Saturday, February 15, 2025

They Hate You For Asking Them What They Did With Your Money.

 The Gold Standard of fiscal conduct in government has been based upon waste, fraud, larceny, and abuse for many years. Unfortunately, this type of conduct is nothing new. In Liberal states such as Connecticut, this conduct is much worse. Furthermore, no matter where you are, you will hear the din and cry of the administrative state in all places resisting any effort whatsoever to see where years and years of collected tax dollars have been spent. But who are you to ask these “dedicated public servants” any questions, especially with respect to their integrity? Why can't Taxpayers know where their hard-earned dollars are going in 2025? The cash-starved, debt-ridden, non-politically connected citizen has asked about what government has done with their money for years, only to be scoffed at and humiliated. These poor, beleaguered citizens voiced their displeasure with this conduct during the election of President Donald Trump in 2024. The election of Mr. Trump was a firecracker thrown at the administrative state, delivered with the classic admonition of “you will go no further.” 

In this connection, taxpayers are finally getting some answers from the Federal Department of Government Efficiency (better known and referred to as “DOGE”). Regardless of the cry of thousands every day on social media, I will point out that Connecticut has nothing even remotely resembling a DOGE office, nor is there any politician speaking out about the need for one. On the Federal level, DOGE has come up some amazing finds of waste, fraud, and inefficiencies. Conversely, Connecticut has no idea as to what and where taxpayers’ monies are spent and really seems not to care in the least way. Do you disagree? Just look at the new Connecticut budget being offered by the omnipotent one-party Democrats for this new fiscal year. Non-Transparency is a secret of Connecticut's stoic and closed-door government.

Conversely, The DOGE website posts their finds for the day (htttps://

The DOGE findings should shock every legal Taxpayer our country for the waste, fraud, and inefficiencies that American Taxpayers have funded. How much of Connecticut Taxpayer's monies might go to waste each year? Does anyone care?

Here are just some of the places DOGE found embarrassingly stupid and/or corrupt spending (htttps://

The Department of Education terminated 89 contracts worth $881mm. One contractor was paid $1.5mm to “observe mailing and clerical operations” at a mail center.” 

The Department of Agriculture terminated 18 contracts for a total of $9mm, including contracts for “Central American gender assessment consultant services”, “Brazil forest and gender consultant services”, and the “women in forest carbon initiative mentorship program.”  

As we proceed further down the trail, we find that the EPA will not be renewing our membership with “Politico” and “Politico E&E”, saving the American taxpayers $458,919 per year.

As we move even more down the trail, the U.S. Department of Education registered a $4.6mm contract to coordinate zoom and in-person meetings - $ contract to write a report that showed that prior reports were not utilized by schools and a $1.4mm contract to physically observe mailing and clerical operations

$50 million dollars were also set aside for “condoms in Gaza.”

The list is endless as to the total and obscene waste of Taxpayers’ money. And these facts should make everyone mad, beyond mad, irate and scream out and demand accountability for where Taxpayers’ money is being spent on. And we need to hold both elected and non-elected politicians, political appointees, department heads, career government inefficient employees and everyone else involved in this mess accountable. By seeing the reactions from the Democrat Party outraged that anyone, (especially Elon Musk), would question their ability to corrupt a system such as they have done to help nurture an out-of-control $36 Trillion Dollar National Debt, is unthinkable.

In addition, look at the cries, moans, and complaints from Connecticut's Democrat Congressional Delegation. You think the world ended for them, which it did, since their charade of representing their own political self-interests was exposed and will blessedly be eliminated through the Trump Administration. Why are the Democrats defending this fraud and waste of American Taxpayers monies? Why have they been lying to their constituents for years now? Look at the horrific and unspeakable messes that follow them everywhere they go. Moreover, honestly think about what they are saying, and see the total incompetence and societal wreckage of their governing from top to bottom.

But again, I am compelled return to the pathetic state of Connecticut. Not only are there so many non-profits, “quasi-publics”, NGOs, NGOs such as ADVANCE CT, 4-CT and the UCONN Foundation that are involved in state government and/or questionable investments all without transparency, accountability, or any desire by any political figure to call for the same, Connecticut is the state where racketeering is an accepted means of governing. Just this past week, my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo reported on “X” that Connecticut Democrat Speaker of the House Matt Ritter’s law firm (Shipman & Goodwin) is heavily involved in counseling clients that are impacted by the recent Federal sweeps against illegal immigration. Meanwhile, Mr. Ritter, as a legislator of profound influence in Connecticut, stands to benefit financially by the Legislature’s contemplated and federally illegal expansion of the illegal alien protecting TRUST ACT. This is staggering. Connecticut Democrat Speaker of the House Matt Ritter can literally draft a law to facilitate his personal business interests, even though such conduct caused a New York Democrat Speaker of the House Sheldon Silver to go to jail in 2015 for such blatant racketeering. Such conduct should have been the lead story of every newspaper and television station in the state this past week. Such conduct should have had every Republican in the legislature screaming at the top of his or her lungs. But as is the usual course of business in Connecticut, the global silence is deafening. ( . It is believed that a now wiser (and much more aggrieved) voter will not be tolerating rigged political transactions like this much longer, and this is more than about time.

As you can see, we deserve much better from our government. We have been treated as garbage by our government for too long and have been ripped off one too many times by the bureaucrat elites that dictate what we can and cannot have while they shamelessly take from us. President Trump is right in dismantling the unspoken Fourth Branch of American Government: Corruption. The Democrat Party, having nothing else in the toolbox, is fighting to hold on to the failed Federal Government mess from which they profit. 

The United States of America, and the State of Connecticut will be much better places if this Fourth Branch of American Government can be abolished once, and for all.

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