Saturday, February 25, 2023

Connecticut's Democrat Logic. It Does Not Exist.

Logic is an interesting word.  Logic is defined as: "a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment".  Logic is my opinion seems to be in short supply in Connecticut for many years now.  The lack of logic is quite explainable especially since Connecticut is run exclusively for and by the Connecticut Democrat Party and its assorted enablers. The Connecticut Democrat Party continues to help make the state rank at (and/or) near the bottom of the country in most economic categories, while having some of the highest taxes in the country.  It helps to make crime a massive problem in the state.  It helps to make businesses move out of the state.  It greatly helps to create a net migration of population out of the state.

I fail to see any logic whatsoever in Connecticut with the supposedly "logical" issues that are force fed to legal Connecticut Taxpayers seemingly year-in and year-out.  Is it logical that when the state has a massive illegal drug problem that marijuana becomes legalized in the state?  Could this legalization just possibly create more harm than good from the sacred tax revenue that it creates? It is highly unlikely that Connecticut Taxpayers will see benefits from it.  Is it logical that Connecticut wants to become an "abortion getaway destination" state providing plentiful and cheap abortions?  Some in the state desire legalized full term abortions, and abortions on demand, somehow stating that it is a healthcare right guaranteed by state government.  What is the logic in deaths of the unborn?  Where is the logic in a state that states that the death penalty is inhumane, while the death of an unborn infant is not humane?  Is it logical for a state that has a massive crime problem to further lessen laws to protect the innocent while allowing criminals to run free in the guise of social equity?  Where is the logic in destroying private property rights for law abiding citizens?  Why is it logical to tell a victim of crime you have no rights but the perpetrator has rights?  Is it logical to constantly increase yearly state spending on state employee salaries, benefits and pensions while raising taxes and adding to a mushrooming issue of short and long term debt, along with unfunded liabilities?  What is the logic behind the state spending well over 40 cents of every budget dollar on state employee salaries, benefits and pensions and another 10 cents of every budget dollar on debt service?  What is the economic logic of multi-million taxpayer paid settlements due to state employee malfeasance without any apparent discipline or accountability on the part of those directly responsible? What is the economic logic behind all of this?

Where is the logic of only having one party representing the citizens of Connecticut?  With the stale Connecticut Democrat One Party Rule for many years now why is it logical to try to pass a bill forcing voters to vote in each election or face fines, penalties and or prison?  What is the logic in the illegal and immoral suppression of freedom of speech by not allowing criticism of public officials in various public commentary areas?  How is it logical that Governor Ned Lamont earned $54 million dollars in income without any explanation?  Is it logical to assume now that transparency in government is not allowed in the state?  Where is the logic in the lack of respect shown Connecticut taxpayers when they ask for information and or answers to their questions by state officials?  Where is the logic of continued public relations disasters of silence when grievous errors are made by political figures? Is it logical then to assume that Connecticut taxpayers have no rights living in the state? 

In my opinion, the Connecticut State Government is entirely bereft of logic. Logic seems to be a twisted, incoherent, and unwanted concept for Connecticut.  The lack of logic and the lack of truth in state government has helped to destroy a once economically powerful and family friendly state.  Years of stoic and long-suffering Democrat rule has helped to redefine what logic actually is in Connecticut.  Sadly as the daily lies are bastardized as daily truths in the state, the state fully declines in many areas.  From rampant crime, murder, thefts to an "abortion vacation" getaway, to a failed politically correct public school system and a never ending drug problem-Connecticut's logic is astounding.  It is also wrong.  Logic needs to be revisited in 2023 for Connecticut's state government as the similarities to 1776 grow day by day.  Logic from 1776 might be a nice change of pace from the illogical garbage spewed in 2023.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Freedom Of Speech? Freedom Of The Press? Is There Any Real News Being Reported Today?

