Saturday, May 08, 2021

What Has The Connecticut Democrat Party Done For Connecticut Lately?


I am wondering what the Connecticut Democrat Party has done for the state lately.
I know they have raised taxes and created new and advanced taxes in the state.
I know that they have increased state spending again.
I know that they have limited carbons of supposed pollution by creating shortages of fossil fuels.
I know that they have made abortion on demand and not protect the rights of unborn children.
I know that they have allowed biological men to participate in girls’ sports in schools.
I know that they want to take over all zoning laws and rules and eliminate local control of property in towns.
I know that they have taken away more personal freedoms for citizens in the state especially during our never ending Covid-19 crisis.
I know that they have de-funded many Police activities in the state and made us less safe and more susceptible to crime, theft and murders.
I know that they have created massive amounts of regulations and laws on the remaining businesses in the state and have made Connecticut dead last in regulatory barriers.
I know that they are creating less free elections which will be more susceptible to fraud due to early voting laws and last minute voter registration to keep their veto proof majority.
I know that they dislike and ignore the state constitution.
I know that state laws apparently do not apply to them especially Ned Lamont and his family’s hedge fund.
I know that they do not work in the state legislature with the minority party.
I know that they have made Connecticut an economic wasteland bordering on bankruptcy.

What do I know anyways as I am a law abiding Connecticut Taxpayer who should realize and understand that I really do not have rights in this politically inept and corrupted state.  A state that just taxes and spends without reason or rhyme and enjoys enslaving its population to its debt and nurturing its ruling elite political dynasty.  A dynasty of failure for thirty plus years now.
I am wondering what the Connecticut Democrat Party has done for the state lately.  I wonder why they hate the state so much and its' taxpayers?  Do you wonder too?  

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