Thursday, March 18, 2021

Connecticut’s Dysfunctional and Closed Government


I wonder what would happen if a state management or union employee or an elected State Legislator needed an ambulance.  And the ambulance company stated it was too risky for them to pick them up so instead they could schedule a zoom call to see what is going on and what their problem is?  Sounds ridiculous?  Given this hypothetical example of an emergency ambulance call then why can’t our State Legislature meet in person?  And why can’t our state court system meet in person along with state buildings fully reopened for business with state employees actually working there?  Why haven’t all public schools fully reopened with students being able to attend classes in person?  Haven’t we flattened the curve from one year ago?  Hasn’t all the money been given to politically connected companies in the state via no bid contracts flattened the curve from one year ago?  Hasn’t the Lamont’s Hedge Fund solved most of the Covid-19 problems with their free Connecticut Taxpayers monies they received since we flattened the curve from one year ago? 
I am also confused as to why many people have worked daily since we flattened the curve from one year ago.  Grocery store workers, truck drivers, medical personnel, construction workers and many others have worked continually since we flattened the curve from one year ago.   They had normal days off and most never got sick either since last March.  Does that mean anything to our elite State Governmental Officials and State Medical Officials?  I guess not since it is way too risky for Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials to fully go back to work in person.  But it is not risky at all for the cashier at the local grocery store to work eight hours a day since last March so that these same Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials can purchase their groceries with ease and convenience.  
What makes this group of Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials so special?  Is it that their jobs are dangerous?  More dangerous than the cashier at the grocery store?  Is it because they are doing such a great job that all or most of Connecticut’s social, health and economic problems have gone away since we flattened the curve from one year ago?  Or has Connecticut’s social, health and economic problems become much worse since we flattened the curve from one year ago? Do we now have a social, health and economic quagmire to deal with this March that is beyond comprehension of these same Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials that are unable to work/meet in buildings?  
Connecticut has flattened the curve and in my opinion and many others has a dysfunctional and closed government.  And Connecticut Taxpayers once again are trapped in this never ending maze of ineptness and waste known as our state government that just can't open.  Free Connecticut from this mess.

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