Saturday, June 13, 2020

Connect More Ned Lamont Dots With Connecticut Taxpayers Monies

Ned Lamont spent a lot of his own personal wealth to self fund his successful campaign for Governor.  By buying his seat with little money from the Connecticut Democrat Party one must assume that he needs to recoup some of his investment in his bought elected seat.  Through massive powers granted to him during the Covid-19 crisis, Lamont has been able to turn to his friends from several companies such as Thermo Fisher Scientific a company that purchased Core Informatic, Boston Consulting Group, 1Life Medical and Sema-4 to give State of Connecticut's business to without apparent bidding procedures in place.  It is interesting to note that Lamont's wife Ann who has a stake in Oak HC/FT Partners III, L.P. hedge fund invests in several of the above mentioned companies. 
Lamont seems to be fixated with contact tracing as one of the solutions to stop spreading Covid-19 in the state.  Even though tracing has mixed results and in theory takes personal information from individuals (illegally?) Lamont wants it along with apparent mandatory testing of our state residents.  Connecticut Taxpayers would be logical to assume that the state would be developing bidding contracts for these services from a variety of sources.  However under Lamont's sweeping executive powers that were enacted there does not seem to be any questioning of who he is picking for many "Covid-19" emergency services and items to be paid for by Connecticut Taxpayers.
These include a no bid Covid-19 test to be purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific.  Josh Geballe who was appointed by Lamont as his Chief Operating Officer was the former CEO of Core Informatics and more recently was a Vice President/GM for Thermo Fisher Scientific before being appointed by Lamont.
1Life Medical is producing a medical app that has hot buttons for Covid-19 testing that Lamont wants to get for the state.  Oak HC/FT Partners III, L.P. hedge fund is a large investor in 1Life Medical.  This app is the go to for the state of New York at this time also.
There will be more to come.
There are still no answers as to why Boston Consulting Group received a no bid $2 million dollar Connecticut Taxpayer funded contract to do consulting for the state.  We do know through the contract that they have the right to gather any personal information they want about Connecticut residents for this consulting.  I would state that this sounds literally like identity theft to me that a company will be allowed to take our personal information like this without our consent.
What is ADVANCECT?  Why is it tax exempt?  Why does it host the Reopen CT Advisory Committee and not the state legislature?
Tony DeAngelo, who has been investigating these issues on his "Ten Minutes With Tony"  segment heard on the Lee Elci Show that broadcasts on 94.9 FM New London, Connecticut will be looking again at some of these and new founded issues with the Lamont economic ties during the Covid-19 crisis this coming Tuesday June 16. 
Ned Lamont and his wife are very smart.  They have been successful playing up, working with friends and making profits during the Covid-19 crisis with perfectly timed moves.  It is amazing to watch and to see all of this go unquestioned by our dormant and long forgotten state legislature along with a biased pro Democrat state media while the state economy collapses.  I personally feel the current corruption of the Lamont administration during the Covid-19 issue makes what former Governor John Rowland did look like child's play.  Why this continues to go unchecked is beyond any type of rational logic.  Then again there is nothing rational, logical and or ethical about or in our state government in my opinion in 2020. 


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