I remember when news came from a variety of sources.  One could get the news from daily newspapers, weekly and monthly news magazines, by listening to the radio and all news stations, and watching a morning and evening newscast on local and national television.  Many daily newspapers had both a morning and evening edition that was filled with actual news articles that really covered news events, state news and local news, broken down by the towns where you bought the paper and/or where your paper delivered right to your home.  The newspaper had several sections to it including the actual world, national, state and local news, sports, and sections about the areas of home, garden, food, entertainment, comics, (remember those?), want ads of all types, and puzzles such as the daily crossword puzzle.  The newspaper provided a means of learning and being aware of the current events surrounding our world.  Opinion was kept to an Editorial page that also included citizens "Letters to the Editor"  where one could mail in a letter for publication expressing your opinion.  I wrote and had published my first letter to the editor back in 1973 in the old New Haven Register afternoon paper, when I was 15 years old.  Weekly news magazines such as US News and World Report, Time, and Newsweek were published, providing more in depth coverage of news events from the week.  National Review and New Republic were magazines stating a conservative and liberal viewpoint in their pages.  Business and investor news was reported in depth from publications such as Barron's, Business Week and Fortune.  To me it was a glorious time for getting news and information from a variety of sources that one could learn from, and more importantly understand current events happening in the whole world. 

Sadly as the years have progressed, print media has basically been eliminated in the name of all things "green" and non polluting, thereby shifting to the supposed "green" and non polluting online, computer-based electronic paywall media that entraps our minds and opinions in 2023.  Holding a newspaper in your hands and or a print magazine is frowned upon.  We are led to believe that all of your sources of news should be bought via your Apple Pay and or some other online payment system, while you are offered select and targeted "news" that these mega-media giants want for you to see.  And what you read today is mostly incoherent liberal gibberish, with the exception of a handful of news sources.  Both sides of a story are not reported.  We are force-fed what the state run media wants us to view.  It is a strange new world of what "journalism" is in 2023.  It is radically different than when I received my Bachelors Degree in Journalism way back when in 1980.  43 years later I see little if any type of news reporting actually taking place.  Fast-forward 43 years later, and I see a Democrat President's Press Secretary make a complete fool of herself daily with her dribble, serial incompetence, and nonsensical statements spewed as fact, much of which dribble is read emphatically from a prepared book.  43 years later, I see Connecticut giving its state media darlings $72 million dollars of Connecticut taxpayers' monies for the purpose of stating daily the failed Democrat Party liberal narrative that continues to lead the state to economic ruin.  43 years later, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, I see and hear liberal news stations blare their incomprehensible, illogical and rambling lectures on why they are always right and you are always wrong.  43 years later, news reports seem to have be approved before they can be reported.  Just examine the nightmare of the indefensible misinformation force fed to us during the Covid-19 crisis.  Or how about the Biden Family corruption scandal?  Or how about spy balloons?

Freedom of the Press is an important right to any democracy.  Believe it or not the First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees it.  It also guarantees Freedom of Speech, something that seems to be annoying to President Biden and his Democrat Party and its aligned sympathizers especially in Connecticut, where certain legislators think they are doing God's service by making news reported other than by a "state verified journalist" to be illegal under state law.  Why has our news collapsed into a heap of opinionated bias that is stressed as facts to its readers and viewers?  When in reality, contrary to what we are led to believe, there are still two sides to every event in our world.
There are still pockets of resistance in the world of journalism or what's left of it.  One must seek them out and find them.  They are limited in my opinion.  I can envision a regression back to the days of a town crier calling out news in a town or city when he or she comes upon it.  The lack of real news today, in my opinion corresponds to the total lack of transparency in government at all levels especially looking at our federal government.  Just look at the United States Senators who supposedly represent us like 89 year old  California Democrat Senator Feinstein and Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman.  Comical and sad isn't it?  I see little if any news being reported in 2023-not like it was in 1776.  Remember 1776?  Our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves seeing their hard work being squandered by a small group of real insurgents and pampered malcontents despising our freedom.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Democrat Connecticut Has Massive Budget Increases Year In And Year Out-Why?

