Saturday, November 07, 2020

Connecticut’s Personal Freedom Grab


“I'm doing everything I can,” he said. If “we trim our freedoms there a little bit, we'll all be alive, safe, and be able to keep our economy open." This statement was made by Connecticut Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont ( in a recent interview.   This comes on the heels of yet another roll back in the economy and its openings/closings along with a self-imposed curfew from 10pm to 5am every day.  I am amazed that the Covid-19 virus can peak during this time frame daily on anyone who may be out in the fresh air and or working, visiting, living, etc.
There seems to be yet another new metric to measuring Covid-19 cases in Connecticut and we are apparently seeing some new surge in the state based on these metrics.  What the metrics are seem to change day to day to fit the fear based daily narrative of the virus.  I find the colors of orange and red to be used as warning/dangers signs on state maps to be an interesting choice as they are symbols of President Trump and the Republican Party.  More negative messages by Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democrat Party, Connecticut’s state run media and the Boston Consulting Group to be fed to the panic stricken and fearful Connecticut public.
Connecticut has a population of roughly 3,400,000 people.  According to, Connecticut has 27,047 active Covid-19 cases as of 11/6/2020.  If one views active cases as a percentage of the total population of the state the figure is .0079% of the state’s population has Covid-19 at this time.  To me and many others this seems to be a minor amount of people in comparison to the draconian measures that been implemented by Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democrat Party, Connecticut’s state run media and the Boston Consulting Group to control our lives, our businesses and help to ruin the state economy.
We have been drilled constantly that if we follow all of the guidelines that Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Connecticut Democrat Party, Connecticut’s state run media and the Boston Consulting Group have told us we would overcome the Covid-19 virus and our lives would return to normal.  So what happened?  Supposedly cases are increasing at an incredible rate.  Why?  The blame is being placed where?  Depending on what information is being fed us at any time it is somehow restaurants that are opened at night, college students that have “Illegal” parties, more than ten people to be meeting at home, people eating dinner at 10pm, etc.  The list of things to blame can be endless at times and in my opinion defy any logic.  And we still have no idea what the state is doing to help prevent the spread of the virus for those who are most at risk including the elderly, nursing home patients and the disabled.  
This virus and Connecticut have become a liberal and socialists dream.  The checks and balances of the state are long gone with a complete Democrat control of all aspects of state government from a dormant and powerless state legislature to a biased and packed court system that no longer meets, to a state run media that no longer offers a differing opinion.  Connecticut has a meek and failing economy with high unemployment and businesses closing. It has $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities to deal with but who cares about that anyways?  Tuesday’s election means more of the same a stagnant economy along with more personal freedoms being taken away from its citizens and higher taxes.  
Connecticut’s personal freedom grab is real.  It is the unconstitutional law now.  It is laughed about by that Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democrat Party, Connecticut’s state run media and the Boston Consulting Group as to how easy it was to take from Connecticut’s citizens.  Socialism and a command economy is the new norm for 2021 in Connecticut. Don’t forget that since it was forgotten on our “Election Day”.  

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