Saturday, May 22, 2021

The $1000 Connecticut Taxpayer Theft


Connecticut’s state government and the Connecticut Democrat Party usually on a daily basis defies economic logic, personal safety and common sense.  From constant daily car thefts now with children in the cars, daily murders and shootings in Connecticut Democrat run cities, the taking away of local control of planning and zoning regulations and laws, “racism” now being a public health crisis while drug overdoses and suicides are not even mention in any “public” health crisis for the state, to now a $1000 “incentive”, “bonus”, “bribe”, free cash to entice unemployed individuals to go back to work and get off the seemingly endless unemployment compensation they have been receiving since last year.  
This $1000 program that has been brought forward by our multimillionaire/billionaire Governor both is a fraudulent use of Connecticut Taxpayers monies (hidden under the guise of Covid-19 funding) and a complete insult to those individuals like you and me who have worked straight through our government manufactured Covid-19 debacle since last March.  It is an insult to Connecticut Taxpayers while we also see how broke the state’s Unemployment fund is and the amount of borrowing they have had to resort to since last year since Lamont and his handlers shut down the state through their never ending Executive Orders and decrees.
Why would any business in the country or world would want to relocate to Connecticut given that apparently many people who are currently on unemployment in the state have no reason or desire to go back to work since they are making much more collecting than working?  Why would any business become entrapped into yet another feel good poorly run government run jobs program that has to pay people to go back to work?  I will assume many when they get their $1000 will turn around and quit and go back on unemployment. 
Connecticut continues to have $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  Connecticut continues to pay out unsustainable wages, benefits and pensions to its state employees.  And now the state wants to give $1000 to try to get people back to work since many people were brainwashed through this entire pandemic that they must stay home, must wear masks, must social distance, must not open their businesses, etc or they will die.  Magically all that has gone away and this $1000 gift will also magically eliminate the state’s unemployment crisis and somehow get most businesses all the trained and skilled workers they will need to operate at either full capacity, full production, full staff and or full inventory capacity.  Isn’t it amazing the manipulation of the state’s economy through a socialist command economy decree?  Isn’t it amazing also that Ned Lamont’s Executive Orders need to continue through July now?  Isn’t it amazing also that the State Legislature and its Capitol Building still can’t open yet?  Isn’t it amazing also that state employees still do not have to physically go back to their offices until July?
Connecticut’s state government and the Connecticut Democrat Party usually on a daily basis defies economic logic, personal safety and common sense.  This $1000 Connecticut Taxpayer theft is just another of the many examples of our state government’s disregard and lack of respect for its Taxpayers.  
Connecticut contrary to the daily state run media propaganda it feeds us about how great a state we work and live in, is an incoherent economic mess of theft and fraud along with true incompetence as a mainstay of its existence.  An existence of a poor socialist based government that Connecticut Taxpayers must support through their hard earned tax dollars.  Now add another $1000 down the drain.  
Free Connecticut.

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