Over the years, I have been asked why a state as small as Connecticut with as little population as it has spends as much money as it does each year?  Unfortunately, It is a very difficult question to answer.  Back in 1991 Connecticut's budget was under $8 billion dollars a year.  The new proposed budget for FY 2023-24 by Democrat Governor Ned Lamont plans to spend over $25 billion dollars each year for a new $50.5 billion bi-annual budget, including another $1 billion dollars or so in new bonding yet again.  If one does some quick math, state spending has increased roughly by 312% in 32 years, or a minimum of 10% per year. When short and long term debt and unfunded liabilities are taken into account, Connecticut's fiscal ditch can be estimated to be roughly $150 billion dollars.  Part of the reason why the state spends as much as it does is because of the fiscal narcotic state income tax available to it along with the over market value and over paid state employee benefits, salaries and pensions it is committed to pay.  Connecticut has seen a net decline in its population and many higher income earning workers flee the state over the past 32 years.  Contrary to the Democrat rhetoric of how great the state is, Connecticut still ranks last and or near last in most business and economic climate categories in the country, while having some of the highest tax rates in the country. 

The new budget sees a similar trend of the past 32 years.  Spending is increased, various taxes have minor cuts while other taxes remain the same and or are increased, while different state groups, local groups, cities, towns, state departments and other advocacy groups complain they need more money and or are not getting enough money to function.  This budget offers some middle class workers a cut in their income tax rates that may save them on average $300 for single filers and a whopping $600 for couples.   Lamont's new budget also offers massive pay raises of 5.5% pay hike in the first year and 4% in the second for judges, that he claims would aid with judge recruitment and retention of these same judges.  I did not realize that judges were so hard to find in the state since they are mostly political appointments.  Thus this years budget follows the narrative that Connecticut's economy has never been better, taxes are being cut by roughly one tenth of one per cent in proportion to the $50.5 billion dollar budget for individual taxpayers, more laws limiting personal freedom will be enacted and the cycle to economic Armageddon has once again been adverted.  In my opinion, truths, lies and deceptions are the yearly norm when it comes to the state budget while obviously throwing more Connecticut taxpayer's money at everything and anything. Again, this standard mode of operating will correct any negative social or economic situation permanently. It always does. 

Reality paints a much harsher picture of the social and economic Utopia called Connecticut.  The state has many long-standing social and economic issues that it just can not shake.  I might be in the minority for calling this out as I see the same problems the state has had year in and year out for well over 30 years now, continue.  One of the biggest issues the state has since it has now accepted permanent Democrat one-party rule is that is has an unsustainable debt and unfunded liabilities funding problem that has never been addressed. How much more will borrowed and never be paid back?  I know the yearly calls for living 
within the budget and other incoherent economic gibberish spewed by elected officials have grown stale.  In my opinion Connecticut spends an excessive amount of money for a state as small as it is with a population as small as it is.   It has an enormous debt problem along with horrifically Democrat run cities that are unsafe economic wastelands and offer little economic freedom for those who live in them.  There are really two different Connecticut's.  The Connecticut that the working middle class must fight daily that offers illogical laws, poor politically correct public education, social unrest, high taxes and crime throughout the state.  The Connecticut that the politically connected and wealthy live in avoids all of this at all costs, for these problems are for the peons who must toil to support the excesses of state government, and not theirs.

It is imperative for Connecticut to cut state spending.  Connecticut needs to address its short and long term debt and unfunded liabilities.  Connecticut needs to address the rampant crime, theft and murders that occur on a daily basis.  Connecticut needs to address its public education crisis.  Connecticut needs to address its infrastructure problems.  Connecticut needs to address its illegal drug crisis.  Connecticut needs real action and not laws that allow for illegal people to vote in its elections nor for legal citizens to be silenced when questioning an elected official on social media.  Connecticut could really use real, honest, and ethical governmental leaders to run the state and not the current profit driven Governor who has skillfully eliminated transparency in his administration.  Connecticut has massive budget increases year in and year out with little to show for it.  It is the Connecticut Democrat Party's debacle to forced social and economic ruin.  And it is 1776 all over again.

