Saturday, March 27, 2021

Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive Order Reign Never Ends-No Questions Answered

What’s a month?  And another month? And another month?  What’s flattening the curve? Or we just need to flatten the curve some more?  What profits have been made by the Lamont’s Hedge Fund since he has issued his first of many Executive Orders?  Why do Federal funds supposedly stop when our State Legislature actually meets again in person and are allowed to govern as stated in the Connecticut State Constitution?  

Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont’s ruling and infinite power is supposed to end on April 20th.  For over one year now Lamont has done everything and anything he wanted through his Executive Order power trip to supposedly cure Connecticut of the Covid-19 virus.  Connecticut through the Connecticut Democrat Party’s eyes and voices supposedly led the country in all aspects of combating this virus.  Through the closing of the economy placing it in a recession, the destruction of many small businesses and a virtual lock down in the name of Executive Order Lamont decrees he theoretically saved Connecticut from itself.  Now when apparently “the curve has flattened” on all things Covid-19, Ned along with Connecticut’s political elite wish to extend his power of Executive Order for yet another month apparently to continue the Federal funding that goes along with it.  Then what happens May 20th?  Yet another extension?  And another?  On and on and on? Forever?

During this time frame what has been lost is that the Constitution of Connecticut does not permit its Legislature to grant this Executive Order power without any type of limits as to what, how and how long the Governor can perform these powers.  Thus in my opinion and many others the constitutional law of the state has been violated. 
On March 9, 2020 a 36-page decision, by Superior Court Judge Thomas Moukaws stated: “This court believes the governor likely cannot continue to carry out his emergency orders without some form of ratification and control from the General Assembly."  Given this legal ruling, Republican State legislators proposed an amendment #6072 to House Bill 6672:“AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC HEALTH AND CIVIL PREPAREDNESS EMERGENCIES DECLARED AND RENEWED BY THE GOVERNOR.”   Their amendment sought to make the legislature active again as what is guaranteed by the Connecticut Constitution a co-equal branch of government.  Naturally this amendment was voted down by the Democrat majority in Hartford and we are back to business as usual yet another month of Ned Lamont’s Executive Orders now until May 20th.  
What is also interesting during this time frame is that the not one person other than the investigative work of Tony De Angelo (De Angelo is the managing director of the Paragon Trust Company) on his weekly Tuesday report on the Lee Elci 94.9 FM radio show ( questioned what was going on with Lamont and his hedge fund and their behind the scenes dealings with Oak HC/FT, Sema 4, Truepill, 1Life or Lemonaid Health to name a few companies doing business with the state during this Executive Order time frame.  Lee Elci has now written two columns in The Day newspaper ( discussing what Tony De Angelo has brought to light about Ned Lamont’s no-bid contracts, huge profits and multiple Cayman Islands accounts during the past 12 months.   Maybe Lamont and the defunct Legislature should read these pieces.  And still Connecticut Taxpayers get no answers from their Governor or shut down Legislature and our state run media refuses to investigate this.  And as a reminder Connecticut still has $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities that seems never to be mentioned by anyone in power in Connecticut.  
Thus Connecticut’s legal State Constitution is meaningless to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  Executive Orders rule supreme.  There are no laws apparently that the Connecticut Democrat Party needs to follow.  And it is business as usual for Ned Lamont and his hedge fund companies feeding profits off of the Connecticut Taxpayers trough in the name of all things Covid-19.  Sickening isn’t it?
Free Connecticut from this theft or personal and economic freedoms.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Connecticut Needs More Revenue. Welcome To The Covid-19 Cash Flow


