Saturday, May 15, 2021

Another Bad Week For Connecticut Taxpayers


It was another bad week for Connecticut Taxpayers thanks to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  I personally do not know how much more bad news they can take.
We see this past week that Ned Lamont’s Executive Orders will continue until July 20th.  I thought we had flattened the curve?  What is the never ending medical emergency we are dealing with?  That the Connecticut Democrat Party Senators and Representatives really do not want to be bothered representing their constituents?  That even though many Connecticut residents received the vaccine for Covid-19 that either it won’t work or that you can still get Covid-19 with it-so we still need his endless Executive Orders?  Or that the cash train from our bankrupt Federal Government will stop if there is not a continuing supposed medical crisis in the state?  No answers on this one other than the total disregard and ineptness that the Connecticut Democrat Party Senators and Representatives are showing us.
We see this past week that the Connecticut Democrat Party Senators and Representatives want to increase taxes in the state by a mere $1 billion dollars more and force down our throats the Transportation and Climate Initiative.  This initiative will increase gas taxes dramatically in the state while forcing a gas shortage since there will not be enough carbon credits available for sale in the state to meet the demand for gas.  Thus Connecticut’s cost of living will rise dramatically and all businesses cost will increase also.  
We see this past week that the Connecticut Democrat Party Senators and Representatives passed a law to strengthen the grip of public unions on state and local governments.  Senate Bill 908 would bar public employers from either discouraging or deterring new or existing employees from joining or remaining in a union while also requiring employers to allow access to new employees by having to notify unions of new hires, provide home contact information, the actual use of government email and addition time to meet.  How this can be legal is beyond me.  Therefore Connecticut’s public unions work hand in hand with the Connecticut Democrat Party to further their grip on the state through bills like this.  Connecticut is definitely not a “Right to work” state in any form.  And the cost of government continues to rise because of bills like this.
We see this past week that the Connecticut Democrat Party Senators and Representatives want the status quo and a socialistic/progressive/liberal agenda for the state.  You must obey as a Connecticut Taxpayer the Connecticut Democrat Party and its iron grip on your personal and economic freedoms until they say otherwise.
Connecticut used to be known as “The Constitution State”.  That is the further thing from the truth in 2021.  Connecticut should be known as “The Socialist State”, a state lost in the vast economic wasteland that the Connecticut Democrat Party has nurtured and grown for over thirty years now.  A state that provides week in and week out the framework and economic reality for yet another bad week for Connecticut Taxpayers.  Over and over again.  For thirty years.  Maybe Connecticut Taxpayers should no longer financially support this economic debacle known as state government in its current condition.  Just a thought.

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