Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Bad State Legislation Just Keeps Coming-SB171/SB1024


The Connecticut State Legislature in my opinion wishes to eliminate personal freedom and at the same time tax its taxpayers on anything and everything.  Two new bills (one I briefly mentioned in a prior column) are up for hearings this week that will tax you more and eliminate local zoning rules and regulations and place them in the hands of state bureaucrats.
Senate Bill #171 is a statewide property tax.  Connecticut Taxpayers already pay one of the highest property taxes in the country.  However it is not high enough for the Connecticut Democrat Party.  This one mill tax will go directly to the state and be spent where?  Here is the bill, it is only one page and it does not state where this tax monies go:
“That the general statutes be amended to establish a one mill state wide tax on commercial and residential real property, provided the first three hundred thousand dollars of the assessed value of a residential property shall be exempt from such tax.”
 “Statement of Purpose: To establish a state-wide tax on commercial and residential real property.”

Does this new tax money go to more no bid state consulting contracts?  Does this new tax money go to more salaries, benefits and pensions for state union and management workers?  Does this new tax money go to more political patronage jobs in Hartford?  There is no mention in this bill to state where this new tax money is going to.  Why is that?  It is just another example of the Connecticut Democrat Party’s total disrespect for the Connecticut Taxpayer.

An even worse bill being introduced is Senate Bill #1024.  A summary of the bill can be on the Greenwich Free Press website ( As stated from their website: “Founded by Sara Bronin, an architect, professor, and former P&Z commissioner in Hartford who is married to Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin, DeSegregate CT submits that Connecticut’s land use laws need to be updated to be more equitable. However, the goal of SB 1024 is not to directly increase affordable housing.”  They also stated: “A key part of DeSegregate CT’s proposal calls for “Main Street Zoning,” which would call for towns to fast track two- to four-family housing, making them “as of right.” There would be no minimum parking requirements, within a 1/4 mile of a “main street” in towns with over 7,500 people or with “concentrated development” as defined by the Census. The proposed legislation would require towns designate 50% of an area within 1/4 mile of a main street for 2-4 unit housing, and require 10% of any development with more than 10 units be designated affordable.”
Who in their right mind will build these units and at what cost?  How does one define equitable?  By stripping local land use laws and regulations and turning that power over to state bureaucrats? This 27 page bill in essence strips that power over town and city land from local governing boards such as the Planning and Zoning Commissions and Inland Wetland Commissions and in essence turns it over to Sara Bronin and her DeSegregate CT group.  Why this bill was even introduced in the state?  Political payback?  Why is it wrong for local towns and cities to govern their own land?  Because Sara Bronin said so?  What piece of garbage this bill is.  More loss of local power and more power given to failed liberal/socialistic policies being pushed through by the Connecticut Democrat Party.
Connecticut continues to have inept elected officials who clearly are lost as to what the pressing issues are in the state.  Connecticut still has $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities that have not been mentioned by anyone in state government.  But they insist on more taxes and more losses of personal freedoms to achieve what?  Or is that achievement in reality Connecticut becoming a socialist paradise for those who can game the system for their personal economic gain and power?  Free Connecticut from this horrible excuse called state government.  Connecticut Taxpayers are sick of it.

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