Saturday, January 21, 2023

Soon Connecticut Democrats Will Own And Raise Your Children From Birth

I can remember a few things from when I was 12-years-old.  I remember that I had a Mother and Father, who loved me and took care of me.  I also had an older sister who until this day I am still close to.  My parents provided me with a home to shelter me that my Father helped to build with his own hands, clothing and food to eat.  My Father worked full time as a Tool and Die Maker to support our family and I was expected to do work around the house and yard to help with the chores.  We did not have a house cleaner, chef, meals to go, lawn services, and or any extras at that time so we pretty much did everything ourselves.  I went to school, studied, played sports with my friends, read books from the library, went grocery shopping with my Mother and visited my Aunts, Uncles and Grandmother during the year. 

I can see that my life growing up at 12-years-old is much different than those children the same age in 2023, especially in Connecticut.  For if I had a child who was 12-years-old today, I would move out of Connecticut as quickly as possible given the conditions, possible laws and propaganda being force fed to my child on a daily basis.  Personally, the nail in the coffin is the proposed bill that would allow 12-years-old children to get vaccinations of any kind without getting a parent’s or guardian’s consent.  This nightmare of a bill (H.B. 5480) being put forth by Democrat State Representative Kevin Ryan, is “an act allowing children 12 years of age and older to receive a vaccination without the consent of a parent or guardian.”  I wonder if this passes, which it very well may, will open up many more laws giving up parental rights in Connecticut and ceding them to the state government.

Given the acuity level and the lack of forward thinking on the part of most Connecticut legislators, I can envision the following bills becoming law in progressive Democrat-led Connecticut in the future:  State-mandated gender change for all children, no matter what age level and without parental permission, to be paid for by health insurance companies and or state funds.  Mandatory Critical Race Theory being taught starting in preschool classes, with those preschool classes being mandated by law for children three-years-old.  Mandated teaching of alternative sexual lifestyles in grammar school.  How about "Why legalized drugs are good for you and should be bought by all children at their local legal marijuana state store?".  Or as an elective,  let's have kids take "The in's and out's of legalized abortion as the right choice when getting pregnant".  The possibilities of brainwashing your children is endless if this bill gets passed in my opinion. 

Connecticut parents now have a new fight on their hands when it comes to their children.  Never mind the issues of dealing with runaway inflation, unchecked crime and murders, a massive legal and illegal drug problem, forcing your children to wear masks in school, taking your children out of the classroom with remote learning during the never ending pandemic, and an incoherent, illogical and biased public school curriculum that will not prepare them for much of any type of functional skills and or career when they graduate thus becoming more dependent on the state.  They must now fight against this utterly demeaning piece of socialistic health legislation taking away their parenting rights, while it steals their children from them by an out-of-control socialism cancer that has help to ruin Connecticut endorsed with the blessings of the Connecticut Democrat Party.

I have to hand it to the Ned Lamont led Connecticut Democrat Party, as in my opinion and many others, they have absolutely no ethics, morals, shame, or regard for the truth when it comes to ruining an economy and society.  This bill along with many others they have developed is a demeaning rape of Connecticut parents in raising their children.  Children who by the way according to state law become adults at age 18.  Not at age 12, not at age 8, nor at age 3.  Not by state decree.  This is a sickening power grab of parent's rights.  And it should never be allowed  by any sane adults. And it is truly 1776 all over again.

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