Saturday, July 22, 2023

Corruption-Crime-Saudi Dealings-A Poor Economy and High Taxes in Ned Lamont's Connecticut


You have it all in Democrat Ned Lamont's Connecticut!   There is always a deafening and continual silence from all sides of government and state-run media when corruption, crime, a poor economy and high taxes grace King Ned Lamont "The Unaccountable's state of affairs.

Corruption never seems to end in Connecticut.  We know we are unable to view the tax returns of the "Greenwich businessman" Governor who has earned $54 million dollars in 2021.  In addition, Connecticut Taxpayers don't know how much money is being made from the newest questionable and suspect ethics issue coming out of this administration as reported by George Colli ( This issue concerns the investments of the Governor's wife and his family's hedge investments (Oak HC/FT) being in business with an investment partnership that is a part of the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund.  After all, why invest in Connecticut and or the United States when you can make more money in Saudi Arabia? What does it matter in the least if you are in charge of an American state and you are effectively "partnering" with a nation that is fiercely opposed to affordable American energy resources? And it matters even less that Saudi Arabia is linked by Executive Orders from the Biden administration to supporting the dastardly events of 9/11/01. And please don't forget about all of the other unanswered investments and undisclosed arrangements that Tony De Angelo has brought up (Lee Elci Show 94.9FM radio) over the past three years with regards to Sema-4, Digital Currency Group and its affiliates, ADVANCECT, Boston Consulting Group, UNITE US, Mt. Sinai Genomics, McKinsey and the Lamont-based Cayman Islands shell companies that remain a secret in one of the most "transparent" administrations in Connecticut's history, the one being run by Ned Lamont.

Crime never seems to end in Connecticut.  Recently a woman's car was hijacked and stolen at gunpoint.  And don't forget about all of the car theft, robberies, and murders that roll on a daily basis in the state.  Some juveniles under the age of 16 have a rap sheet that is as long as your arm.  The Connecticut Democrat Party shrugs their shoulders and  ignores the crime problem.  They instead boast of how prison populations have dropped dramatically over the past few years.  I can only imagine what would happen if a prominent Democrat family member was mugged and robbed in their local supermarket parking lot in broad daylight.  The outrage that would ensue would be comical in nature.  They would probably blame President Trump for it (or failing that, the ghost of Rush Limbaugh).

A poor, unreal prop-type economy never seems to end in Connecticut.  Connecticut has some of the highest taxes in the country, is ranked last or near last in most business and economic categories in the country and has some of the worst infrastructure in the country.  Connecticut is in a perpetual recession with little job growth and job creation as the Democrat Party contrary to their Utopian view of the state economy, picks the winners and losers in business by their political patronage. Businesses continue to close in the state monthly.  Connecticut still has $100 to $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities and that there is no plan whatsoever to pay down this debt.  

Ned Lamont's Connecticut Democrat Party never tells the truth about the state. Corruption, crime, a poor economy and high taxes do not exist in their world.  Connecticut Taxpayers must deal with Ned Lamont's Connecticut Democrat Party's corruption, crime, a poor economy and high taxes on a daily basis, not to mention his continual co-opting of state resources for his own family benefit.  Solutions and truth are in short supply in Connecticut's state government.  A state government supported by the hard work of the Connecticut Taxpayer who are the pawns in this chess game of corruption, crime, a poor economy and high taxes.  The answers are in an overhaul of the state government and a system of real checks and balances by multiple voices of a real two party system of elected government.  That does not exist in this state.  it is a true charade of incompetence and incoherent gibberish, set to the music of a ringing Lamont cash register.

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