Saturday, February 25, 2023

Connecticut's Democrat Logic. It Does Not Exist.

Logic is an interesting word.  Logic is defined as: "a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment".  Logic is my opinion seems to be in short supply in Connecticut for many years now.  The lack of logic is quite explainable especially since Connecticut is run exclusively for and by the Connecticut Democrat Party and its assorted enablers. The Connecticut Democrat Party continues to help make the state rank at (and/or) near the bottom of the country in most economic categories, while having some of the highest taxes in the country.  It helps to make crime a massive problem in the state.  It helps to make businesses move out of the state.  It greatly helps to create a net migration of population out of the state.

I fail to see any logic whatsoever in Connecticut with the supposedly "logical" issues that are force fed to legal Connecticut Taxpayers seemingly year-in and year-out.  Is it logical that when the state has a massive illegal drug problem that marijuana becomes legalized in the state?  Could this legalization just possibly create more harm than good from the sacred tax revenue that it creates? It is highly unlikely that Connecticut Taxpayers will see benefits from it.  Is it logical that Connecticut wants to become an "abortion getaway destination" state providing plentiful and cheap abortions?  Some in the state desire legalized full term abortions, and abortions on demand, somehow stating that it is a healthcare right guaranteed by state government.  What is the logic in deaths of the unborn?  Where is the logic in a state that states that the death penalty is inhumane, while the death of an unborn infant is not humane?  Is it logical for a state that has a massive crime problem to further lessen laws to protect the innocent while allowing criminals to run free in the guise of social equity?  Where is the logic in destroying private property rights for law abiding citizens?  Why is it logical to tell a victim of crime you have no rights but the perpetrator has rights?  Is it logical to constantly increase yearly state spending on state employee salaries, benefits and pensions while raising taxes and adding to a mushrooming issue of short and long term debt, along with unfunded liabilities?  What is the logic behind the state spending well over 40 cents of every budget dollar on state employee salaries, benefits and pensions and another 10 cents of every budget dollar on debt service?  What is the economic logic of multi-million taxpayer paid settlements due to state employee malfeasance without any apparent discipline or accountability on the part of those directly responsible? What is the economic logic behind all of this?

Where is the logic of only having one party representing the citizens of Connecticut?  With the stale Connecticut Democrat One Party Rule for many years now why is it logical to try to pass a bill forcing voters to vote in each election or face fines, penalties and or prison?  What is the logic in the illegal and immoral suppression of freedom of speech by not allowing criticism of public officials in various public commentary areas?  How is it logical that Governor Ned Lamont earned $54 million dollars in income without any explanation?  Is it logical to assume now that transparency in government is not allowed in the state?  Where is the logic in the lack of respect shown Connecticut taxpayers when they ask for information and or answers to their questions by state officials?  Where is the logic of continued public relations disasters of silence when grievous errors are made by political figures? Is it logical then to assume that Connecticut taxpayers have no rights living in the state? 

In my opinion, the Connecticut State Government is entirely bereft of logic. Logic seems to be a twisted, incoherent, and unwanted concept for Connecticut.  The lack of logic and the lack of truth in state government has helped to destroy a once economically powerful and family friendly state.  Years of stoic and long-suffering Democrat rule has helped to redefine what logic actually is in Connecticut.  Sadly as the daily lies are bastardized as daily truths in the state, the state fully declines in many areas.  From rampant crime, murder, thefts to an "abortion vacation" getaway, to a failed politically correct public school system and a never ending drug problem-Connecticut's logic is astounding.  It is also wrong.  Logic needs to be revisited in 2023 for Connecticut's state government as the similarities to 1776 grow day by day.  Logic from 1776 might be a nice change of pace from the illogical garbage spewed in 2023.


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