Can Connecticut ever spend enough Connecticut Taxpayer’s monies?  Can Connecticut ever tax enough goods/services/licenses/fees to support its state government spending habit?  Can Connecticut ever get enough revenue from any source to spend in any way they wish to promote their failed socialist agenda that seems to be the norm coming out of Hartford in 2021?
I am shocked as a taxpayer to see how much money is being poured into the state from the $4.2 billion that Connecticut will be receiving under the latest federal stimulus plan.  Apparently $2.7 billion in funds will be sent to the state with no strings attached as to how to spend it.  And I am confident there is currently a great deal of political posturing going on at this time to make sure most of this money will go to politically connected groups/programs and individuals with little mention of either health or economic value to the state to get itself out of its current and persisting economic recession/depression that it is in.  After all Ned Lamont’s Executive Order Governorship still continues until April 20th.  Although he is promising to work with the State Legislature on how to spend the money, I am highly skeptical that will occur.  The money will be earmarked for unnecessary and economically incoherent programs that will do little for our state economy.
How about using that $2.7 billion dollars to cut $2.7 billion dollars in state taxes.  The $2.7 billion dollars would then be reinvested through spending and investments by its citizens and businesses in the state to actually provide private sector economic stimulation thus growing the economy, increasing salaries and wages, along with increased business expansion and increased consumer spending.  The spending and expansion would also increase tax revenues for the state in both the short and long run.
I wonder if this suggestion would be forthcoming by anyone in our elected state government.  Or are we in store for an incredible and incomprehensible array of wasted spending that will do little for the state’s economy?    Maybe our illustrious Governor and the State Legislature should realize that the state is getting Connecticut Taxpayer’s monies from the Federal Government that is essence not “free” in any way, shape or form.  They should use this money with great care and to have the greatest economic impact for the state.
Will this happen?  I highly doubt it.  
Connecticut’s State Government to me is just a power grab, using Connecticut Taxpayer’s hard earned tax dollars for personal profits, personal economic gains, and an incoherent and inefficient state union and management employment scheme and to further a failed form of an irrational state government that only the politically connected can use and benefit from.  Welcome to this new cash cow that will be misspent very quickly.  Free Connecticut from this economic misery.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Connecticut’s Dysfunctional and Closed Government


I wonder what would happen if a state management or union employee or an elected State Legislator needed an ambulance.  And the ambulance company stated it was too risky for them to pick them up so instead they could schedule a zoom call to see what is going on and what their problem is?  Sounds ridiculous?  Given this hypothetical example of an emergency ambulance call then why can’t our State Legislature meet in person?  And why can’t our state court system meet in person along with state buildings fully reopened for business with state employees actually working there?  Why haven’t all public schools fully reopened with students being able to attend classes in person?  Haven’t we flattened the curve from one year ago?  Hasn’t all the money been given to politically connected companies in the state via no bid contracts flattened the curve from one year ago?  Hasn’t the Lamont’s Hedge Fund solved most of the Covid-19 problems with their free Connecticut Taxpayers monies they received since we flattened the curve from one year ago? 
I am also confused as to why many people have worked daily since we flattened the curve from one year ago.  Grocery store workers, truck drivers, medical personnel, construction workers and many others have worked continually since we flattened the curve from one year ago.   They had normal days off and most never got sick either since last March.  Does that mean anything to our elite State Governmental Officials and State Medical Officials?  I guess not since it is way too risky for Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials to fully go back to work in person.  But it is not risky at all for the cashier at the local grocery store to work eight hours a day since last March so that these same Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials can purchase their groceries with ease and convenience.  
What makes this group of Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials so special?  Is it that their jobs are dangerous?  More dangerous than the cashier at the grocery store?  Is it because they are doing such a great job that all or most of Connecticut’s social, health and economic problems have gone away since we flattened the curve from one year ago?  Or has Connecticut’s social, health and economic problems become much worse since we flattened the curve from one year ago? Do we now have a social, health and economic quagmire to deal with this March that is beyond comprehension of these same Connecticut’s state workers, union, management and elected officials that are unable to work/meet in buildings?  
Connecticut has flattened the curve and in my opinion and many others has a dysfunctional and closed government.  And Connecticut Taxpayers once again are trapped in this never ending maze of ineptness and waste known as our state government that just can't open.  Free Connecticut from this mess.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Bad State Legislation Just Keeps Coming-SB171/SB1024


The Connecticut State Legislature in my opinion wishes to eliminate personal freedom and at the same time tax its taxpayers on anything and everything.  Two new bills (one I briefly mentioned in a prior column) are up for hearings this week that will tax you more and eliminate local zoning rules and regulations and place them in the hands of state bureaucrats.
Senate Bill #171 is a statewide property tax.  Connecticut Taxpayers already pay one of the highest property taxes in the country.  However it is not high enough for the Connecticut Democrat Party.  This one mill tax will go directly to the state and be spent where?  Here is the bill, it is only one page and it does not state where this tax monies go:
“That the general statutes be amended to establish a one mill state wide tax on commercial and residential real property, provided the first three hundred thousand dollars of the assessed value of a residential property shall be exempt from such tax.”
 “Statement of Purpose: To establish a state-wide tax on commercial and residential real property.”

Does this new tax money go to more no bid state consulting contracts?  Does this new tax money go to more salaries, benefits and pensions for state union and management workers?  Does this new tax money go to more political patronage jobs in Hartford?  There is no mention in this bill to state where this new tax money is going to.  Why is that?  It is just another example of the Connecticut Democrat Party’s total disrespect for the Connecticut Taxpayer.

