Saturday, June 06, 2020

Ned Lamont:Profits Over Connecticut Taxpayers

There is a great deal of money to be made during a crisis.  The Covid-19 crisis has brought about many great opportunities to profit if one has both the political connections along with immunity from the law.  It has been profits over people since March 17 and before here in Connecticut.  For that is the date of the great closing of Connecticut as dictated by Ned Lamont.  This was the date that was the final closing date for many businesses in Connecticut that will never reopen again.  Don't worry, some food was provided by Lamont but it had to be gotten from large supermarket chains and warehouses.  It apparently was much safer to shop there than your local store and for only "essential" items.  Many Mom and Pop stores, small restaurants and service companies will never open again.  Many are still trying to survive and are struggling under the draconian conditions placed upon them through Lamont's Executive Orders.  Phased reopening conditions that in some cases defy both common and economic logic.  Do all restrictions end when Lamont's daughter gets married?
Did Lamont or the Boston Consulting Group ever wonder what would happen to those customers of restaurants (they are not guests) who are eating outside when a sudden rain shower passes through?  Why are they not allowed to go inside the restaurant and finish their meal?  Are their germs different from being outside than inside?  Has Boston Consulting Group determined this somehow?  Obviously Lamont and the Boston Consulting Group have little like or need for the Connecticut restaurant industry even though restaurant customers get to pay a higher state sales tax for the privilege of eating prepared food out.  7.35% versus 6.35%.  Do we get something extra from the state for paying that 1% extra in sales tax?  As can be seen during this crisis the restaurant industry seems not to be necessary in Connecticut in either providing jobs, personal or business income, and or tax revenues.  Apparently we can just forgot about them especially the small ones.  Your life's work and savings can be eliminated with one mere Lamont Executive Order.
Lamont seems to be fixated with a long, gradual and economically painful reopening to the remaining businesses and industries in Connecticut.  You now need certification to reopen.  The Boston Consulting Group with its no bid Taxpayer funded contract wants a long and gradual reopening to the state so that more profits can be forthcoming to select groups with political ties to Connecticut especially themselves.
Testing for Covid-19 and Contact tracing is a given in the long run under the state's reopening and I am sure it will be forced upon Connecticut's Taxpayers as a way to supposedly stop the already stopped Covid-19 virus.  The state's numbers on the virus are way down and the bulks of deaths were sadly found in nursing homes with elderly people.  Little is said about this other than Lamont wants all the employees and patients of nursing and assisted living homes to be tested.  And then what?  A slow death to those who have it?  Or profits to companies that have ties to the state and the Lamonts?  They may include the Boston Consulting Group, One Medical, Core Infomatics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Oak HC/PT Partners III or others.   Since the state bidding process for these tests and procedures is either secret and or does not exist Connecticut Taxpayers will never find out who gets what. 
Ned Lamont continues to place profits over the Connecticut Taxpayer.  The state seems to be his own new toy to pay back business friends and his own family with profits from the never ending Covid-19 virus.  A virus that has destroyed the state economy while bringing home the cash to the select political elite few.
I am so tired of Connecticut's government constantly ripping off the Connecticut Taxpayer.  The economic rape never ends, as those in state government, the so-called media, all benefiting from these arrangements stand by in virtual silence.  


Cathy said...

This is sadly what it seems!

Roger said...

Thank you Bob. Please keep investigating if you have time as I'm sure you're a very busy person. It's beyond me why our other elected officials don't ban together and demand transparency. I know a few have but Lamont just ignores the few. Keep up the good work.