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Some Of The Horrific Connecticut Democrat Legislative Bills For 2023.

 When things seem unable to get any worse for Connecticut, they somehow do thanks to the Ned Lamont Connecticut Democrat Party's proposed bills coming up for this new Legislative session.  In a state that is last, (and/or near last) in all business/economic categories, including high unemployment, one of the highest tax rates in the country, rampant crime and theft, an illegal drug crisis, an energy crisis along with $150 billion dollars in short and long term debt and unfunded liabilities, below are the "real" issues that the Ned Lamont Connecticut Democrat Party is focusing upon.

1. Proposed Bill 6410


Ostensibly, this bill limits comments in social media and other public places in your discussions and criticism of elected/public officials.  Apparently the Democrats will now unconstitutionally redefine defamation of character and put a lid on freedom of speech and expression, especially when you are disagreeing with them.
2. Proposed Bill 938 


 This bill provides unemployment benefits for workers who have been on strike for two weeks or more.  Why?

3. Raised Bill 6588

This bill basically takes away the right of landlords in raising rents.  Landlords would be forced to follow state laws as to how much they can raise their rents and at what time of the year.  If the landlord did not follow these laws, they would be subjected to fines and penalties.  In my opinion, the Connecticut Democrat Party, in this law basically has made private property their own state public property. Is the reason for this law to cause private landlords to foreclose on their buildings so that government can install public housing and union construction in its place?

 4.Raised Bill 6593


This bill basically redefines what a "housing authority" is, and can do and will allow them to expand their authority to include other municipalities. Why?  How can towns lose control of their own towns by state decree?

5. Raised Bill 5917


The bill contains recommendations from the non elected Vision Zero Council that was established by the General Assembly in 2021. If this passes, the Commissioner of CT Department of Transportation will have the unconstitutional ability take any land it finds necessary for the layout, alteration, extension, widening, change of grade or other improvement of any bicycle lane or multi-use-trail. The law provides for the Commissioner to purchase any land and take a deed thereof in the name of the state.  Again the Connecticut Democrat Party, in this law basically has made private property their own state public property, in my opinion. 

6.  Proposed House Joint Resolution No. 12


This bill would allow illegal immigrants the right to vote in the state.  How is this possible and/or legal?

These six bills are just a sampling of the total disrespect, disregard, and disdain that the Ned Lamont Connecticut Democrat Party has for legal Connecticut voters and taxpayers.  There are many more proposed bills that I have not mentioned.  You can look them up yourself and see how the totalitarian views and demands that are being spewed from the Ned Lamont Connecticut Democrat Party.  Check out Senator Looney's Senate Bill 96 where if you die in a motorcycle accident, not wearing a helmet, your body organs automatically get donated even if you are not a donor.  How can it be possible to lose legal rights to your own remains, which belong to your next-of-kin by codified and common law? 

Connecticut taxpayers must reeducate themselves to realize that it is crime, theft, murder in broad daylight, an out of control life-ruining illegal drug crisis, runaway inflation (especially for energy costs), a lack of jobs, a public pension crisis, and a public education system that no longer teaches anything remotely connected to a career based, self sufficient life style, are the most critically important state issues in 2023. It is not socialism and control by an incoherent out-of-control state government being the most important issues in 2023 as Connecticut residents are continually told, and forever gaslighted.  Sadly Connecticut Taxpayers must continue to support an economically illogical and socially degenerated state dictatorship that is passed off as a "state government" that somehow is representing the people of the state.  It is 1776 all over again.