Saturday, November 21, 2020

No More Answers For Connecticut

No More Answers For Connecticut

Once again there are no more answers for Connecticut.  With our state government shut down, our state economy spiraling out of control, massive unemployment with an unemployment fund that is broke, a state run media whose obsession with Covid-19 being the only news borders on fanatical, little if any public education being taught and or learned along with massive debt and unfunded liabilities we head into a non-permitted Holiday season.  We truly have the real life Executive Order Governor/Grinch who is stealing Thanksgiving and Christmas and whose only concern is protecting his media image in the never ending, profit making Covid-19 pandemic for him and his friends.  A pandemic that I will assume will mean the death of everyone here in our state since we apparently are not wearing masks, social distancing, washing our hands and thus will eliminate Connecticut except for Ned Lamont, his family’s hedge fund, those politically connected and the Connecticut Democrat Party and its members.  I truly question where the high approval ratings for Ned Lamont are coming from?  Push polls?  
Here are the questions that are never answered:
What is the plan to reopen Connecticut?  Does it exist? Why must we be off the roads between 10pm and 5am each day?  Is Covid-19 most prevalent during that time frame?  Why can’t all businesses be open especially restaurants if they follow proper Covid-19 protocols?  Why are there changing metrics that place all towns and cities in the state in a “red” zone for Covid-19 at all times now?  Why does the positivity rate change all the time as a measure of non-improving numbers for Covid-19?  
How many Connecticut residents have recovered from Covid-19?  How many Covid-19 tests in the state have been false positives?  How many people are being tested with no symptoms whatsoever?  Why are they being tested?  What is the number of deaths currently by suicide and drug overdose in the state?  Is depression creating more suicides and drug overdoses during this time?  Why the constant message of fear that is force fed to us by the state run media and by our non working government?  
What is the plan to put people back to work and to fully open all businesses so that they start earning money and bring back their employees so that they can earn income again?  Does that even exist?
When is the General Assembly going to meet again?  Why did the Governor renew his own Executive Order rule until February, 2021?  Why is Connecticut completely dependent upon consultants and consulting groups such as the Lamont friendly Boston Consulting Group via no bid state taxpayer funded contracts?  Why are there no longer checks and balances in our state government?  
What is the plan to address the $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities?  How are exceptionally high future pensions going to be paid?  New and higher taxes?  Why can’t Connecticut be more business friendly?  
In nine months of the Covid-19 crisis it seems we have not progressed much at all.  Connecticut residents must live in fear and the threats of death from Covid-19 if we do not follow what the supposed consultants/experts are telling us to do.  And we must cede most of our personal freedoms to Ned Lamont and his consultants who are telling him what to do and when to do it.  But yet we still apparently do not stop the virus.  Ironic isn’t it?  And once again there are no more answers for Connecticut. Again and again.  No answers-not one.

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