to Ned Lamont's family hedge fund (Oak HC/FT Partners) and its involvement in state government, nor to their associated companies relating to the Covid-19 crisis include "Thermo Fisher Scientific", "Sema 4", " Core Infomatics", "Ocrulus", "Urjanet", "1life Healthcare", "Galileo Health", "Castlight Health", "Paladina Health", and "VillageMD" to name some as to the amount of profits they received via Connecticut taxpayers. Nor do we have no disclosure of how many of the Governors politically connected hacks have been getting no interest, no-pay back loans and grants funded by your tax dollars or 2% “sweetheart” loans for upwards of $15,000,000 given to Sema4 on the way to its “pump and dump” and colossal  taxpayer-paid, failure. But we are always certain to see that the wayward and unaccountable apples in the Kingdom of The Unaccountable do not fall far from the Royal Tree and he will not exact on others what he never exacts upon his own malfeasance.

But maybe there is at least one ray of hope! The Connecticut State Legislature was seated this past week. A group of people! Elected by the people. To do the people’s work. To ferret out fraud, waste, and abuse. To craft legislation to deal with the aforementioned abuses and draft severe penalties for noncompliance. To call for hearings with live public input and consequence. But it does not appear that this is the direction it is headed. ( .

But all this haze of unaccountable euphoria can be summed up in the words of 51st District State Representative Chris Stewart, a Republican and newly elected member of the state legislature who said that he liked what he heard to kick off this legislative session.

“Governor Lamont did a really good job,” Representative Stewart said. “One thing I’ve always admired about him is he tries to be levelheaded and makes sure he addresses the concerns and the issues from both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans.”

That comment, Ladies, and Gentlemen, sadly speaks for itself.



Saturday, January 04, 2025

Brother Can You Spare Me $16.35? -Connecticut's Yet Even Higher Minimum Wage

Can you spare me $16.35? If you are one of the individuals who are working in Connecticut and receiving minimum wage, you received an hourly wage increase from $15.69 to $16.35 on January 1, 2025. This is an increase of sixty-six cents per hour or an increase of roughly 4%. I am sure that if you receive such an increase, you will not feel any more financially empowered than you did at the moment before you received it, but please have no concerns as the people making this law change hold you in the same minimal regard as they did before the increase was signed into law.

Currently the state's minimum wage is the fifth highest in the country. In addition, Connecticut's cost of living is one of the highest in the country, and it is fast coming to the point where even long-time state-aggrandizing publications and organizations can no longer hide the wretched economic damage taking place. With respect to the minimum wage, the state wage ratings are found in a recent report issued by the state- CBIA ( This very same report ranked Connecticut as the ninth highest cost of living state in the country. This very same report also stated that Connecticut is ranked 47th as one of the worst states in the country in the Business Tax Climate analysis. But let’s not stop there! A fail-safe indicator of positive economic activity is moving van rentals! Here, Connecticut does not disappoint as one of the leading move-out states in another report from the state-supportive Hartford Business Journal. Suffice it to say that when even the most loyal business bulwarks can no longer hide the effects of excessive state mandated regulations, public sector inefficiency, high taxes, and a needlessly difficult state tax system, it’s evident that the Kingdom of His Royal Con Man, King Ned Lamont The Unaccountable, is deeply in trouble.

But let us return to that poor wage worker we spoke about earlier. Can one live on a minimum wage job of 40 hours a week at $16.35 an hour? How could they, given Connecticut’s excessively high taxes, excessively high housing/rent prices, excessively high electric rates, excessively high transportation/driving costs and excessively high food costs made even higher by patently idiotic energy policies? Your minimum wage job paying the royal sum of net $654 will not go far in the state. Could there possibly be a direct correlation between high state minimum wages and high costs of living? Regardless of the pandering of Connecticut Demo-Communist state legislators who prattle on about higher minimum wages resulting in greater economic prosperity, it never dawns on these taxpayer-dependent souls that those paying these high minimum wages and the consumers who purchase products, goods and or services from these unduly burdened businesses are now forced to pay higher prices across the board.  

And it is a cycle without end. Since economically failing states like Connecticut do their best to nurture a permanently dependent underclass, these businesses must continue to pay even higher wages for decent workers since states like Connecticut place a greater premium on those who are economically nonproductive but politically valuable to ensure political power. But if a Connecticut business is silly enough to continue in operation, it must increase costs to survive since it is in business to make a profit, contrary to what the Connecticut Democrat Party may think. And the workers who the Demo-Communist legislators claim to benefit from the minimum wage increase are now seeing their job options becoming more limited as struggling businesses are turning to robotics, artificial intelligence, and self-service cashiers to help save money. Or, the goods and intellectual capital of productive and valuable business people are in transport in one of those coveted moving vans headed out of state. The real world understands that money is always finite and must be earned and regenerated. And what dumb politicians often fail to realize is that the most powerful voting landslides are made by one's feet. So, if you are a lower-wage worker now confronted with job loss, please do not hesitate to thank Connecticut Demo-Communist legislators who destroyed the economy while claiming to save it.

However, if you are a purposed state Democrat and you want to come full circle in destroying the state economy, why stop with just forced wage increases? Because by now, you have learned the value of handing out “free money” in exchange for instilling fear and defeat and exerting Communistic control upon the masses. The Covid-19 pandemic was a new Gold Standard in “re-imagining” the role of government fostering non productivity by the draconian shutting down of the economy. Businesses collapsed and jobs were forever lost. During this time, many workers decided it was more economically advantageous to stay home and receive handouts from the government rather than go back to work, while an extremely valuable older generation of workers decided that they had enough of the bureaucracy upon the businesses and government decrees and either retired or rented one of the moving vans spoken of earlier to head out of state. Regrettably, the painful reality of what is wrong with the Connecticut economy is simply and brutally evident for those who are willing to see.

In closing, Connecticut should be doing everything it can to make it easier for businesses to operate in the state in 2025. instead, this new legislative session that is upon us will be the same festival of twisted and delusional rhetoric that has been heard for decades.  We will see the usual statements that higher taxes, more regulations, more state run redundancy, more program spending, higher wages and benefits for state taxpayer funded union employees, weak GOP push back, and more failed economic promises will all work to keep Connecticut at the bottom of all economic categories while keeping it at one of the highest taxed states in the country.  Moreover, always be sure to thank your Demo-Communist legislature when you check out at a local fast-food restaurant and your eyes explode at the price of the meal. And please send your state representative a thank you card after waiting in an excessively long store line waiting for a self-service kiosk to open since no more cashiers work in the grocery store anymore. Or send these dear elected official a Christmas card after you spend three hours on the phone to get a plumber to come to your house to fix a water leak. Our economy should be flourishing and vibrant for all people of any color and creed, and not just the ruling self-interested political elite who continue their destruction of both businesses and their workers in their Brave New Failed Democrat Economy they have built for decades. 

Removal of the dysfunctional, redundant, and inept characters that have played an economically poisonous game of musical chairs must quickly happen in Connecticut. The future of the state depends upon it.