Can you
spare me $16.35? If you are one of the individuals who are working in
Connecticut and receiving minimum wage, you received an hourly wage increase
from $15.69 to $16.35 on January 1, 2025. This is an increase of sixty-six
cents per hour or an increase of roughly 4%. I am sure that if you receive such
an increase, you will not feel any more financially empowered than you did at
the moment before you received it, but please have no concerns as the people making
this law change hold you in the same minimal regard as they did before the
increase was signed into law.
Currently the
state's minimum wage is the fifth highest in the country. In addition, Connecticut's
cost of living is one of the highest in the country, and it is fast coming to
the point where even long-time state-aggrandizing publications and
organizations can no longer hide the wretched economic damage taking place. With
respect to the minimum wage, the state wage ratings are found in a recent
report issued by the state- CBIA
( This
very same report ranked Connecticut as the ninth highest cost of living state
in the country. This very same report also stated that Connecticut is ranked
47th as one of the worst states in the country in the Business Tax Climate
analysis. But let’s not stop there! A fail-safe indicator of positive economic
activity is moving van rentals! Here, Connecticut does not disappoint as one of the leading
move-out states in another report from the state-supportive Hartford Business
Suffice it to say that when even the most loyal business bulwarks can no longer
hide the effects of excessive state mandated regulations, public sector
inefficiency, high taxes, and a needlessly difficult state tax system,
it’s evident that the Kingdom of His Royal Con Man, King Ned Lamont The
Unaccountable, is deeply in trouble.
But let us return
to that poor wage worker we spoke about earlier. Can one live on a minimum wage
job of 40 hours a week at $16.35 an hour? How could they, given Connecticut’s excessively
high taxes, excessively high housing/rent prices, excessively high electric
rates, excessively high transportation/driving costs and excessively high food
costs made even higher by patently idiotic energy policies? Your minimum wage
job paying the royal sum of net $654 will not go far in the state. Could there possibly
be a direct correlation between high state minimum wages and high costs of
living? Regardless of the pandering of Connecticut Demo-Communist state
legislators who prattle on about higher minimum wages resulting in greater
economic prosperity, it never dawns on these taxpayer-dependent souls that those
paying these high minimum wages and the consumers who purchase products, goods
and or services from these unduly burdened businesses are now forced to pay higher
prices across the board.
it is a cycle without end. Since
economically failing states like Connecticut do their best to nurture a
dependent underclass, these businesses must continue to pay even higher
wages for
decent workers since states like Connecticut place a greater premium on
who are economically nonproductive but politically valuable to ensure
political power. But if a Connecticut business is silly
enough to continue in operation, it must increase costs to survive since
it is
in business to make a profit, contrary to what the Connecticut Democrat
Party may
think. And the workers who the Demo-Communist legislators claim to
benefit from
the minimum wage increase are now seeing their job options becoming more
limited as struggling businesses are turning to robotics, artificial
intelligence, and self-service cashiers to help save money. Or, the
goods and
intellectual capital of productive and valuable business people are in
in one of those coveted moving vans headed out of state. The real world
understands that money is always finite and must be earned and
regenerated. And what dumb politicians often fail to realize is that the
most powerful voting landslides are made by one's feet. So, if you are
a lower-wage worker now confronted with job loss, please do not hesitate to
thank Connecticut Demo-Communist legislators who destroyed the economy while
claiming to save it.
However, if
you are a purposed state Democrat and you want to come full circle in destroying
the state economy, why stop with just forced wage increases? Because by now,
you have learned the value of handing out “free money” in exchange for instilling
fear and defeat and exerting Communistic control upon the masses. The Covid-19 pandemic
was a new Gold Standard in “re-imagining” the role of government fostering non
productivity by the draconian shutting down of the economy. Businesses collapsed
and jobs were forever lost. During this time, many workers decided it was more
economically advantageous to stay home and receive handouts from the government
rather than go back to work, while an extremely valuable older generation of
workers decided that they had enough of the bureaucracy upon the businesses and
government decrees and either retired or rented one of the moving vans spoken
of earlier to head out of state. Regrettably, the painful reality of what is
wrong with the Connecticut economy is simply and brutally evident for those who
are willing to see.
In closing, Connecticut
should be doing everything it can to make it easier for businesses to operate
in the state in 2025. instead, this new legislative session that is upon us
will be the same festival of twisted and delusional rhetoric that has been
heard for decades. We will see the usual statements that higher taxes,
more regulations, more state run redundancy, more program spending, higher wages and benefits for
state taxpayer funded union employees, weak GOP push back, and more failed economic
promises will all work to keep
Connecticut at the bottom of all economic categories while keeping it at one of
the highest taxed states in the country. Moreover, always
be sure to thank your Demo-Communist legislature when you check out at a local fast-food
restaurant and your eyes explode at the price of the meal. And please send your state
representative a thank you card after waiting in an excessively long store line
waiting for a self-service kiosk to open since no more cashiers work in the
grocery store anymore. Or send these dear elected official a
Christmas card after you spend three hours on the phone to get a plumber to
come to your house to fix a water leak. Our economy should be flourishing and
vibrant for all people of any color and creed, and not just the ruling self-interested
political elite who continue their destruction of both businesses and their
workers in their Brave New Failed Democrat Economy they have built for decades.
Removal of the dysfunctional, redundant, and inept characters that have played
an economically poisonous game of musical chairs must quickly happen in
Connecticut. The future of the state depends upon it.
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