An even worse bill being introduced is Senate Bill #1024.  A summary of the bill can be on the Greenwich Free Press website ( As stated from their website: “Founded by Sara Bronin, an architect, professor, and former P&Z commissioner in Hartford who is married to Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin, DeSegregate CT submits that Connecticut’s land use laws need to be updated to be more equitable. However, the goal of SB 1024 is not to directly increase affordable housing.”  They also stated: “A key part of DeSegregate CT’s proposal calls for “Main Street Zoning,” which would call for towns to fast track two- to four-family housing, making them “as of right.” There would be no minimum parking requirements, within a 1/4 mile of a “main street” in towns with over 7,500 people or with “concentrated development” as defined by the Census. The proposed legislation would require towns designate 50% of an area within 1/4 mile of a main street for 2-4 unit housing, and require 10% of any development with more than 10 units be designated affordable.”
Who in their right mind will build these units and at what cost?  How does one define equitable?  By stripping local land use laws and regulations and turning that power over to state bureaucrats? This 27 page bill in essence strips that power over town and city land from local governing boards such as the Planning and Zoning Commissions and Inland Wetland Commissions and in essence turns it over to Sara Bronin and her DeSegregate CT group.  Why this bill was even introduced in the state?  Political payback?  Why is it wrong for local towns and cities to govern their own land?  Because Sara Bronin said so?  What piece of garbage this bill is.  More loss of local power and more power given to failed liberal/socialistic policies being pushed through by the Connecticut Democrat Party.
Connecticut continues to have inept elected officials who clearly are lost as to what the pressing issues are in the state.  Connecticut still has $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities that have not been mentioned by anyone in state government.  But they insist on more taxes and more losses of personal freedoms to achieve what?  Or is that achievement in reality Connecticut becoming a socialist paradise for those who can game the system for their personal economic gain and power?  Free Connecticut from this horrible excuse called state government.  Connecticut Taxpayers are sick of it.

Saturday, March 06, 2021

Yet Even More Bad Connecticut Legislation Senate Bills 882 And 884

 Connecticut's Democrat One Party Rule State Government and Governor Ned Lamont defy economic logic on a daily basis.   If one looks at the costs and benefits of Ned Lamont's Senate Bills 882 and 884 one wonders why an individual would want to continue to live in Connecticut after these two monstrosities of legislation get rammed down Connecticut Taxpayers throats.  Senate Bill 882-"An Act Concerning Climate Change Mitigation and Home Energy Affordability" does little to make any energy affordable in Connecticut in my opinion.  The bill mandates a reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by the year 2040 from electricity supplied to electric customers in the state.  It also mandates landlords provide energy efficient appliances in their rentals, all energy costs from the past twelve months and several other energy related costs/information.  As stated in the bill: "If any landlord fails to comply with the provisions of this section, the tenant may deduct an amount equivalent to one month's rent from any sum of rent or payment for use and occupancy due and owing, or to become due and owing, to the landlord."  Thus many landlords after being hammered by not being their paid rent during the state's moratorium on tenants not paying rent during the pandemic will now be crushed with this cost if they do not comply.  They will also have to upgrade all their appliances if they have not done so.  I wonder who will pay for all this?  Will rents now become even higher due to already higher property taxes, maintenance costs and now the higher costs of appliances which are currently in short supply due to the pandemic?  Was any thought actually put into this bill as to where all of this money is going to come from to implement all of these draconian changes?  Does this mean electric rates will go up lets say 300 to 400% over the next few years to enact all of these mandates?  All of this being done while the state's economy is in a massive and never ending recession.  

Another bad bill also will slammed on the state with much higher gasoline taxes and truck tolls.  Senate Bill 884:"An Act Reducing Transportation-Related Carbon Emissions" raises gasoline taxes,  forces Connecticut to join a regional Transportation and Climate Initiative Program and implements truck tolls.  This bill basically will somehow reduce carbon emissions by increasing taxes thus making driving even more expensive than it is already in Connecticut.  The costs of all products trucked into Connecticut will now increase due to the mandated truck tolls (which can then easily be shifted to cars in the near future).  The costs of this bill will be felt for many years into the future as Connecticut's infrastructure continues to disintegrate as our road, bridge and highway system continue to be in a state of disrepair since the bulk of monies used for transportation in the state go to state employee salaries, benefits and pensions rather than any functional road maintenance and repair system.  Again all of this being done while the state's economy is in a massive and never ending recession.  

Connecticut's Democrat One Party Rule State Government and Governor Ned Lamont defy economic logic on a daily basis and I really believe Connecticut Taxpayers are tired of it.  We see two more economically damaging bills being pushed through our inept State Legislature with little coverage about them in our state run media.  Lamont and his political hacks in Hartford have done enough economic damage already during this pandemic.  Connecticut Taxpayers do not need these pieces of garbage laws to deal with also.  Free Connecticut from this economic madness and tyranny.